7 research outputs found

    A method for energy consumption assessment by operation of bev’s in different road conditions

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    For the third time in the history of humankind, it is trying to implement e-mobility. There is a reasonable hope that this attempt will succeed this time. E-mobility is generally regarded as a zero emission. This sentence can only be true in a very small scope, as only in relation to selected parameters and in a very limited its dimension. The situation can change radically. If it will be take into account, the emissions in the production of electricity is necessary for the movement of this type of vehicles Second problem is the energy use amount. We know today that the energy consumption of electric cars, especially in long-term operation is too big. This general knowledge is not confirmed by research results. Both relevant databases and methods of their analysis are missing. This is an unfavourable situation because it is not possible to verify the effects of various changes introduced e.g. in the construction or technology of cars. This publication can be included in those in which it is shown how to change this situation. The analysis of the results of long-term car use can be used as a verification of various development works, especially in e-mobility, which is only just starting. In the future, it will be need to create the appropriate “big data” databases and a number of tools to analyse the data collected there

    Operational energy footprint of vehicle

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    One of the many important challenges of the modern world is the greenhouse effect of CO2. It is necessary to implement solutions that will eliminate it. Since the easiest way to eliminate the greenhouse effect is to reduce hydrocarbons fuel consumption, it is important to evaluate the fuel (energy) consumption in long term operation. The article presents a proposal for the use of the so-called vehicle energy footprint. The method of creating such a trace is presented and illustrated with specific results of data analyzes. The data is publicly available, which means that the presented method can be independently verified. It has also been shown that the use of the method not only organizes the analyzes, but also leads to information that cannot be obtained with other methods. It therefore seems that an attractive tool has been developed for future applications

    Emissions of e-mobility

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    E-mobility is treated as emission-free. Generally, this sentence can only be true in a very small range. Namely, about selected parameters and in a very limited area. An example of this is the measurement of CO2 emissions in the immediate vicinity of BEV (battery electric vehicle). The situation can change dramatically if you take into account the emissions in the energy production necessary for car traffic. This work presents this issue taking into account the energy mix in the various countries of the European Union. Simulation research shows that there are already countries in the EU where the operation of electric vehicles makes sense. Especially when it concerns CO2 emissions. Emissions below the standards for 2025 can be obtained there. Unfortunately, in most EU countries, the operation of BEV is associated with increased (in relation to present-day) CO2 emissions. Without changing the energy policy, and in particular the energy mix, introducing e-mobility is problematic

    Application of the Monte Carlo method in the calculation procedure of the internal combustion engine

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    The aim of the work is to check the possibility of applying the Monte Carlo method to the calculation procedure of internal combustion engines. This has been accomplished by modifying existing algorithms in such a way that the variables responsible for the main parameters of the engine are selected in a random manner using Solver written in Microsoft Excel. It turns out that this method can actually be implied, however, it has some limitations related to the high complexity of calculations

    The Impact on Emissions When an Engine Is Run on Fuel with a High Heavy Alcohol Content

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    This research reviews the impact on emissions from the engine fueled with the fuel containing a large share of bio-components, in particular with 30% n-Butanol. The research was carried out using a diesel engine. It has been shown that it is possible to achieve a double positive ecological effect concerning CO2 emissions. There was a decrease in CO2 emission from the engine with the fuel contained a significant share of bio-carbon. At the same time, NOx and Filter Smoke Number (FSN) emissions have been reduced together (FSN in large percentage). Usually, if NOx emissions are reduced, FSN increases, and vice versa. The paper shows also that the use of n-Butanol (bio, but nonfood) in the future is more effective than larger amounts of higher fatty acids methyl esters, although the full withdrawal of these esters seems unjustified

    Energetyczne aspekty wykorzystania emulsji węglowodorowo-wodnej jako paliwa silników diesla

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    The recent development of internal combustion engines (ICE) goes towards the meeting of increasingly stringent requirements imposed to reduce toxic exhaust emissions and fuel consumption and thus to strive for carbon dioxide abatement and against depletion of global natural resources. The research on engines fueled by water-hydrocarbons emulsions has already a long tradition. So far, tests were based on emulsions obtained in chemical reactions. In this paper, similar analysis results have been presented, but the water-fuel emulsions used for the tests were obtained with making use of the cavitation effect. For this reason a unique cavitator was developed, which was then used to produce water-hydrocarbons emulsions of common, mineral and synthetic diesel fuel. Both of these fuels as well as their water emulsions with 20% water content by volume, were used for tests. The ESC (European Stationary Cycle) test conditions were determined and the engine was tested on engine dynamometer in accordance with the predetermined ESC test conditions. During the tests, under close scrutiny, engine emission and fuel consumption levels were measured. The tests it be more time repeat (with every liquid to engine fueling was 34 times) to achieve the statistical assessment of the results. By the use of emulsions was found to result in a significant reduction in the consumption of diesel fuels. This result is statistically significant.Rozwój silników spalinowych podażą w kierunku spełnienia coraz bardziej rygorystycznych wymogów narzucanych w celu zmniejszenia emisji toksycznych składników spalin i zużycia paliwa, a tym samym do redukcji emisji dwutlenku węgla i zapobieżeniu wyczerpywania się globalnych zasobów naturalnych. Badania silników zasilanych emulsjami wodno-węglowodorowymi mają już długą tradycję. Dotychczas testy były oparte na emulsjach otrzymywanych poprzez dodawanie związków chemicznych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, w których emulsje uzyskano przy wykorzystaniu zjawiska kawitacji. Z tego powodu opracowano unikatowy kawitator, który był następnie wykorzystywany do produkcji emulsji wodno-węglowodorowych zwykłego, mineralnego oraz syntetycznego oleju napędowego. Oba te paliwa, a także ich emulsje wodne o 20% zawartości wody objętościowo, zostały użyte do testów ESC (Europejskiego Cyklu Stacjonarnego). Określono warunki badania wg ESC i przetestowano silnik na hamowni zgodnie z tymi warunkami. Podczas testów zmierzono poziom emisji i zużycia paliwa. Przy każdym rodzaju paliwa testy powtarzano 34 krotnie aby uzyskać statystyczną ocenę wyników. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie emulsji powoduje znaczne zmniejszenie zużycia olejów napędowych. Wynik ten jest statystycznie istotny

    Energy aspects of using of water-hydrocarbons emulsion as a fuel for diesel engines

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    The recent development of internal combustion engines (ICE) goes towards the meeting of increasingly stringent requirements imposed to reduce toxic exhaust emissions and fuel consumption and thus to strive for carbon dioxide abatement and against depletion of global natural resources. The research on engines fueled by water-hydrocarbons emulsions has already a long tradition. So far, tests were based on emulsions obtained in chemical reactions. In this paper, similar analysis results have been presented, but the water-fuel emulsions used for the tests were obtained with making use of the cavitation effect. For this reason a unique cavitator was developed, which was then used to produce water-hydrocarbons emulsions of common, mineral and synthetic diesel fuel. Both of these fuels as well as their water emulsions with 20% water content by volume, were used for tests. The ESC (European Stationary Cycle) test conditions were determined and the engine was tested on engine dynamometer in accordance with the predetermined ESC test conditions. During the tests, under close scrutiny, engine emission and fuel consumption levels were measured. The tests it be more time repeat (with every liquid to engine fueling was 34 times) to achieve the statistical assessment of the results. By the use of emulsions was found to result in a significant reduction in the consumption of diesel fuels. This result is statistically significant.Rozwój silników spalinowych podażą w kierunku spełnienia coraz bardziej rygorystycznych wymogów narzucanych w celu zmniejszenia emisji toksycznych składników spalin i zużycia paliwa, a tym samym do redukcji emisji dwutlenku węgla i zapobieżeniu wyczerpywania się globalnych zasobów naturalnych. Badania silników zasilanych emulsjami wodno-węglowodorowymi mają już długą tradycję. Dotychczas testy były oparte na emulsjach otrzymywanych poprzez dodawanie związków chemicznych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań, w których emulsje uzyskano przy wykorzystaniu zjawiska kawitacji. Z tego powodu opracowano unikatowy kawitator, który był następnie wykorzystywany do produkcji emulsji wodno-węglowodorowych zwykłego, mineralnego oraz syntetycznego oleju napędowego. Oba te paliwa, a także ich emulsje wodne o 20% zawartości wody objętościowo, zostały użyte do testów ESC (Europejskiego Cyklu Stacjonarnego). Określono warunki badania wg ESC i przetestowano silnik na hamowni zgodnie z tymi warunkami. Podczas testów zmierzono poziom emisji i zużycia paliwa. Przy każdym rodzaju paliwa testy powtarzano 34 krotnie aby uzyskać statystyczną ocenę wyników. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie emulsji powoduje znaczne zmniejszenie zużycia olejów napędowych. Wynik ten jest statystycznie istotny