3,076 research outputs found

    Lie symmetries for two-dimensional charged particle motion

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    We find the Lie point symmetries for non-relativistic two-dimensional charged particle motion. These symmetries comprise a quasi-invariance transformation, a time-dependent rotation, a time-dependent spatial translation and a dilation. The associated electromagnetic fields satisfy a system of first-order linear partial differential equations. This system is solved exactly, yielding four classes of electromagnetic fields compatible with Lie point symmetries

    Plasmon-enhanced heat dissipation in GaN-based two-dimensional channels

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    Decay of nonequilibrium longitudinal optical (LO) phonons is investigated at room temperature in two-dimensional electron gas channels confined in nearly lattice-matched InAlN/AlN/GaN structures. A nonmonotonous dependence of the LO-phonon lifetime on the supplied electric power is reported for the first time and explained in terms of plasmon–LO-phonon resonance tuned by applied bias at a fixed sheet density (8×1012 cm−2). The shortest lifetime of 30±15 fs is found at the power of 20±10 nW/electron

    Bias dependent two-channel conduction in InAlN/AlN/GaN structures

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    Due to growth temperature differences during deposition of GaN heterostructures utilizing InAlN barriers, an inadvertent parasitic GaN layer can form in the InAlN barrier layer. In structures utilizing AlN spacer layers, this parasitic layer acts as a second conduction channel with a carrier density dependent upon polarization charges and lattice strain as well as the surface potential. The effect of an additional GaN spacer layer in InAlN/AlN/GaN structures is assessed using simulations, electron-microscopy observations, magnetoconductivity measurements with gated Hall bar samples, and with quantitative mobility spectrum analysis. We propose a possible formation mechanism for the parasitic layer, and note that although the additional unintended layer may have beneficial aspects, we discuss a strategy to prevent its occurrence

    An integrating factor matrix method to find first integrals

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    In this paper we developed an integrating factor matrix method to derive conditions for the existence of first integrals. We use this novel method to obtain first integrals, along with the conditions for their existence, for two and three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems with constant terms. The results are compared to previous results obtained by other methods

    Ethics, space, and somatic sensibilities: comparing relationships between scientific researchers and their human and animal experimental subjects

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    Drawing on geographies of affect and nature-society relations, we propose a radical rethinking of how scientists, social scientists, and regulatory agencies conceptualise human and animal participants in scientif ic research. The scientific rationale for using animal bodies to simulate what could be done in human bodies emphasises shared somatic capacities that generate comparable responses to clinical interventions. At the same time, regulatory guidelines and care practices stress the differences between human and animal subjects. In this paper we consider the implications of this differentiation between human and animal bodies in ethical and welfare protocols and practices. We show how the bioethical debates around the use of human subjects tend to focus on issues of consent and language, while recent work in animal welfare reflects an increasing focus on the affectual dimensions of ethical practice. We argue that this attention to the more-than-representational dimensions of ethics and welfare might be equally important for human subjects. We assert that paying attention to these somatic sensibilities can offer insights into how experimental environments can both facilitate and restrict the development of more care-full and response-able relations between researchers and their experimental subjects. <br/

    Optical absorption spectra in fullerenes C60 and C70: Effects of Coulomb interactions, lattice fluctuations, and anisotropy

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    Effects of Coulomb interactions and lattice fluctuations in the optical absorption spectra of C60 and C70 are theoretically investigated by using a tight binding model with long-range Coulomb interaction and bond disorder. Anisotropy effects in C70 are also considered. Optical spectra are calculated by using the Hartree-Fock approximation followed by the configuration interaction method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The broad peaks at excitation energies, 3.7eV, 4.7eV, and 5.7eV, observed in experiments of C60 molecules in a solution are reasonably described by the present theory. Peak positions and relative oscillator strengths are in overall agreement with the experiments. The broadening of peaks by lattice fluctuations is well simulated by the bond disorder model. (2) The optical gap of C70 is larger when the electric field of light is parallel to the long axis of the molecule. The shape of the frequency dispersion also depends on the orientation of the molecule. These properties are common in the free electron model and the model with Coulomb interactions. (3) The spectrum of C70 averaged over bond disorder and random orientations is compared with experiments in a solution. There is an overall agreement about the spectral shape. Differences in the spectra of C60 and C70 are discussed in connection with the symmetry reduction from a soccerball to a rugbyball.Comment: PACS numbers: 78.66.Qn, 78.20.Dj, 71.35.+z, 31.20.Tz; LaTeX, 15 pages, 5 figures (Physical Review B); Note: Please request figures to Authors. They will be sent via snail mai

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Sympathetic Crystallization of Molecular Ions

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    It is shown that the translational degrees of freedom of a large variety of molecules, from light diatomic to heavy organic ones, can be cooled sympathetically and brought to rest (crystallized) in a linear Paul trap. The method relies on endowing the molecules with an appropriate positive charge, storage in a linear radiofrequency trap, and sympathetic cooling. Two well--known atomic coolant species, 9Be+{}^9{\hbox{Be}}^+ and 137Ba+{}^{137}{\hbox{Ba}}^+, are sufficient for cooling the molecular mass range from 2 to 20,000 amu. The large molecular charge required for simultaneous trapping of heavy molecules and of the coolant ions can easily be produced using electrospray ionization. Crystallized molecular ions offer vast opportunities for novel studies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Cosmological dynamics of exponential gravity

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    We present a detailed investigation of the cosmological dynamics based on exp(R/Λ)\exp (-R/{\Lambda}) gravity. We apply the dynamical system approach to both the vacuum and matter cases and obtain exact solutions and their stability in the finite and asymptotic regimes. The results show that cosmic histories exist which admit a double de-Sitter phase which could be useful for describing the early and the late-time accelerating universe.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 3 figure

    Compactifying the state space for alternative theories of gravity

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    In this paper we address important issues surrounding the choice of variables when performing a dynamical systems analysis of alternative theories of gravity. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of compactifying the state space, and illustrate this using two examples. We first show how to define a compact state space for the class of LRS Bianchi type I models in RnR^n-gravity and compare to a non--compact expansion--normalised approach. In the second example we consider the flat Friedmann matter subspace of the previous example, and compare the compact analysis to studies where non-compact non--expansion--normalised variables were used. In both examples we comment on the existence of bouncing or recollapsing orbits as well as the existence of static models.Comment: 18 pages, revised to match published versio

    Adiabatic invariants and Mixmaster catastrophes

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    We present a rigorous analysis of the role and uses of the adiabatic invariant in the Mixmaster dynamical system. We propose a new invariant for the global dynamics which in some respects has an improved behaviour over the commonly used one. We illustrate its behaviour in a number of numerical results. We also present a new formulation of the dynamics via Catastrophe Theory. We find that the change from one era to the next corresponds to a fold catastrophe, during the Kasner shifts the potential is an Implicit Function Form whereas, as the anisotropy dissipates, the Mixmaster potential must become a Morse 0--saddle. We compare and contrast our results to many known works on the Mixmaster problem and indicate how extensions could be achieved. Further exploitation of this formulation may lead to a clearer understanding of the global Mixmaster dynamics.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures (which can be obtained by sending a message to the first author), submitted to Phys.Rev.