274 research outputs found

    MĂ©langes de polymĂšres Ă  gouttes composites : application recyclage

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    RÉSUMÉ Cette Ă©tude aborde deux axes de recherche. Le premier traite du recyclage des mĂ©langes de polymĂšres et constitue le pilier principal de ce projet. Le deuxiĂšme axe effectue l’analyse de l’effet de la viscoĂ©lasticitĂ© et des forces interfaciales sur l’établissement du mouillage dans les systĂšmes ternaires HDPE/PP/PS et HDPE/PP/PC. Le recyclage des mĂ©langes de plastiques de compositions diffĂ©rentes a Ă©tĂ© limitĂ© par le fait que les polymĂšres forment des phases immiscibles dĂ©montrant une faible compatibilitĂ© et adhĂ©sion interfaciale. Pourtant, les produits de consommation impliquent de plus en plus de systĂšmes complexes (rĂ©sines d’ingĂ©nierie, mĂ©langes) et le procĂ©dĂ© de sĂ©paration devient difficile et mĂȘme parfois impossible. Le problĂšme reliĂ© au recyclage des mĂ©langes de polymĂšres est principalement dĂ» au fait de la prĂ©sence de plusieurs interfaces, dont chacune est potentiellement une zone de fragilitĂ© mĂ©canique. Ceci a pour effet de gĂ©nĂ©rer de faibles propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques. Chaque interface nĂ©cessite son agent interfacial et le coĂ»t global de compatibilisation d’un systĂšme multi composants peut devenir coĂ»teux. Ici, un concept nouveau est employĂ© oĂč une sĂ©grĂ©gation contrĂŽlĂ©e des phases non recyclables est rĂ©alisĂ©e dans l’une des deux phases majeures : le polyĂ©thylĂšne de haute densitĂ© (HDPE) et le polypropylĂšne (PP). En se basant sur un mĂ©lange co-continu HDPE/PP, un systĂšme Ă  cinq phases constituĂ© du HDPE, PP, PS, PMMA et PC est prĂ©parĂ©. Des gouttes composites PS/PMMA/PC sont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es exclusivement dans la phase de PP lorsque l’interface HDPE/PP est compatibilisĂ©e. Cette approche rĂ©duit le problĂšme d’un systĂšme prĂ©sentant plusieurs interfaces Ă  une seule interface dominante HDPE/PP qui peut ĂȘtre par la suite compatibilisĂ©e en employant un copolymĂšre pratique. Les interfaces secondaires relĂšvent d’un rĂŽle mineur dans la structure de goutte composite. La caractĂ©risation par MEB combinĂ©e Ă  l’emploi de recuits statiques permet de mettre clairement en Ă©vidence la microstructure du systĂšme. Le triplet PS/PMMA/PC forme des gouttes composites oĂč le PS encapsule le PMMA qui enveloppe Ă  son tour le polycarbonate. Ceci est un processus thermodynamique contrĂŽlĂ© par la thĂ©orie d’encapsulation et est apparemment indĂ©pendant de l’étape de mĂ©lange (mĂ©langeur interne ou extrusion/injection). Puisque le systĂšme HDPE/PP correspond Ă  la tension interfaciale minimale dans la littĂ©rature, cette approche est trĂšs robuste et serait applicable Ă  un vaste spectre de rĂ©sines. L’ordonnancement des phases est spontanĂ© lorsqu’un compatibilisant EPDM est utilisĂ© en provoquant la sĂ©grĂ©gation complĂšte des gouttes composites PS/PMMA/PC dans la phase de polypropylĂšne. De plus, les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques de telles structures sont trĂšs bonnes en termes de module et de rĂ©sistance Ă  la traction. En employant les conditions de mĂ©lange adaptĂ©es lors de l’injection, un matĂ©riau ductile avec un bon allongement Ă  la rupture peut ĂȘtre obtenu. Cette approche pourrait ĂȘtre d’une importance significative dans le milieu industriel du recyclage.----------ABSTRACT This study investigates two axis of research. The first one is about comingled plastic recycling and constitute the core of this project whereas a second and more fundamental work analyzes the effect of viscoelasticity and interfacial driven forces on ternary polymer blends wetting. The recycling of multiple plastics of different composition has been limited by the fact that plastics form immiscible phases with poor compatibility and interfacial adhesion. Due to the complexity of new plastic products which involve speciality resins and polymer blends, the separation process can be costly and recycling sometimes impossible. The problem of recycling co-mingled plastics is principally related to the problem of multiple interfaces in multicomponent immiscible polymer blends. Those interfaces present a locus for failure and hence very poor mechanical properties. Multiple interfaces require multiple interfacial modifiers and the cost becomes prohibitive. Here we study a new concept where controlled polymer segregation is used to locate multiple non-recyclable phases within one of two major phases: high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP). Starting from a co-continuous blend of HDPE and PP, a multiple 5 component system comprised of HDPE, PP, PS, PMMA and PC is prepared in which PS/PMMA/PC composite droplets are all exclusively located within PP when the HDPE/PP interface is compatibilized. This approach reduces the problem of multiple interfaces to one principal interface (HDPE/PP) which can be compatibilized. The other interfaces are relegated minor roles as parts of the composite droplet system. From SEM characterization and annealing procedures, it can be clearly seen from this work that the PS/PMMA/PC forms a hierarchical structure where PS encapsulates PMMA which in turn engulfs the PC. This is a thermodynamically driven process which is controlled by spreading theory and appears to be independent of the blending process (internal mixing-extrusion/injection). Since a compatibilized HDPE/PP system presents one of the lowest interfacial tensions in the immiscible polymer literature, this approach is highly robust and would be applicable to a wide range of plastics. The approach is highly robust since the system segregates and assembles spontaneously: the compatibilizer for the HDPE/PP interface drives specifically to that interface while the composite droplet comprised of all other polymeric moieties assembles in an ordered fashion exclusively within the PP phase. Moreover, the tensile mechanical properties of the structures prepared above demonstrate very good and even improved tensile strength and modulus. Using the appropriate processing conditions, ductile materials with good elongation at break can also be achieved. This approach could lead to promising industrial applications for mixed plastic waste

    Nodular Fasciitis with Cortical Erosion of the Hand

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    Nodular fasciitis is a benign, reactive myofibroblastic tumor that is often mistaken for a sarcoma because of its histological appearance and rapid growth. Involvement of a finger is extremely rare. We report a case of nodular fasciitis of the thumb, accompanied by bone erosion. Magnetic resonance findings suggested the possibility of a malignancy, which could have led to misdiagnosis as a malignant soft tissue sarcoma. Instead, the lesion was treated by excisional biopsy, which confirmed nodular fasciitis. There has been no evidence of local recurrence at recent follow-up, 1 year after surgery. This case illustrates that, to avoid unnecessarily aggressive surgery, nodular fasciitis must be included in the differential diagnosis for any finger lesion that resembles a sarcoma, even if bone erosion is present

    Growth hormone level at admission and its evolution during refeeding are predictive of short-term outcome in restrictive anorexia nervosa

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    International audienceThe growth hormone (GH)– insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) axis is dramatically altered in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether GH and IGF-1 could be predictors of outcome in patients with a restrictive form of AN. Blood levels of GH, IGF-1, adipocytokines, ghrelin, insulin, glucose, and sex and thyroid hormones were measured in eleven women inpa-tients with AN and in ten healthy women controls. Three stages were compared during refeeding: admission (T0), when BMI reached 16 kg/m 2 (T1) and at discharge when BMI reached 17·5 kg/m 2 (T2). Clinical status was assessed 6 months after discharge from hospital (T3), and remission was defined by the maintenance of a BMI $ 17·5 kg/

    Etude expérimentale de la rupture ostéoporotique du col fémoral

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    L'ostéoporose est une maladie qui affaiblit la structure de l'os par la détérioration de l'architecture trabéculaire et par la diminution de l'épaisseur corticale et l'augmentation de sa porosité. Malgré le coût de santé public, son dépistage n'est pas systématique, et n'est basé que sur l'évaluation de la minéralisation d'un volume osseux à partir de sa projection plane. Aucune information directe sur la structure n'est donnée. Dans le but d'étudier la contribution de la structure osseuse dans la résistance de la partie proximale du fémur, un protocole expérimental simulant la phase d'appui monopodal de la marche, a été développé. Ces essais ont permis de mesurer l'effort à la rupture nécessaire pour provoquer des fractures au niveau du col fémoral semblables aux observations cliniques. Les résultats expérimentaux, serviront à développer un modÚle numérique basé sur la théorie des poutres, pour étudier la contribution de l'enveloppe cortical et des faisceaux trabéculaires dans la résistance de la partie proximale du fémur

    Unacylated Ghrelin is associated with the isolated low HDL-cholesterol obese phenotype independently of insulin resistance and CRP level

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low plasma high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c) level is commonly present in obesity and represents an independent cardiovascular risk factor. However, obese patients are a very heterogeneous population and the factors and mechanisms that contribute to low HDL-c remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between plasma HDL-c levels and plasma hormonal profiles (insulin, adiponectin, resistin, leptin and ghrelin) in subsets of class II and III obese patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fasting plasma levels of glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c, triglycerides, free fatty acids, apoproteins A-I, B-100, B-48, C-II, C-III, insulin, hs-CRP, adipocytokines (adiponectin, resistin, leptin), unacylated ghrelin, body composition (DXA) and resting energy expenditure were measured in three subsets of obese patients: 17 metabolically abnormal obese (MAO) with metabolic syndrome and the typical metabolic dyslipidaemia, 21 metabolically healthy obese (MHO) without metabolic syndrome and with a normal lipid profile, and 21 isolated low HDL-c obese patients (LHO) without metabolic syndrome, compared to 21 healthy lean control subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) increased gradually from MHO to LHO and from LHO to MAO patients (<it>p </it>< 0.05 between MHO and MAO and between LHO and MAO). In multiple regression analysis, serum unacylated ghrelin levels were only positively and independently associated with HDL-c levels in the LHO group (<it>p </it>= 0.032).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that, in class II and III obese patients with an isolated low HDL-c phenotype, unacylated ghrelin is positively associated with HDL-c level independently of insulin resistance and CRP levels, and may contribute to the highly prevalent low HDL-c level seen in obesity.</p

    A prospective study of shoulder pain in primary care: Prevalence of imaged pathology and response to guided diagnostic blocks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of imaged pathology in primary care has received little attention and the relevance of identified pathology to symptoms remains unclear. This paper reports the prevalence of imaged pathology and the association between pathology and response to diagnostic blocks into the subacromial bursa (SAB), acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) and glenohumeral joint (GHJ).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Consecutive patients with shoulder pain recruited from primary care underwent standardised x-ray, diagnostic ultrasound scan and diagnostic injections of local anaesthetic into the SAB and ACJ. Subjects who reported less than 80% reduction in pain following either of these injections were referred for a magnetic resonance arthrogram (MRA) and GHJ diagnostic block. Differences in proportions of positive and negative imaging findings in the anaesthetic response groups were assessed using Fishers test and odds ratios were calculated a for positive anaesthetic response (PAR) to diagnostic blocks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the 208 subjects recruited, the rotator cuff and SAB displayed the highest prevalence of pathology on both ultrasound (50% and 31% respectively) and MRA (65% and 76% respectively). The prevalence of PAR following SAB injection was 34% and ACJ injection 14%. Of the 59% reporting a negative anaesthetic response (NAR) for both of these injections, 16% demonstrated a PAR to GHJ injection. A full thickness tear of supraspinatus on ultrasound was associated with PAR to SAB injection (OR 5.02; <it>p </it>< 0.05). Ultrasound evidence of a biceps tendon sheath effusion (OR 8.0; <it>p </it>< 0.01) and an intact rotator cuff (OR 1.3; <it>p </it>< 0.05) were associated with PAR to GHJ injection. No imaging findings were strongly associated with PAR to ACJ injection (<it>p </it>≀ 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Rotator cuff and SAB pathology were the most common findings on ultrasound and MRA. Evidence of a full thickness supraspinatus tear was associated with symptoms arising from the subacromial region, and a biceps tendon sheath effusion and an intact rotator cuff were associated with an intra-articular GHJ pain source. When combined with clinical information, these results may help guide diagnostic decision making in primary care.</p

    Les droits des personnes victimes d’esclavage domestique : Ă©tat des lieux

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    International audienc

    Insertions et conditions d'emploi en Basse-Normandie

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    EditĂ© par le pĂŽle "Les donnĂ©es sociales et leur traitement", sous la direction de CĂ©cile Le Corroller.CĂ©cile LE CORROLLER, Clotilde LEMARCHANT, Éditorial CĂ©cile LE CORROLLER, Gilles OSMOND, Paulina TABRIZI, Le travail temporaire : les dirigeants d'entreprise abusent-ils ? Alain DEGENNE, Marie-Odile LEBEAUX, Les chĂŽmeurs en Basse-Normandie Clotilde LEMARCHANT, L'exclusion au fĂ©minin. L'exemple du RMI dans le Calvados et en France Jean-Michel NICOLAS, Les bacs + 4/5 bas-normands. PremiĂšres insertions professionnelles et premiers salaires Jean-Michel NICOLAS, Les diplĂŽmĂ©s bas-normands. PremiĂšres insertions professionnelles : niveaux de qualification et mobilitĂ©s gĂ©ographiques Alain DEGENNE, Yvette GRELET, L'insertion professionnelle des jeunes bas-normands. Quelques Ă©lĂ©ments Ă  partir de l'enquĂȘte GĂ©nĂ©ration 98 du CĂ©req

    The plurality of participants in the commission of an offence in criminal law

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    La pluralitĂ© de participants Ă  l’infraction est mobilisĂ©e par le droit pĂ©nal qui l’apprĂ©hende sous des formes variĂ©es et par diffĂ©rents moyens, toujours Ă  des fins rĂ©pressives. Elle peut, d’une part, apparaĂźtre comme la condition du dĂ©clenchement de la rĂ©pression, en Ă©tant exigĂ©e de façon explicite ou implicite pour la constitution d’infractions autonomes que sont les infractions collectives et les infractions d’adhĂ©sion, mais aussi pour l’application de la qualification dĂ©pendante de complicitĂ© punissable. D’autre part, le contexte spĂ©cifique tenant Ă  la pluralitĂ© de participants Ă  l’infraction est parfois Ă©rigĂ© en condition d’aggravation de la rĂ©pression, laquelle peut directement rĂ©sulter de l’application d’une circonstance aggravante, ou ĂȘtre la consĂ©quence indirecte d’une volontĂ© lĂ©gislative d’adapter la rĂ©pression Ă  certains comportement graves et d’autres particuliĂšrement graves en raison du contexte criminel collectif spĂ©cifique dans lequel ils s’inscrivent. Si le droit pĂ©nal parvient Ă  saisir le phĂ©nomĂšne de pluralitĂ© de participants Ă  l’infraction et Ă  s’en servir pour permettre une rĂ©pression plus efficace et effective, il n’en ressort pas moins Ă©prouvĂ© en raison de l’extension voire de la dĂ©formation de ses principes et concepts fondateurs. Pour les besoins de la rĂ©pression, les limites temporelles et matĂ©rielles de la responsabilitĂ© pĂ©nale sont sans cesse repoussĂ©es, Ă©tendues, et le principe de la responsabilitĂ© personnel dĂ©formĂ©. Tout ceci tend alors Ă  souligner l’insuffisance et le caractĂšre inappropriĂ© des outils existants d’apprĂ©hension de la pluralitĂ© de participants Ă  l’infractionIn criminal law, the plurality of participants in the commission of an offence is apprehended in various forms and through different means, but always for repression purposes. On the one hand, this plurality can appear as the triggering condition for repression while being explicitly or implicitly required for the existence of separate offences such as collective offenses or offence of adhesion, but also for the implementation of the dependent qualification of punishable complicity. On the other hand, the specific context of the plurality of participants in the commission of an offence sometimes establishes an aggravating condition that can result from the application of the aggravating circumstance or be the indirect consequence of a legislative will to adapt the law enforcement to certain serious behaviors and other collective offences. If the criminal law manages to understand the phenomenon of plurality of participants in the commission of an offence and to use it to have a more efficient and a more effective repression, the struggle is nevertheless serious due to the extension or even the deformation of its principles and its fundamental concepts. For the purposes of law enforcement, the temporal and material boundaries of the penal responsibility are constantly extended, and the principle of personal responsibility is continuously distorted. All this tend to underline the insufficient and inappropriate aspects of the existing tools used to understand the plurality of participants in the commission of an offenc
