263 research outputs found

    Overcoming Postmodernity? Reconsidering Animal Life from Heidegger to Derrida

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    In this paper, I would like to approach the question of language as crucial for the difference between human and non-human animals in the scenario cast by contemporary continental philosophy. I would also like to use this and other topics as a chance to take some general considerations on postmodernity into account, the latter intended as the historical condition in which we are supposed to live

    Image and Copy in Contemporary Deconstruction of Platonism

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    This paper aims at investigating the relationship between some contemporary Interpretations of Plato's Ontology and the Theory of Image-Copy connection developed in many Dialogues such as Sophist, Philebus, Timaeus and Republic. By examinating some of the most relevant criticisms to this Theory cast by french Philosophers such as Deleuze and Derrida and by retracing the roots of these criticisms to the common source of Nietzsche's and Heidegger's Thought, the paper argues a way to overcome the stiff opposition which is commonly held between these two fronts, thus trying to refine the hermeneutical approach to Plato which almost dominated the XX century

    The negative Theology of Matter in Calcidius

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    After the Fall of the Roman Empire, where it covered prominently many aspects of a cultivated citizen's life, the platonic philosophical Tradition was practically dismissed from the centre of european spiritual life and survived only in restricted corners of the new scenario designed by the barbaric invasions. This lack was deepened after 1000 A. D. when the importance of Plato's thought in Theology was replaced by the new spiritualized access which could be granted via the arabic culture to the texts of Aristotle. In many cases, the parts of the platonic tradition which persisted as a stable component of the late medieval theological Thought were those more strictly connected to the problem of the relation among the various principles which Plato posed at the basis of his cosmo-theological construction in dialectical Dialogues such as Parmenides, Philebus, Sophist and Timaeus. Trinitarian Thought as well as Christian notion of Transcendence were always been dependent on concepts which could scarcely doubted to be of platonic origin. Yet the platonic source remained for many years as well as hidden in the developing of the doctrinal System of Christianity. In particular the notion of \u201cTranscendence\u201d held by the so-called via negativa was never accepted as the official version of the dogma, never ceasing to encounter new opposition. This paper aims at reconstructing the reasons for that kind of incompatibility which has always been sensed by theologians between some radical metaphysical thesis developed in Platonism and the theoretical structure of Christian Thought. The perspective drafted in this paper suggests that some answers could be found in the very sense of \u201cTradition\u201d (diadoche) adopted by Platonists as a movement of approaching to a Truth in which Christianity and Platonism are only provisional moments and in the logical structure of the via negativa as a device to conquer the (theo)logical space by removing every transcendental determination including those which should define Christian God: The One, The Good, The True. This paper's main focus is the analysis of the role of Latin Authors (both writers and thinkers) of Late Antiquity in shaping the general matrix of via negativa by comparing their intuitions and terminological innovations to those introduced during the same period by authors who wrote in Greek

    Dal logos all'ente. Heidegger e la III sezione del "Teeteto"

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    A historical survey of Heidegger's reading of Plato's Theatetus in the early 20'

    Meramente soggettivo

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    Sui limiti dell'apparire. SoggettivitĂ , differenza, negazione in Severino, Hegel e Heidegger

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    Analisi del rapporto tra le nozioni di apparenza e soggettivitĂ  in Severino a partire da alcune posizioni contemporane

    Animal Subjects?

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    A revised theory of animal subjectivity among Posthumanism, Animal Science and Continental Philosoph

    Pandemia e vita animale

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    The article starts from the implications of man's mistreatment of animals and the explosion of zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19 and traces back man's lack of care toward animality to the roots of history of culture and philosophy, also giving some hints to a different consideration of animal life in our environment
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