112 research outputs found

    Traditional Food Consumption on the Islands of Silba and Olib: an Interdisciplinary Approach

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    Certain Aspects of Cooperation Between Ethnology and Phisical Anthropology

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    CERTAIN ASPECTS OF COOPERATION BETWEEN ETHNOLOGY AND PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Summary The author reviews ideas of some cultural and physical anthropologists (A. Kroeber, I. Schwidetzky, B. Škerlj) about both the association and separation of cultural and physical anthropology in the last twenty years. The position of the Slovenian anthropologist Božo Škerlj is dealt with in particular. He saw the possibility for the cooperation of the two disciplines in the area of food, nutrition, incest, and some others

    Records of D. Lerman about E.W. Bleyden

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    Dragutin Lerman, member of the expedition of the famous British explorer of Africa Henry Morton Stanley, in 1888 lived in Monrovia the capital of the Liberian Republic where he met an educated African dr Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) a West Indian scholar who settled in Liberia where he published a newspaper and built up a college. In his diary Lerman wrote about this intelligent and hearty person, prototype of a true African. Lerman was impressed by Blyden\u27s book "Christianity, Islam and the Negro race" first published in 1887. Blyden tried to establish an independent African Church with strong Islamic features, believing that Christianity alone was less suitable for the Africans. In Blyden Lerman found, in many ways, a right handman. Today we know that Blyden\u27s ideas on race relations foreshadowed the philosophy of Aime Cesaire and Leopold Senghor

    O pristupu izvanevropskoj građi u nas

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    Our Explorers Outside of Europe

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    Konkurentnost odabranih zemalja jugoistočne Europe na tržiŔtu drvenih podova Europske unije

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    Selected South-Eastern European countries (SEEC - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia) represent significant producers and exporters of wood flooring in Europe. In 2018, 9.4 % of Europeā€™s wood flooring production originated from this region. The region is a net exporter of wood flooring since it exports over 50 % of total production. The most important market for the export of wood flooring is the European Union with a share of over 60 % in total exports. Trends in this market are important for manufacturers and exporters from the region. Therefore, the analysis of the impact of the European Union imports on wood flooring production in the SEEC was conducted by application of econometric modelling. The parameters of the obtained model show that the increase of approximately 0.75 % could be expected in the production of wood flooring in selected South-Eastern European countries for each precentral increase in the European Union imports. In addition to these results, the paper presents the analysis of the competitiveness of wood flooring export from the region measured by the Competitiveness Growth Index (RCA1). The aim of this analysis was to quantify the level of their price and non-price competitiveness in the European Union market. Conducted analyses show that the Competitiveness Growth Index (RCA1) had positive values (higher than one) for most significant countries from the SEEC for most of the observed period.Odabrane zemlje jugoistočne Europe (SEEC ā€“ Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska, Crna Gora, Sjeverna Makedonija, Srbija i Slovenija) značajni su proizvođači i izvoznici drvenih podova u Europi. U 2018. godini 9,4 % europske ponude drvenih podova proizvedeno je upravo u toj regiji. Regija je neto izvoznik drvenih podova jer izvozi viÅ”e od 50 % ukupne proizvodnje. Najvažnije je tržiÅ”te za izvoz drvenih podova Europska unija, na koju otpada viÅ”e od 60 % ukupnog izvoza. Trendovi na tržiÅ”tu Europske unije vrlo su važni za proizvođače i izvoznike iz promatranih zemalja SEEC-a. Stoga je primjenom ekonometrijskog modeliranja analiziran utjecaj uvoza Europske unije na proizvodnju drvenih podova u SEEC regiji. Parametri dobivenog modela pokazuju da se sa svakim postotkom povećanja uvoza u Europsku uniju može očekivati rast proizvodnje drvenih podova u odabranim zemljama jugoistočne Europe za oko 0,75 %. Osim rezultata provedene analize, u radu su izneseni i rezultati analize konkurentnosti izvoza drvenih podova iz zemalja SEEC-a mjereni indeksom rasta konkurentnosti (RCA1). Cilj analize bio je kvantificiranje razine njihove cjenovne i necjenovne konkurentnosti na tržiÅ”tu Europske unije. Provedene analize pokazuju da je indeks rasta konkurentnosti (RCA1) za najznačajnije zemlje SEEC-a u većini godina promatranog razdoblja imao pozitivne vrijednosti (veće od 1)

    Modulacija eksperimentalnog autoimunog encefalomijelitisa (EAE) DA pacova levamizolom

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    We investigated the influence of an antiparasitic drug, levamisole (2,3,5,6 - tetrahydro - 6- phenyl-imidazo (2,1 - b) thiazole -hydrochloride) with potent immunomodulatory properties on the course and development of experimental autoimmune encepha-lomyelitis (EAE). EAE was induced in female Dark Agouti (DA) rats aged two months by immunization with guinea pig spinal cord in complete Freunds adjuvant. Following immunization animals were subcutaneously treated every other day with 2.2 mg/kg levamisole. The course, development and characteristics of this autoimmune process were monitored as indirect indicators of immune system activity. Our results indicate that in EAE levamisole exerts immunosuppressive effects when administered every other day from the moment of immunization until the end of the disease. This application regime and dose postponed the onset of the first clinical signs, shortened the duration of the disease, abrogated the severity of clinical symptoms and accelerated the recovery of sick animals. In the period of induction and during EAE, levamisole also decreased the severity of changes in the cerebral perivascular spaces. In the peripheral blood of levamisole treated animals with induced EAE, a significant increase of CD4-CD8+ T cells was demonstrated. Furthermore, all rats with induced EAE had decreased numbers of CD4+CD8- T cells in their blood. These changes were in correlation with clinical signs of EAE.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja anthelmintika levamizola (2,3,5,6 tetrahidro - 6 - fenil - imidazo (2,1 - b) tiazol hidrohlorida) sa snažnim imunomodulatornim svojstvima na tok i razvoj eksperimentalnog autoimunog encefalomijelitisa (EAE). EAE je indukovan imunizacijom ženki pacova soja DA (Dark Agouti) starih dva meseca pomoću homogenata kičmene moždine zamorčeta u kompletnom Freundovom adjuvansu. Posle imunizacije, životinje su tretirane subkutanim injekcijama levamizola (2.2 mg/kg) svaki drugi dan a praćeni su tok, razvoj i karakteristike ovog autoimunog oboljenja kao indirektni indikatori aktivnosti imunoloÅ”kog sistema. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju dalevamizol ispoljava imunosupresivno delovanje u modelu EAE ako se aplikuje svaki drugi dan od momenta imunizacije do kraja bolesti. Primenjena doza i režim aplikacije odložili su momenat pojavljivanja prvih kliničkih simptoma, skratili trajanje bolesti, ublažili ispoljavanje simptoma i ubrzali oporavak bolesnih životinja. U periodu indukcije i tokom EAE-a levamizol je smanjio stepen promena u cerebralnim perivaskularnim prostorima. U ženskoj krvi ženki pacova sa indukovanim EAE i tretiranim levamizolom uočeno je značajno povećanje broja CD4-CD8+ T ćelija. Osim toga, u obe imunizovane grupe životinja zapaženo je smanjenje broja CD4+CD8- ćelija. Ove promene su bile u skladu sa kliničkom slikom bolesti

    Modulacija eksperimentalnog autoimunog encefalomijelitisa (EAE) DA pacova levamizolom

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    We investigated the influence of an antiparasitic drug, levamisole (2,3,5,6 - tetrahydro - 6- phenyl-imidazo (2,1 - b) thiazole -hydrochloride) with potent immunomodulatory properties on the course and development of experimental autoimmune encepha-lomyelitis (EAE). EAE was induced in female Dark Agouti (DA) rats aged two months by immunization with guinea pig spinal cord in complete Freunds adjuvant. Following immunization animals were subcutaneously treated every other day with 2.2 mg/kg levamisole. The course, development and characteristics of this autoimmune process were monitored as indirect indicators of immune system activity. Our results indicate that in EAE levamisole exerts immunosuppressive effects when administered every other day from the moment of immunization until the end of the disease. This application regime and dose postponed the onset of the first clinical signs, shortened the duration of the disease, abrogated the severity of clinical symptoms and accelerated the recovery of sick animals. In the period of induction and during EAE, levamisole also decreased the severity of changes in the cerebral perivascular spaces. In the peripheral blood of levamisole treated animals with induced EAE, a significant increase of CD4-CD8+ T cells was demonstrated. Furthermore, all rats with induced EAE had decreased numbers of CD4+CD8- T cells in their blood. These changes were in correlation with clinical signs of EAE.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja anthelmintika levamizola (2,3,5,6 tetrahidro - 6 - fenil - imidazo (2,1 - b) tiazol hidrohlorida) sa snažnim imunomodulatornim svojstvima na tok i razvoj eksperimentalnog autoimunog encefalomijelitisa (EAE). EAE je indukovan imunizacijom ženki pacova soja DA (Dark Agouti) starih dva meseca pomoću homogenata kičmene moždine zamorčeta u kompletnom Freundovom adjuvansu. Posle imunizacije, životinje su tretirane subkutanim injekcijama levamizola (2.2 mg/kg) svaki drugi dan a praćeni su tok, razvoj i karakteristike ovog autoimunog oboljenja kao indirektni indikatori aktivnosti imunoloÅ”kog sistema. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju dalevamizol ispoljava imunosupresivno delovanje u modelu EAE ako se aplikuje svaki drugi dan od momenta imunizacije do kraja bolesti. Primenjena doza i režim aplikacije odložili su momenat pojavljivanja prvih kliničkih simptoma, skratili trajanje bolesti, ublažili ispoljavanje simptoma i ubrzali oporavak bolesnih životinja. U periodu indukcije i tokom EAE-a levamizol je smanjio stepen promena u cerebralnim perivaskularnim prostorima. U ženskoj krvi ženki pacova sa indukovanim EAE i tretiranim levamizolom uočeno je značajno povećanje broja CD4-CD8+ T ćelija. Osim toga, u obe imunizovane grupe životinja zapaženo je smanjenje broja CD4+CD8- ćelija. Ove promene su bile u skladu sa kliničkom slikom bolesti
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