109 research outputs found

    Widzenie jako działanie. O sposobach interpretacji materiałów wizualnych na przykładzie fotografii

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    The article asks about the power of photography. Four photographs are referred to. The author tries to describe ways of looking, analyzing and interpreting each of them. Every time, it is a subjective analysis based on individual visual competences. The concept of punctum turns out to be important, as it allows a closer look at the visual. Ultimately, the answer to the question whether in the analysis of an image we take possession of it, or is it the other way around, is solved at the level of individual reception of a particular photo.Artykuł traktuje o sile fotografii. Omówiono cztery fotografie, na któ-rych przykładzie autor próbuje opisać sposoby patrzenia, analizowa-nia i interpretowania. Każdorazowo jest to subiektywna analiza oparta na indywidualnych kompetencjach wizualnych. Pojęcie punctum oka-zuje się ważne, ponieważ pozwala przyjrzeć się temu, co wizual-ne. Ostatecznie odpowiedź na pytanie, czy w analizie panujemy nad obrazem, czy obraz nad nami, jest każdorazowo rozpatrywana przy indywidualnym odbiorze konkretnego zdjęcia

    Efektivitas Pelatihan Emotional Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Resiliensi pada Siswi SMP yang Melakukan Self Injury

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    The rise of the case of middle school students who commit acts of self-injury creates new problems in education. The cause is a lack of resilience in self. When this condition is left constantly, it will have an impact on psychological problems. This study aims to understand the effectiveness of emotional intelligence training in enhancing students’ resilience in SMP X Surabaya. The method used in this experimental study is a single case experimental design. There were 19 female students have been doing self-injury such as slashing their hands. First, The Resilience Scale is used to assess students’ resilience and The Assessing Emotions Scale Mayor-Salovey is used for assessing emotional intelligence. Second, the result analyzed with Paired Sample T-test. Third, Linear Regression Analysis conducted to examine the effect the training on students’ resiliency. In the follow-up stage, the data analyzed using a Wilcoxon Signed Rank. The emotional intelligence training gave in 4 sessions within 2 days. Besides, in the follow-up stage, participants are interviewed. The result shows statistical significance of 0.009 (p < 0.05). It conveys there is a significant difference in students' resilience levels before and after the training. The significant results of the training lasted until the follow-up one week after the training. The existence of emotional intelligence makes the participants more persistent and resilient in dealing with daily problems so that the participants will not repeat their self-harming behavior

    Ljudmila Popović, Epistolarni diskurs ukrajinskos i srpskog jezika, Beograd 2000, 303 s.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman permainan rounders peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri Pungkuran Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri Pungkuran Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul yang berjumlah 46 peserta didik. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes benar-salah berjumlah 34 butir. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman permainan rounders peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri Pungkuran Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul berada pada kategori “kurang” sebesar 84,78% (39 peserta didik), “cukup” sebesar 13,05% (6 peserta didik), dan “baik” sebesar 2,17% (1 peserta didik). Tingkat pemahaman permainan rounders peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri Pungkuran Kecamatan Pleret Kabupaten Bantul berdasarkan faktor menerjemahkan pada kategori “kurang”, faktor menafsirkan pada kategori “kurang”, dan faktor mengekstrapolasi pada kategori “kurang”

    Efektivitas Pelatihan Emotional Intelligence untuk Meningkatkan Resiliensi pada Siswa SMP yang Melakukan Self Injury

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    This study aims to understand the effectiveness of emotional intelligence training in enhancing students’ resilience in SMP X Surabaya. The method used in this experimental study is a single case experimental design. There are 19 female students who have been doing self-injury such as slashing their hands. First, The Resilience Scale is used to assess students’ resilience and The Assessing Emotions Scale Mayor-Salovey is used for assessing emotional intelligence. Second, the result is then analyzed with Paired Sample T-test. Third, Linear Regression Analysis is conducted to examine the effect the training toward students’ resiliency. In the follow-up stage, the data is analyzed using a Wilcoxon Signed Rank. The emotional intelligence training is given in 4 sessions within 2 days. In addition, in the follow-up stage, participants are interviewed. The result shows statistical significance of 0.009 (p < 0.05). It conveys there is a significant difference in students' resilience levels before and after the training. Therefore, it concludes that students’ resilience level increased after given emotional intelligence training. The significance results of the training lasted until the follow-up one week after the training

    L-karnitin ublažava hepatotoksičnost bisfenola A aktiviranjem Nrf2 i inhibicijom proupalne ekspresije gena citokina u štakora

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    Bisphenol, used in many polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins industries, exerts toxic effects on mammalian organs. The mechanisms underlying bisphenol toxicity are well understood, however the chemoprevention effects of L-carnitine have not yet been recorded. This study aimed to explore the protective mechanism of L-carnitine against BPA-induced hepatotoxicity. Male rats were randomly distributed into 4 groups of 10 rats each: vehicle (5 mL corn oil/kg), bisphenol (50 mg/kg b.w. orally), L-carnitine (500 mg/kg b.w. i/p), and L-carnitine bisphenol pre-treated groups. Bisphenol was dissolved in corn oil and gavaged for 70 consecutive days. Up-regulation of tumor necrosis factor (6.6-fold), and interleukin 6 (3.2-fold) mRNA transcript, along with suppression of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (0.4-fold), were recorded, following bisphenol administration. Subsequently, bisphenol provoked oxidative stress and attenuated the antioxidative molecules. Finally, hepatic dysfunction was assessed by elevated serum aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, glutamyl transferase activities and ammonia levels, with the subsequent decline in serum albumin concentration, which confirmed the inflammatory cell infiltration and hydropic degeneration, and the impairment of lipid profile. Interestingly, co-administration of L-carnitine improved liver function and lipid profile, which was explained by the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-like 2 (1.5-fold) mRNA transcript, which augmented the antioxidant levels and suppressed oxidative stress, tumor necrosis factor (2.6- fold), and interleukin 6 (1.5-fold) gene expression. In conclusion, L-carnitine exerted hepatoprotective activity against bisphenol toxicity via antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.Bisfenol, koji se koristi u mnogim industrijama polikarbonatne plastike i epoksidnih smola, ima toksične učinke na organe sisavaca. Mehanizmi na kojima se temelji toksičnost bisfenola dobro su razumljivi, međutim učinci L-karnitina na kemoprevenciju još nisu zabilježeni. Cilj ovog ispitivanja bio je istražiti zaštitni mehanizam L-karnitina protiv hepatotoksičnosti izazvane BPA-om. Mužjaci štakora slučajnim su odabirom podijeljeni u su u 4 skupine od po 10 štakora: kontrolna skupina (5 mL kukuruznog ulja/kg tjelesne težine), duga skupina (50 mg bisfenol/kg tjelesne težine peroralno), teća skupina (500 mg L-karnitin/kg tjelesne težine i/p) i četvrta skupina (L-karnitin apliciran skupini prethodno tretiranoj bisfenolom). Bisfenol je otopljen u kukuruznom ulju kojim su štakori hranjeni 70 uzastopnih dana. Nakon primjene bisfenola zabilježeno je povećanje mRNK transkripta za stvarnje faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6 uz supresiju nukleotidnog faktora sličnog eritroidu 2, povezanog s faktorom 2. Nakon toga bisfenol je izazvao oksidativni stres i oslabio antioksidativne molekule. Naposljetku, disfunkcija jetre procjenjivana je povišenim razinama aminotransferaza u serumu, alkalne fosfataze, laktat dehidrogenaze, aktivnosti glutamiltransferaze i amonijaka, uz naknadno smanjenje koncentracije serumskog albumina, što je potvrdilo infiltraciju upalnih stanica i hidropičnu degeneraciju, te narušavanje lipidnog statusa. Zanimljivo je da je istodobna primjena L-karnitina poboljšala funkciju jetre i lipidni status, što je objašnjeno aktivacijom transkripta mRNK tipa 2 povezanog s faktorom 2, koji je povećao razine antioksidansa i potisnuo oksidativni stres, te ekspresiju gena faktora tumorske nekroze i interleukina 6. Zaključno, L-karnitin je pokazao hepatozaštitnu aktivnost protiv toksičnosti bisfenola antioksidativnim i protuupalnim učincima

    Evaluation of acute toxicity of genabilic acid (menbutone 10%) in rabbits

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    [EN] A complete investigation of the acute toxicity of a choleretic compound, menbutone, was performed in rabbits, including lethal dose for 50% of rabbits determination, clinical signs observation and in vivo and post-mortem examinations. Haematological, biochemical and histopathological changes resulting from intramuscular injection of menbutone were also investigated at dose 400 mg/kg body weight. Acute toxicity of menbutone at dose of 400 mg/kg BW induced interstitial myocarditis and multifocal necrosis, whereas serum creatine phosphokinase, creatinine phosphokinase-MB isoenzyme and aspartate aminotransferase activities were significantly increased. Elevation of serum alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase activities and total bilirubin level associated with lowered albumin content was consistent with histopathological changes of hepatic tissues; hepatic necrosis and fatty infiltration were pronounced indicators of injuries. Renal tubular necrosis and interstitial nephritis were also observed in intoxicated rabbits. Menbutone also induced variations in some haematological parameters. We concluded that acute toxicity of menbutone in rabbits occurred at accidental high doses, as the lethal dose was about 50 fold over the recommended therapeutic dose for other animals. Cardiac muscle, liver and kidneys are the main target organs for menbutone toxicity. Menbutone is not recommended for use in rabbits suffering from any cardiacand hepatic disorders, especially in overdosing situations.El Okle, SO.; Tohamy, GH.; Lebda, AM. (2014). Evaluation of acute toxicity of genabilic acid (menbutone 10%) in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 22(3):215-222. doi:10.4995/wrs.2014.1791.SWORD215222223Cardinale, D., Sandri, M. T., Colombo, A., Colombo, N., Boeri, M., Lamantia, G., … Cipolla, C. M. (2004). Prognostic Value of Troponin I in Cardiac Risk Stratification of Cancer Patients Undergoing High-Dose Chemotherapy. Circulation, 109(22), 2749-2754. doi:10.1161/01.cir.0000130926.51766.ccCulling C.F. 1983. Handbook of Histopathological and Histochemical Techniques, 3rd ed. London, Boston: Butterworth.De la Cruz-Hernández N.I., Argudín-Salomón O.A., Zertuche- Rodríguez J.L., Medellín-Ledezma J.A., Flores-Gutiérrez G.H. 2012. Case report: outbreak of sodium monensin intoxication in feedlot cattle from Mexico. Revue Med. Vet., 163: 60-63.Pershin G.N. 1971. Methods of experimental chemotherapy: Practical guidance, 2nd edition, Moscow. Russia: Medicina

    The effect of green competencies and values on carbon footprint on sustainable performance in healthcare sector

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    This research investigates how green competencies and values associated with carbon footprint directly influence sustainable performance. Additionally, it seeks to assess the indirect influence of green competencies and values concerning carbon footprint on sustainable performance, mediated by the willingness to mitigate carbon emissions. The research model was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), and data from 269 healthcare organizations were employed for this purpose. The findings reveal several significant relationships. Firstly, Green competencies were observed to positively and significantly influence the willingness to mitigate carbon footprint. Secondly, values related to carbon footprint were also found to positively influence the willingness to mitigate carbon footprint. Furthermore, the willingness to mitigate carbon footprint was identified as a positive enhancer of sustainable performance within healthcare organizations. In terms of indirect relationships and the mediation effect of willingness to mitigate carbon footprint, the results indicate that this willingness acts as a mediator. It mediates the connection between green competencies and sustainable performance, as well as between values related to carbon footprint and sustainable performance. As a result, this study contributes theoretically to four distinct areas. Additionally, it offers practical insights for healthcare managers and policymakers. Lastly, the study suggests possible directions for future research endeavours

    Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Studying the <em>pp</em> Interactions at High Energy Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interface System

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    Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), a popular machine learning model, is introduced in this chapter. ANFIS has a long development history and good agreement on scientific accomplishments. The value of ANFIS has grown dramatically along with the great interest in deep learning. We will examine how machine learning and ANFIS are related. Different methods can be used to implement machine learning models. ANFIS is a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) that works within the context of adaptive networks. It merges the ideas of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Fuzzy Logic (FL) into a single framework. This framework can learn to estimate nonlinear functions and operates as a universal estimator. This chapter aimed to investigate the behavior of D mesons ratios production cross section (D+/D0,D∗+/D0,Ds+/D0,andDs+/D+), differential production cross section of prompt (D0,D+, D∗+andDs+ mesons) as a function of PT in pp collisions at (s = 5.02 and 7 TeV) and predict the behavior for others. The ANFIS model was created through a series of trial-and-error experiments. The ANFIS-based model simulation results perfectly fit the experimental data. When tested with non-training data points, the ANFIS prediction capabilities performed well. The ANFIS offers extensive procedures for high-energy physics modeling