133 research outputs found

    Mutation and SARS-CoV-2 strain competition under vaccination in a modified SIR model

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    The crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak around the globe raised an increasing concern about the ongoing emergence of variants of SARS-CoV-2 that may evade the immune response provided by vaccines. New variants appear due to mutation, and as the cases accumulate, the probability of the emergence of a variant of concern increases. In this article, we propose a modified SIR model with waning immunity that captures the competition of two strain classes of an infectious disease under the effect of vaccination with a highly contagious and deadly strain class emerging from a prior strain due to mutation. When these strains compete for a limited supply of susceptible individuals, changes in the efficiency of vaccines may affect the behaviour of the disease in a non-trivial way, resulting in complex outcomes. We characterise the parameter space including intrinsic parameters of the disease, and using the vaccine efficiencies as control variables. We find different types of transcritical bifurcations between endemic fixed points and a disease-free equilibrium and identify a region of strain competition where the two strain classes coexist during a transient period. We show that a strain can be extinguished either due to strain competition or vaccination, and we obtain the critical values of the efficiency of vaccines to eradicate the disease. Numerical studies using parameters estimated from publicly reported data agree with our theoretical results. Our mathematical model could be a tool to assess quantitatively the vaccination policies of competing and emerging strains using the dynamics in epidemics of infectious diseases.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    New insights from a structural economic dynamic approach to balance of payments constrained growth

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    In this paper it is shown that once-for-all variations in the level of the exchange rate may play an important role in the sectoral composition of the economy and this fact has important implications in terms of a disaggregated version of the Thirlwall’s law even if the argument of the quantitative unimportance of relative price movements holds. The growth rate of a country is then shown to be affected by once-for-all movements in the level of nominal exchange rates and the concept of a natural exchange rate is introduced

    Generation of Gravity Waves by Pedal-Wavemakers

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    Experimental wave generation in channels is usually achieved through wavemakers (moving paddles) acting on the surface of the water. Although practical for engineering purposes, wavemakers have issues: they perform poorly in the generation of long waves and create evanescent waves in their vicinity. In this article, we introduce a framework for wave generation through the action of an underwater multipoint mechanism: the pedal-wavemaking method. Our multipoint action makes each point of the bottom move with a prescribed pedalling-like motion. We analyse the linear response of waves in a uniform channel in terms of the wavelength of the bottom action. The framework naturally solves the problem of the performance for long waves and replaces evanescent waves by a thin boundary layer at the bottom of the channel. We also show that proper synchronisation of the orbital motion on the bottom can produce waves that mimic deep water waves. This last feature has been proved to be useful to study fluid–structure interaction in simulations based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics

    The Remarkable Durability of Thirlwall’s Law

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    This paper contemplates the robustness of Thirlwall’s Law, a parsimonious expression that relates long run equilibrium growth in any one region to the product of world income growth and the ratio of the income elasticities of demand for exports and imports. Various extensions of the balance-of-payments-constrained growth model from which Thirlwall’s Law is derived are contemplated. In each case,Thirlwall’s Law is shown to reassert itself as a good approximation of the equilibrium growth rate. It is hypothesized that this robustness helps explain the widespread empirical success of Thirlwall’s Law