113 research outputs found

    Linfangiectasia intestinal primaria: 20 años de experiencia en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría

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    ResumenAntecedentesLa linfangiectasia intestinal primaria es una enfermedad congénita rara descrita por Waldmann en 1961, y que es consecuencia de una obstrucción del drenaje linfático del intestino delgado con dilatación secundaria de los vasos linfáticos, que distorsionan la arquitectura de las vellosidades ocasionando pérdida de linfa hacia la luz intestinal,dando como resultado una enteropatía perdedora de proteínas y malabsorción de nutrimentos.ObjetivoDescribir las características clínicas, bioquímicas, radiológicas, endoscópicas e histológicas en niños con linfangiectasia intestinal primaria.MétodoEstudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo de niños con linfangiectasia intestinal primaria que fueron vistos en el Servicio de Gastroenterología y Nutrición del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría desde el 1 de enero de 1992 al 30 de septiembre de 2012, en donde se revisaron los expedientes clínicos de los niños con este diagnóstico.ResultadosSe encontraron 4 pacientes con linfangiectasia intestinal primaria, 3 de ellos diagnosticados antes de los 3 años; todos se presentaron con diarrea crónica, edema, linfopenia, hipocalcemia, hipoalbuminemia e hipogammaglobulinemia, y en 3 pacientes, con hipocolesterolemia, y con tránsito intestinal, endoscopia y biopsias intestinales características de esta enfermedad.ConclusionesLa linfangiectasia intestinal debe sospecharse ante un cuadro de diarrea crónica, enteropatía perdedora de proteínas, que se acompaña de edema a cualquier nivel, así como hipoalbuminemia, hipocalcemia, linfopenia, hipogammaglobulinemia e hipocolesterolemia como los principales hallazgos bioquímicos de esta entidad. Ante esta enfermedad debe realizarse estudio de serie esofagogastroduodenal con tránsito intestinal y endoscopia con toma de biopsias a nivel de duodeno. El tratamiento incluye dieta y administración periódica de albúmina y gammaglobulina.AbstractBackgroundPrimary intestinal lymphangiectasia is a rare congenital disease described by Waldmann in 1961 that is a consequence of obstruction of the lymphatic drainage of the small bowel with secondary lymph vessel dilation. This distorts the architecture of the villi and causes a leakage of lymph into the intestinal lumen, resulting in protein-losing enteropathy and malabsorption.AimTo describe the clinical, biochemical, radiologic, endoscopic, and histologic characteristics in children with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia.MethodA retrospective observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted that reviewed the case records of children diagnosed with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia that were seen at the Department of Gastroenterology and Nutrition of the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría within the time frame of January 1, 1992 to September 30, 2012.ResultsFour patients were found that presented with primary intestinal lymphangiectasia. Three of them had been diagnosed before 3 years of age. All the patients presented with chronic diarrhea, edema, lymphopenia, hypocalcemia, and hypogammaglobulinemia, and 3 patients presented with hypocholesterolemia. Bowel transit time, endoscopy, and intestinal biopsies were characteristic of this pathology.ConclusionsIntestinal lymphangiectasia should be suspected when there is a clinical picture of chronic diarrhea and protein-losing enteropathy accompanied with edema at any level, as well as hypoalbuminemia, hypocalcemia, lymphopenia, hypogammaglobulinemia, and hypocholesterolemia, which are the main biochemical findings of this pathology. All children presenting with intestinal lymphangiectasia should undergo an upper gastrointestinal series with bowel transit time and endoscopy with biopsies taken at the level of the duodenum. Treatment includes diet and the periodic administration of albumin and gamma globulin

    Site selection of the Colombian antarctic research station based on fuzzy-topsis algorithm

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    By 2025 the Republic of Colombia aims to be an advisory member of the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) and the installation of a scientific station is necessary to upscale the scientific capabilities. The aim of this paper is showing the results of the implementation of a Fuzzy TOPSIS algorithm for site selection of the Colombian Antarctic Scientific Station. A three-phase methodology was AQ1 proposed, and the obtained results allowed to identify the optimum location for the station, considering key success factors and regulatory constraints

    The Rhizobia-Lotus Symbioses: Deeply Specific and Widely Diverse

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    The symbiosis between Lotus and rhizobia has been long considered very specific and only two bacterial species were recognized as the microsymbionts of Lotus: Mesorhizobium loti was considered the typical rhizobia for the L. corniculatus complex, whereas Bradyrhizobium sp. (Lotus) was the symbiont for L. uliginosus and related species. As discussed in this review, this situation has dramatically changed during the last 15 years, with the characterization of nodule bacteria from worldwide geographical locations and from previously unexplored Lotus spp. Current data support that the Lotus rhizobia are dispersed amongst nearly 20 species in five genera (Mesorhizobium, Bradyrhizobium, Rhizobium, Ensifer, and Aminobacter). As a consequence, M. loti could be regarded an infrequent symbiont of Lotus, and several plant–bacteria compatibility groups can be envisaged. Despite the great progress achieved with the model L. japonicus in understanding the establishment and functionality of the symbiosis, the genetic and biochemical bases governing the stringent host-bacteria compatibility pairships within the genus Lotus await to be uncovered. Several Lotus spp. are grown for forage, and inoculation with rhizobia is a common practice in various countries. However, the great diversity of the Lotus rhizobia is likely squandered, as only few bacterial strains are used as inoculants for Lotus pastures in very different geographical locations, with a great variety of edaphic and climatic conditions. The agroecological potential of the genus Lotus can not be fully harnessed without acknowledging the great diversity of rhizobia-Lotus interactions, along with a better understanding of the specific plant and bacterial requirements for optimal symbiotic nitrogen fixation under increasingly constrained environmental conditions

    Mindfulness-based program for anxiety and depression treatment in healthcare professionals: A pilot randomized controlled trial

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    In primary health care, the work environment can cause high levels of anxiety and depression, triggering relevant expert and individual change. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs reduce signs of anxiety and depression. The purpose of this sub-analysis of the total project, was to equate the effectiveness of the standard MBSR curriculum with the abbreviated version in minimizing anxiety and depression. This randomized controlled clinical trial enrolled 112 mentors and resident specialists from Family and Community Medicine and Nurses (FCMN), distributed across six teaching units (TU) of the Spanish National Health System (SNHS). Experimental group participants received a MBRS training (abbreviated/standard). Depression and anxiety levels were measured with the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale (GADS) at three different time periods during the analysis: before (pre-test) and after (post-test) participation, as well as 3 months after the completion of intervention. Taking into account the pre-test scores as the covariate, an adjusted analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed significant depletion in anxiety and depression in general (F (2.91) = 4.488; p = 0.014; ¿2 = 0.090) and depression in particular (F (2, 91) = 6.653; p = 0.002; ¿2 = 0.128 at the post-test visit, maintaining their effects for 3 months (F (2.79) = 3.031; p = 0.050; ¿2 = 0.071—F (2.79) = 2.874; p = 0.049; ¿2 = 0.068, respectively), which is associated with the use of a standard training program. The abbreviated training program did not have a significant effect on the level of anxiety and depression. The standard MBSR training program had a positive effect on anxiety and depression and promotes long-lasting effects in tutors and resident practitioners. New research is needed to demonstrate the effectiveness of abbreviated versions of training programs. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    A Molecular Characterization of the Allelic Expression of the BRCA1 Founder Δ9–12 Pathogenic Variant and Its Potential Clinical Relevance in Hereditary Cancer:International Journal of Molecular Sciences

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    Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome is a genetic condition that increases the risk of breast cancer by 80% and that of ovarian cancer by 40%. The most common pathogenic variants (PVs) causing HBOC occur in the BRCA1 gene, with more than 3850 reported mutations in the gene sequence. The prevalence of specific PVs in BRCA1 has increased across populations due to the effect of founder mutations. Therefore, when a founder mutation is identified, it becomes key to improving cancer risk characterization and effective screening protocols. The only founder mutation described in the Mexican population is the deletion of exons 9 to 12 of BRCA1 (BRCA1Δ9–12), and its description focuses on the gene sequence, but no transcription profiles have been generated for individuals who carry this gene. In this study, we describe the transcription profiles of cancer patients and healthy individuals who were heterozygous for PV BRCA1Δ9–12 by analyzing the differential expression of both alleles compared with the homozygous BRCA1 control group using RT–qPCR, and we describe the isoforms produced by the BRCA1 wild-type and BRCA1Δ9–12 alleles using nanopore long-sequencing. Using the Kruskal–Wallis test, our results showed a similar transcript expression of the wild-type allele between the healthy heterozygous group and the homozygous BRCA1 control group. An association between the recurrence and increased expression of both alleles in HBOC patients was also observed. An analysis of the sequences indicated four wild-type isoforms with diagnostic potential for discerning individuals who carry the PV BRCA1Δ9–12 and identifying which of them has developed cancer

    Spatial patterns of plankton biomass and stable isotopes reflect the influence of the nitrogen-fixer Trichodesmium along the subtropical North Atlantic.

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    proyecto Malaspina-2010 (CSD2008-00077) del programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y proyecto EURO-BASIN (FP7-ENV-2010 264933) e Instituto Español de Oceanografia (IEO). C.M. recibió un contrato PFPI del IEO.The spatial variability of biomass and stable isotopes in plankton size fractions in the upper 200 m was studied in a high spatial resolution transect along 24°N from the Canary Islands to Florida to determine nitrogen and carbon sources. Vertical advection of waters predominated in lateral zones, while the central Atlantic (30–70°W) was characterized by strong stratification and oligotrophic surface waters. Plankton biomass was low in the central zone and high on both the eastern and the western sides, with most of the variability due to either large (>2000 µm) or small plankton (50% of organic nitrogen in the central zone, and even >30% in the eastern and the western zones. The impact of diazotrophy increased with the size of the organisms, supporting the wide participation of all trophic levels in the processing of recently fixed nitrogen. These results indicate that atmospheric sources of carbon and nitrogen prevail over deep water sources in the subtropical North Atlantic and that the zone influenced by diazotrophy is much larger than reported in previous studies.CONSOLIDER-INGENIO, 7FPPreprint1,749

    Chemical and physical defense traits in two sexual forms of opuntia robusta in Central Eastern Mexico

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    Sexually dimorphic plants provide an excellent opportunity for examining the differences in the extent of their defense against herbivores because they exhibit sex-related differences in reproductive investment. Such differences enable comparison of the sex with high reproduction expenses with the sex that expends less. The more costly sex is usually also better defended against herbivores. Generally, females are considered more valuable than hermaphrodites in terms of fitness; however, hermaphrodites are more valuable if they can produce seed by autonomous selfing, provided that the inbreeding depression is low and pollen is limited. We studied a gynodioecious population of Opuntia robusta from Central-Eastern Mexico, which has been reported to be trioecious, dioecious, or hermaphrodite, and addressed the following questions: 1) Is the hermaphrodite's reproductive output higher than the female's, and are hermaphrodites thus better defended? 2) Are plant tissues differentially defended? 3) Do trade-offs exist among different physical defense traits? and 4) among physical and chemical defense traits? We found that 1) hermaphrodites had a higher seed output and more spines per areola than females and that their spines contained less moisture. Non-reproductive hermaphrodite cladodes contained more total phenolic compounds (TPCs) than female ones. In addition, 2) hermaphrodite reproductive cladodes bore more spines than female cladodes, and 3) and 4) we found a negative relationship between spine number per areola and areola number per cladode and a positive relationship between spine number per areola per plant and TPC concentration per plant. Non-reproductive hermaphrodite cladodes contained a higher concentration of TPCs than female cladodes, and parental cladodes contained fewer TPCs than both reproductive and empty cladodes

    Comparison of traditional and DNA metabarcoding samples for monitoring tropical soil arthropods (Formicidae, Collembola and Isoptera)

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    The soil fauna of the tropics remains one of the least known components of the biosphere. Long-term monitoring of this fauna is hampered by the lack of taxonomic expertise and funding. These obstacles may potentially be lifted with DNA metabarcoding. To validate this approach, we studied the ants, springtails and termites of 100 paired soil samples from Barro Colorado Island, Panama. The fauna was extracted with Berlese-Tullgren funnels and then either sorted with traditional taxonomy and known, individual DNA barcodes (“traditional samples”) or processed with metabarcoding (“metabarcoding samples”). We detected 49 ant, 37 springtail and 34 termite species with 3.46 million reads of the COI gene, at a mean sequence length of 233 bp. Traditional identification yielded 80, 111 and 15 species of ants, springtails and termites, respectively; 98%, 37% and 100% of these species had a Barcode Index Number (BIN) allowing for direct comparison with metabarcoding. Ants were best surveyed through traditional methods, termites were better detected by metabarcoding, and springtails were equally well detected by both techniques. Species richness was underestimated, and faunal composition was different in metabarcoding samples, mostly because 37% of ant species were not detected. The prevalence of species in metabarcoding samples increased with their abundance in traditional samples, and seasonal shifts in species prevalence and faunal composition were similar between traditional and metabarcoding samples. Probable false positive and negative species records were reasonably low (13–18% of common species). We conclude that metabarcoding of samples extracted with Berlese-Tullgren funnels appear suitable for the long-term monitoring of termites and springtails in tropical rainforests. For ants, metabarcoding schemes should be complemented by additional samples of alates from Malaise or light traps

    Dendritic cell deficiencies persist seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-2 infection induces an exacerbated inflammation driven by innate immunity components. Dendritic cells (DCs) play a key role in the defense against viral infections, for instance plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), have the capacity to produce vast amounts of interferon-alpha (IFN-α). In COVID-19 there is a deficit in DC numbers and IFN-α production, which has been associated with disease severity. In this work, we described that in addition to the DC deficiency, several DC activation and homing markers were altered in acute COVID-19 patients, which were associated with multiple inflammatory markers. Remarkably, previously hospitalized and nonhospitalized patients remained with decreased numbers of CD1c+ myeloid DCs and pDCs seven months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, the expression of DC markers such as CD86 and CD4 were only restored in previously nonhospitalized patients, while no restoration of integrin β7 and indoleamine 2,3-dyoxigenase (IDO) levels were observed. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the immunological sequelae of COVID-19