43 research outputs found

    Analyse de stabilité d'une nappe fibrée en compression

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    National audienceL'objectif de ce travail est de modéliser le flambement de nappes fibrées lorsque les câbles sont soumis à une compression axiale. Nous réalisons une analyse de stabilité multi- échelles basée sur le résultat de [1], qui permet de réduire le problème à une cellule élémentaire 2D et de modéliser les modes propres sous forme d'ondes de Bloch. Nous avons choisi de nous placer dans le cas particulier d'une flexion circulaire, mais la méthode proposée est valable pour des chargement plus généraux

    Analyse isogéométrique : méthodes multipatchs et quadratures gaussiennes optimisées

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    International audienceLe concept d’analyse isogĂ©omĂ©trique (IGA) permet de lier plus directement la conception assistĂ©e par ordinateur Ă  l’étape d’analyse par l’utilisation de fonctions B-splines communes, plus riches que les fonctions de Lagrange utilisĂ©es en Ă©lĂ©ments finis. La rĂ©gularitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e de ces fonctions ne permet pas de se soustraire aux problĂšmes de verrouillages si une quadrature Gaussienne complĂšte est envisagĂ©e. Ce rĂ©sumĂ© propose des rĂšgles d’intĂ©grations optimisĂ©es et validĂ©es dans le cas d’un domaine unique. Une extension est proposĂ©e dans le cadre de patchs multiples pour diffĂ©rents types de discrĂ©tisation spatiale

    Multipatch isogeometric mortar methods for thick shells

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    International audienceThis paper introduces, analyzes and validates isogeometric mortar methods for the solution of thick shells problems which are set on a multipatch geometry. A particular attention will be devoted to the introduction of a proper formulation of the coupling conditions, with a particular interest on augmented lagrangian formulations, to the choice and validation of mortar spaces, and to the derivation of adequate integration rules. The relevance of the proposed approach is assessed numerically on various significative examples

    How to integrate scientific models in order to switch from flood control river management to multifunctional river management?

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    International audienceSince 2000, the European Water Framework Directive has required managers to restore water bodies to good ecological status, including rivers that have been substantially anthropomorphized, i.e. the vast majority of rivers in France. This obligation creates situations, such as removal of mill sluice gates and strong resistance from local stakeholders that must be addressed by governmental agencies and local elected officials. Seine watershed researchers have suggested using a hydraulic model to give river managers an overall vision of structure function (including sluice gates) and the water elevation adjustments between the upstream and downstream reaches with adjustments to the structures. Scientists adapted their model with the collaboration of the local actors in charge of the river management. This simulation of the management of river structures was achieved by constructing an interactive platform and using it to simulate annual flow scenarios for the river and management objective scenarios for all types of use, both recreational and high- and low-water scenarios. Model construction and simulation reunited scientists; State services agents, elected officials but also mill owners and members of local associations. The objective of this collective use was to allow managers to appreciate the current knowledge on the effects that removing a structure would have, around a multifunctional approach to the river, to consider removal of certain structures depending on the locally expected results