283 research outputs found

    Stability of the Bragg glass phase in a layered geometry

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    We study the stability of the dislocation-free Bragg glass phase in a layered geometry consisting of coupled parallel planes of d=1+1 vortex lines lying within each plane, in the presence of impurity disorder. Using renormalization group, replica variational calculations and physical arguments we show that at temperatures T<TGT<T_G the 3D Bragg glass phase is always stable for weak disorder. It undergoes a weakly first order transition into a decoupled 2D vortex glass upon increase of disorder.Comment: RevTeX. Submitted to EP

    Freezing of dynamical exponents in low dimensional random media

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    A particle in a random potential with logarithmic correlations in dimensions d=1,2d=1,2 is shown to undergo a dynamical transition at Tdyn>0T_{dyn}>0. In d=1d=1 exact results demonstrate that Tdyn=TcT_{dyn}=T_c, the static glass transition temperature, and that the dynamical exponent changes from z(T)=2+2(Tc/T)2z(T)=2 + 2 (T_c/T)^2 at high temperature to z(T)=4Tc/Tz(T)= 4 T_c/T in the glass phase. The same formulae are argued to hold in d=2d=2. Dynamical freezing is also predicted in the 2D random gauge XY model and related systems. In d=1d=1 a mapping between dynamics and statics is unveiled and freezing involves barriers as well as valleys. Anomalous scaling occurs in the creep dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Freezing transitions and the density of states of 2D random Dirac Hamiltonians

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    Using an exact mapping to disordered Coulomb gases, we introduce a novel method to study two dimensional Dirac fermions with quenched disorder in two dimensions which allows to treat non perturbative freezing phenomena. For purely random gauge disorder it is known that the exact zero energy eigenstate exhibits a freezing-like transition at a threshold value of disorder σ=σth=2\sigma=\sigma_{th}=2. Here we compute the dynamical exponent zz which characterizes the critical behaviour of the density of states around zero energy, and find that it also exhibits a phase transition. Specifically, we find that ρ(E=0+iϵ)ϵ2/z1\rho(E=0 + i \epsilon) \sim \epsilon^{2/z-1} (and ρ(E)E2/z1\rho(E) \sim E^{2/z-1}) with z=1+σz=1 + \sigma for σ<2\sigma < 2 and z=8σ1z=\sqrt{8 \sigma} - 1 for σ>2\sigma > 2. For a finite system size L<ϵ1/zL<\epsilon^{-1/z} we find large sample to sample fluctuations with a typical ρϵ(0)Lz2\rho_{\epsilon}(0) \sim L^{z-2}. Adding a scalar random potential of small variance δ\delta, as in the corresponding quantum Hall system, yields a finite noncritical ρ(0)δα\rho(0) \sim \delta^{\alpha} whose scaling exponent α\alpha exhibits two transitions, one at σth/4\sigma_{th}/4 and the other at σth\sigma_{th}. These transitions are shown to be related to the one of a directed polymer on a Cayley tree with random signs (or complex) Boltzmann weights. Some observations are made for the strong disorder regime relevant to describe transport in the quantum Hall system

    Interacting Arrays of Steps and Lines in Random Media

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    The phase diagram of two interacting planar arrays of directed lines in random media is obtained by a renormalization group analysis. The results are discussed in the contexts of the roughening of reconstructed crystal surfaces, and the pinning of flux line arrays in layered superconductors. Among the findings are a glassy flat phase with disordered domain structures, a novel second-order phase transition with continuously varying critical exponents, and the generic disappearance of the glassy ``super-rough'' phases found previously for a single array.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX 3.0, uses epsf,multicol, 3 .eps-figures, submitted to PR

    Functional Renormalization Group and the Field Theory of Disordered Elastic Systems

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    We study elastic systems such as interfaces or lattices, pinned by quenched disorder. To escape triviality as a result of ``dimensional reduction'', we use the functional renormalization group. Difficulties arise in the calculation of the renormalization group functions beyond 1-loop order. Even worse, observables such as the 2-point correlation function exhibit the same problem already at 1-loop order. These difficulties are due to the non-analyticity of the renormalized disorder correlator at zero temperature, which is inherent to the physics beyond the Larkin length, characterized by many metastable states. As a result, 2-loop diagrams, which involve derivatives of the disorder correlator at the non-analytic point, are naively "ambiguous''. We examine several routes out of this dilemma, which lead to a unique renormalizable field-theory at 2-loop order. It is also the only theory consistent with the potentiality of the problem. The beta-function differs from previous work and the one at depinning by novel "anomalous terms''. For interfaces and random bond disorder we find a roughness exponent zeta = 0.20829804 epsilon + 0.006858 epsilon^2, epsilon = 4-d. For random field disorder we find zeta = epsilon/3 and compute universal amplitudes to order epsilon^2. For periodic systems we evaluate the universal amplitude of the 2-point function. We also clarify the dependence of universal amplitudes on the boundary conditions at large scale. All predictions are in good agreement with numerical and exact results, and an improvement over one loop. Finally we calculate higher correlation functions, which turn out to be equivalent to those at depinning to leading order in epsilon.Comment: 42 pages, 41 figure

    Melting of two dimensional solids on disordered substrate

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    We study 2D solids with weak substrate disorder, using Coulomb gas renormalisation. The melting transition is found to be replaced by a sharp crossover between a high TT liquid with thermally induced dislocations, and a low TT glassy regime with disorder induced dislocations at scales larger than ξd\xi_{d} which we compute (ξdRcRa\xi_{d}\gg R_{c}\sim R_{a}, the Larkin and translational correlation lengths). We discuss experimental consequences, reminiscent of melting, such as size effects in vortex flow and AC response in superconducting films.Comment: 4 pages, uses RevTeX, Amssymb, multicol,eps

    Disordered periodic systems at the upper critical dimension

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    The effects of weak point-like disorder on periodic systems at their upper critical dimension D_c for disorder are studied. The systems studied range from simple elastic systems with D_c=4 to systems with long range interactions with D_c=2 and systems with D_c=3 such as the vortex lattice with dispersive elastic constants. These problems are studied using the Gaussian Variational method and the Functional Renormalisation Group. In all the cases studied we find a typical ultra-slow loglog(x) growth of the asymptotic displacement correlation function, resulting in nearly perfect translational order. Consequences for the Bragg glass phase of vortex lattices are discussed.Comment: 12 RevTex pages, uses epsfig, 2 figure

    Disorder Induced Transitions in Layered Coulomb Gases and Superconductors

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    A 3D layered system of charges with logarithmic interaction parallel to the layers and random dipoles is studied via a novel variational method and an energy rationale which reproduce the known phase diagram for a single layer. Increasing interlayer coupling leads to successive transitions in which charge rods correlated in N>1 neighboring layers are nucleated by weaker disorder. For layered superconductors in the limit of only magnetic interlayer coupling, the method predicts and locates a disorder-induced defect-unbinding transition in the flux lattice. While N=1 charges dominate there, N>1 disorder induced defect rods are predicted for multi-layer superconductors.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Domain regime in two-dimensional disordered vortex matter

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    A detailed numerical study of the real space configuration of vortices in disordered superconductors using 2D London-Langevin model is presented. The magnetic field BB is varied between 0 and Bc2B_{c2} for various pinning strengths Δ\Delta. For weak pinning, an inhomogeneous disordered vortex matter is observed, in which the topologically ordered vortex lattice survives in large domains. The majority of the dislocations in this state are confined to the grain boundaries/domain walls. Such quasi-ordered configurations are observed in the intermediate fields, and we refer it as the domain regime (DR). The DR is distinct from the low-field and the high-fields amorphous regimes which are characterized by a homogeneous distribution of defects over the entire system. Analysis of the real space configuration suggests domain wall roughening as a possible mechanism for the crossover from the DR to the high-field amorphous regime. The DR also shows a sharp crossover to the high temperature vortex liquid phase. The domain size distribution and the roughness exponent of the lattice in the DR are also calculated. The results are compared with some of the recent Bitter decoration experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Particle-hole symmetric localization in two dimensions

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    We revisit two-dimensional particle-hole symmetric sublattice localization problem, focusing on the origin of the observed singularities in the density of states ρ(E)\rho(E) at the band center E=0. The most general such system [R. Gade, Nucl. Phys. B {\bf 398}, 499 (1993)] exhibits critical behavior and has ρ(E)\rho(E) that diverges stronger than any integrable power-law, while the special {\it random vector potential model} of Ludwiget al [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 50}, 7526 (1994)] has instead a power-law density of states with a continuously varying dynamical exponent. We show that the latter model undergoes a dynamical transition with increasing disorder--this transition is a counterpart of the static transition known to occur in this system; in the strong-disorder regime, we identify the low-energy states of this model with the local extrema of the defining two-dimensional Gaussian random surface. Furthermore, combining this ``surface fluctuation'' mechanism with a renormalization group treatment of a related vortex glass problem leads us to argue that the asymptotic low EE behavior of the density of states in the {\it general} case is ρ(E)E1elnE2/3\rho(E) \sim E^{-1} e^{-|\ln E|^{2/3}}, different from earlier prediction of Gade. We also study the localized phases of such particle-hole symmetric systems and identify a Griffiths ``string'' mechanism that generates singular power-law contributions to the low-energy density of states in this case.Comment: 18 pages (two-column PRB format), 10 eps figures include