5 research outputs found
Seeking the state of the art in standardized measurement of health care resource use and costs in juvenile idiopathic arthritis : A scoping review
Background: This study aims to describe current practice in identifying and measuring health care resource use and unit costs in economic evaluations or costing studies of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Methods: A scoping review was conducted (in July 2018) in PubMed and Embase to identify economic evaluations, costing studies, or resource utilization studies focusing on patients with JIA. Only English language peer-reviewed articles reporting primary research were included. Data from all included full-text articles were extracted and analysed to identify the reported health care resource use items. In addition, the data sources used to obtain these resource use and unit costs were identified for all included articles. Results: Of 1176 unique citations identified by the search, 20 full-text articles were included. These involved 4 full economic evaluations, 5 cost-outcome descriptions, 8 cost descriptions, and 3 articles reporting only resource use. The most commonly reported health care resource use items involved medication (80%), outpatient and inpatient hospital visits (80%), laboratory tests (70%), medical professional visits (70%) and other medical visits (65%). Productivity losses of caregivers were much more often incorporated than (future) productivity losses of patients (i.e. 55% vs. 15%). Family borne costs were not commonly captured (ranging from 15% for school costs to 50% for transportation costs). Resource use was mostly obtained from family self-reported questionnaires. Estimates of unit costs were mostly based on reimbursement claims, administrative data, or literature. Conclusions: Despite some consistency in commonly included health care resource use items, variability remains in including productivity losses, missed school days and family borne costs. As these items likely substantially influence the full cost impact of JIA, the heterogeneity found between the items reported in the included studies limits the comparability of the results. Therefore, standardization of resource use items and unit costs to be collected is required. This standardization will provide guidance to future research and thereby improve the quality and comparability of economic evaluations or costing studies in JIA and potentially other childhood diseases. This would allow better understanding of the burden of JIA, and to estimate how it varies across health care systems
Osteoporotic Fractures and Vertebral Body Reshaping in Children with Glucocorticoid-treated Rheumatic Disorders
Context: Osteoporotic fractures are an important cause of morbidity in children with glucocorticoid-treated rheumatic disorders. Objective: This work aims to evaluate the incidence and predictors of osteoporotic fractures and potential for recovery over six years following glucocorticoid (GC) initiation in children with rheumatic disorders. Methods: Children with GC-treated rheumatic disorders were evaluated through a prospective inception cohort study led by the Canadian STeroid-induced Osteoporosis in the Pediatric Population (STOPP) Consortium. Clinical outcomes included lumbar spine bone mineral density (LS BMD), vertebral fractures (VF), non-VF, and vertebral body reshaping. Results: A total of 136 children with GC-treated rheumatic disorders were enrolled (mean age 9.9 years, SD 4.4). The 6-year cumulative fracture incidence was 16.3% for VF, and 10.1% for non-VF. GC exposure was highest in the first 6 months, and 24 of 38 VF (63%) occurred in the first 2 years. Following VF, 16 of 19 children (84%) had complete vertebral body reshaping. Increases in disease activity and body mass index z scores in the first year and declines in LS BMD z scores in the first 6 months predicted incident VF over the 6 years, while higher average daily GC doses predicted both incident VF and non-VF. LS BMD z scores were lowest at 6 months (mean-0.9, SD 1.2) and remained low by 6 years even when adjusted for height z scores (-0.6, SD 0.9). Conclusion: VF occurred early and were more common than non-VF in children with GC-treated rheumatic disorders. Eighty-four percent of children with VF underwent complete vertebral body reshaping, whereas vertebral deformity persisted in the remainder of children. On average, LS BMD z scores remained low at 6 years, consistent with incomplete recovery
Outgassing History and Escape of the Martian Atmosphere and Water Inventory
The evolution and escape of the martian atmosphere and the planet’s water inventory can be separated into an early and late evolutionary epoch. The first epoch started from the planet’s origin and lasted ∼500 Myr. Because of the high EUV flux of the young Sun and Mars’ low gravity it was accompanied by hydrodynamic blow-off of hydrogen and strong thermal escape rates of dragged heavier species such as O and C atoms. After the main part of the protoatmosphere was lost, impact-related volatiles and mantle outgassing may have resulted in accumulation of a secondary CO2 atmosphere of a few tens to a few hundred mbar around ∼4–4.3 Gyr ago. The evolution of the atmospheric surface pressure and water inventory of such a secondary atmosphere during the second epoch which lasted from the end of the Noachian until today was most likely determined by a complex interplay of various nonthermal atmospheric escape processes, impacts, carbonate precipitation, and serpentinization during the Hesperian and Amazonian epochs which led to the present day surface pressure