3 research outputs found

    Managing organizational change during a merger: The case of companies operating in the energy sector

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    Faced with changes in their environment, companies are obliged to constantly improve their competitiveness. This sometimes involves introducing organizational changes, which can take the form of mergers and acquisitions. However, many corporate mergers have failed, prompting researchers to investigate the causes. Researchers are increasingly focusing on the human factor as a determining factor in the success of these operations, and more specifically. Although, this research remains limited, on the importance of change management, which has a significant influence on the outcome of these operations, which are always in demand by companies. This research paper aims to identify the role of organizational change management in the success of mergers, using companies operating in the energy sector as a case study. We adopted an interpretivist stance based on an inductive qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews. The content analysis revealed that organizational change is accompanied by resistance and integration difficulties. In this study, several factors promoting the change management are highlighted, which could be further enriched by analyzing change in other contexts

    Managing organizational change during a merger: The case of companies operating in the energy sector

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    Faced with changes in their environment, companies are obliged to constantly improve their competitiveness. This sometimes involves introducing organizational changes, which can take the form of mergers and acquisitions. However, many corporate mergers have failed, prompting researchers to investigate the causes. Researchers are increasingly focusing on the human factor as a determining factor in the success of these operations, and more specifically. Although, this research remains limited, on the importance of change management, which has a significant influence on the outcome of these operations, which are always in demand by companies. This research paper aims to identify the role of organizational change management in the success of mergers, using companies operating in the energy sector as a case study. We adopted an interpretivist stance based on an inductive qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews. The content analysis revealed that organizational change is accompanied by resistance and integration difficulties. In this study, several factors promoting the change management are highlighted, which could be further enriched by analyzing change in other contexts

    Conduire le changement organisationnel dans le contexte de fusion-acquisition : cas d’entreprises opérant dans le secteur énergétique

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    Dans un environnement concurrentiel, les entreprises se retrouvent dans l’obligation de renforcer leur compétitivité. Opter pour des opérations de fusion peut souvent être un moyen pour y arriver. Cependant l’échec d’un bon nombre de fusions d’entreprises a attiré l’attention des chercheurs en vue d’en connaitre les causes. Ceux-ci s’orientent de plus en plus vers le facteur humain comme élément déterminant de la réussite de ces opérations, et plus précisément, bien que ces recherches restent peu nombreuses, vers l’importance de la conduite de changement lors de ces opérations, toujours sollicitées par les entreprises. L’objectif de cet article est de déceler le rôle de la conduite de changement organisationnel dans la réussite des fusions, en prenant comme cas des entreprises opérant dans le secteur énergétique. Nous avons adopté une posture interprétativiste basée sur une approche qualitative inductive, à travers des entretiens semi directifs. L’analyse de contenu permet de constater que le changement organisationnel occasionné est accompagné de résistance et de difficulté d’intégration. Plusieurs facteurs favorisant la conduite de changement sont mis en avant dans cette étude, qui pourrait être enrichie davantage en analysant le changement dans d’autres contextes. Nous signalons que nous avons envisagé de réaliser cet article en d’autres langues