578 research outputs found

    The role of symmetry on interface states in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    When an electron tunnels from a metal into the barrier in a magnetic tunnel junction it has to cross the interface. Deep in the metal the eigenstates for the electron can be labelled by the point symmetry group of the bulk but around the interface this symmetry is reduced and one has to use linear combinations of the bulk states to form the eigenstates labelled by the irreducible representations of the point symmetry group of the interface. In this way there can be states localized at the interface which control tunneling. The conclusions as to which are the dominant tunneling states are different from that conventionally found.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PRB, v2: reference 3 complete

    The Scattering Theory of Oscillator Defects in an Optical Fiber

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    We examine harmonic oscillator defects coupled to a photon field in the environs of an optical fiber. Using techniques borrowed or extended from the theory of two dimensional quantum fields with boundaries and defects, we are able to compute exactly a number of interesting quantities. We calculate the scattering S-matrices (i.e. the reflection and transmission amplitudes) of the photons off a single defect. We determine using techniques derived from thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) the thermodynamic potentials of the interacting photon-defect system. And we compute several correlators of physical interest. We find the photon occupancy at finite temperature, the spontaneous emission spectrum from the decay of an excited state, and the correlation functions of the defect degrees of freedom. In an extension of the single defect theory, we find the photonic band structure that arises from a periodic array of harmonic oscillators. In another extension, we examine a continuous array of defects and exactly derive its dispersion relation. With some differences, the spectrum is similar to that found for EM wave propagation in covalent crystals. We then add to this continuum theory isolated defects, so as to obtain a more realistic model of defects embedded in a frequency dependent dielectric medium. We do this both with a single isolated defect and with an array of isolated defects, and so compute how the S-matrices and the band structure change in a dynamic medium.Comment: 32 pages, TeX with harvmac macros, three postscript figure

    Observation of band structure and density of states effects in Co-based magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Utilizing Co/Al2_2O3_3/Co magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with Co electrodes of different crystalline phases, a clear relationship between electrode structure and junction transport properties is presented. For junctions with one fcc(111) textured and one polycrystalline (poly-phase and poly-directional) Co electrode, a strong asymmetry is observed in the magnetotransport properties, while when both electrodes are polycrystalline the magnetotransport is essentially symmetric. These observations are successfully explained within a model based on ballistic tunneling between the calculated band structures (DOS) of fcc-Co and hcp-Co.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Large magnetoresistance using hybrid spin filter devices

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    A magnetic "spin filter" tunnel barrier, sandwiched between a non-magnetic metal and a magnetic metal, is used to create a new magnetoresistive tunnel device, somewhat analogous to an optical polarizer-analyzer configuration. The resistance of these trilayer structures depends on the relative magnetization orientation of the spin filter and the ferromagnetic electrode. The spin filtering in this configuration yields a previously unobserved magnetoresistance effect, exceeding 100%.Comment: 3.5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    The full set of cnc_n-invariant factorized SS-matrices

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    We use the method of the tensor product graph to construct rational (Yangian invariant) solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation in fundamental representations of cnc_n and thence the full set of cnc_n-invariant factorized SS-matrices. Brief comments are made on their bootstrap structure and on Belavin's scalar Yangian conserved charges.Comment: 10p

    Super Spin-Charge Separation for class A, C, and D disorder

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    We prove versions of super spin-charge separation for all three of the symmetry groups SU(N), Sp(2N), and SO(N) of disordered Dirac fermions in 2+1 dimensions, which involve the supercurrent-algebras gl (1|1)_{N}, osp(2|2)_{-2N}, and osp(2|2)_N respectively. For certain restricted classes of disordered potentials, the latter supercurrent algebra based conformal field theories can arise as non-trivial low energy fixed points. For all cases with such a fixed point, we compute the density of states exponents as a function of N.Comment: 10 pages; section 3 adde

    On the effects of irrelevant boundary scaling operators

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    We investigate consequences of adding irrelevant (or less relevant) boundary operators to a (1+1)-dimensional field theory, using the Ising and the boundary sine-Gordon model as examples. In the integrable case, irrelevant perturbations are shown to multiply reflection matrices by CDD factors: the low-energy behavior is not changed, while various high-energy behaviors are possible, including ``roaming'' RG trajectories. In the non-integrable case, a Monte Carlo study shows that the IR behavior is again generically unchanged, provided scaling variables are appropriately renormalized.Comment: 4 Pages RevTeX, 3 figures (eps files

    S-matrix approach to quantum gases in the unitary limit II: the three-dimensional case

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    A new analytic treatment of three-dimensional homogeneous Bose and Fermi gases in the unitary limit of negative infinite scattering length is presented, based on the S-matrix approach to statistical mechanics we recently developed. The unitary limit occurs at a fixed point of the renormalization group with dynamical exponent z=2 where the S-matrix equals -1. For fermions we find T_c /T_F is approximately 0.1. For bosons we present evidence that the gas does not collapse, but rather has a critical point that is a strongly interacting form of Bose-Einstein condensation. This bosonic critical point occurs at n lambda^3 approximately 1.3 where n is the density and lambda the thermal wavelength, which is lower than the ideal gas value of 2.61.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figure

    Form-factors computation of Friedel oscillations in Luttinger liquids

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    We show how to analytically determine for g≤1/2g\leq 1/2 the "Friedel oscillations" of charge density by a single impurity in a 1D Luttinger liquid of spinless electrons.Comment: Revtex, epsf, 4pgs, 2fig

    Low temperature relaxational dynamics of the Ising chain in a transverse field

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    We present asymptotically exact results for the real time order parameter correlations of a class of d=1 Ising models in a transverse field at low temperatures (T) on both sides of the quantum critical point. The correlations are a product of a T-independent factor determined by quantum effects, and a T-dependent relaxation function which comes from a classical theory. We confirm our predictions by a no-free-parameter comparison with numerical studies on the nearest neighbor spin-1/2 model.Comment: Final version to be published in Physical Review Letters. The postscript file is also available by anonymous ftp at ftp://chopin.ucsc.edu/pub/dynamics.ps.g
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