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8 research outputs found
Attitudinal, Perceptual, and Normative Beliefs Influencing the Exercise Decisions of Community-Dwelling Physically Frail Seniors
Ajzen I.
Ajzen I.
+29Â more
Armitage C.J.
Binder E.F.
Brenes G.
Brown M.
Campbell A.J.
Conn V.S.
Conn V.S.
Conn V.S.
Connelly D.M.
Courneya K.S.
Cumming R.G.
Dzewaltowski D.A.
Eakin E.G.
Elley C.R.
Fiatarone M.A.
Gill T.M.
Godin G.
Hagger M.S.
Hirvensalo M.
Jette A.M.
King A.C.
Lawton M.P.
Lazowski D.A
Michels T.
Mullen D.P.
Petrella R.J.
Pfeiffer E.
Strawbridge W.J.
Young H.M.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Outcome Evaluation of the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging’s Home Support Exercise Program for Frail Older Adults
Atienza A.A.
Barer B.
+27Â more
Binder E.F.
Campbell A.J.
Csuka M.
Duncan P.W.
Duncan P.W.
Freedman V.
Gilbert G.
Gill T.M.
Guyatt G.H.
Jette A.
Jette A.
Kazis L.
Lazowski D.A.
Lindesay J.
Lord S.
McCool J.
McMurdo M.E.T.
Myers A.
Podsiadlo D.
Powell L.
Rockwood K.
Tinetti M.E.
Tudor-Locke C.
Weiner D.K.
Weiner D.K.
Westhoff M.H.
Worm C.H.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Species inventory, ecology, and seasonal distribution patterns of Culicidae (Insecta: Diptera) in the National Park Donau-Auen (Lower Austria)
Brothers D.R.
Carina Zittra
+24Â more
Chodorowski A.
Clements A.N.
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Fink M.
Glutz von Blotzheim U.N.
Johann Waringer
Kapeszky E.
Kenyeres Z.
Kögel F.
LaPointe D.A.
Lazowski W.
Medlock J.M.
Merdić E.
Mohrig W.
Mohrig W.
Rettich F.
Rötzer K.
Schaffner F.
Scholte E.J.
Scholte E.J.
Seidel B.
Skierska B.
Sudarić Bogojević M.
Wernsdorfer W.H.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Factors Influencing the Physical Activity of Older Adults in Long-Term Care: Administrators’ Perspectives
Bastone Ade C.
Bates-Jensen B.M.
+32Â more
Berke E.M.
Berta W.
Binder E.F.
Booth M.L.
Brill P.A.
Chin A
Clark D.O.
Cunningham G.O.
Devers K.J.
Fiatarone M.A.
Ice G.H.
Johnson C.S.J.
King A.C.
Lazowski D.A.
Li F.
MacDonald K.C.
MacRae P.G.
McGrail K.M.
McGregor M.J.
Ouslander J.G.
Rabig J.
Ruuskanen J.M.
Sallis J.F.
Schnelle J.F.
Schnelle J.F.
Schnelle J.F.
Schnelle J.F.
Schutzer K.A.
Schwarz B.
Shipp K.M.
Wilcox S.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Health-Related Quality of Life in Frail Institutionalized Elderly: Effects of a Cognition-Action Intervention and Tai Chi
American Geriatrics Society
Bandura A.
+31Â more
Bedny G.Z.
Bouisson J.
Brauer S.G.
Chou K.L.
Dechamps A.
Dolcos F.
Faber M.J.
Folstein M.F.
Hoe J.
Jones F.
King A.C.
Lazowski D.A.
Lesher E.L.
Li F.
Li F.
Li F.
Li F.
Li F.
McAuley E.
Nelson M.E.
Nnodim J.O.
Podsiadlo D.
Richardson J.
Schutzer K.A.
Spirduso W.W.
Sullivan M.D.
Taylor-Piliae R.E.
Tinetti M.E.
Wolf S.L.
Wu G.
Xu D.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Perceived Autonomy and Activity Choices Among Physically Disabled Older People in Nursing Home Settings: A Randomized Trial
Agich G.
Altman D.G.
+28Â more
Andresen M.
Antonovsky A.A.
Avlund K.
Beauchamp T.L.
Beck A.M.
Berg B.L.
Danish Ministry of Social Welfare.
Danish Ministry of Social Welfare.
Danish Ministry of Social Welfare.
Folstein M.F.
Forster A.
Frändin K.
Haak M.
Hulter-Ă…sberg K.
Johannesen A.
Kofod J.
Law M.
Lazowski D.A.
Leclerc G.
Leclerc G.
Lis Puggaard
Mette Andresen
Morten Hoff
Ripstein A.
The Danish Technology Council
Ulla Runge
World Health Organization.
Ældre Sagen.
Publication venue
'SAGE Publications'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Perspectives and Experiences Related to Physical Activity of Elders in Long-Term-Care Settings
Aud M.A.
Baum E.E.
+40Â more
Benjamin K.
Bergman R.J.
Brill P.A.
Chin A
Clark D.O.
Clark D.O.
Crombie I.K.
Damush T.M.
Dergance J.M.
Giampaoli S.
Graneheim U.H.
Hall K.S.
Harris-Kojetin L.
Hughes S.L.
Jensen J.
Lazowski D.A.
Lim K.
Lu Z.
McAuley E.
McAuley E.
McMurdo M.E.
Moreland J.D.
Nelson M.E.
Newsom J.T.
Onder G.
Pahor M.
Rabiee F.
Rasinaho M.
Resnick B.
Resnick B.
Resnick B.
Sherrington C.
Sihvonen S.E.
Tseng C-N.
Wasner M.G.
Whaley D.
Wickley K.L.
Yngve A.
Zimmerman S.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Reliability and Validity of the Physical Activity Survey in Long-Term Care
Algase D.L.
Allison M.
+51Â more
Bourret E.M.
Branch L.G.
Cohen-Mansfield J.
Cott C.A.
De Abajo S.
DiPietro L.
Dishman R.K.
Durante R.
Evans B.D.
Farias S.T.
Folstein M.
Freedson P.
Friedman L.
Harada N.
Hicks A.L.
Jacobs D.
Jakicic J.
Keysor J.J.
Kochersberger G.
Lazowski D.A.
Leenders N.Y.J.M.
Mahoney F.
Masse L.
Matthews C.
McDermott M.M.
Mishima K.
Mishima K.
Onishi J.
Paffenbarger R.S.
Pols M.
Resnick B.
Resnick B.
Resnick B.
Resnicow K.
Sarkin J.
Schoenfelder D.P.
Schonhofer B.
Shirota A.
Shrout P.E.
Sims J.
Singer C.
Sirard J.
Starling R.D.
Stewart A.
Toso V.
Tozawa T.
Vinzio S.
Wareham N.
Wlodarczyk J.H.
Young D.R.
Publication venue
'Human Kinetics'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text