462 research outputs found

    Þurfum við að hugsa forvarnaþjónustu lífsstílssjúkdóma upp á nýtt?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)Heilsugæslustöðvar eru þjónustu- og þekkingarfyrirtæki sem standa frammi fyrir miklum niðurskurði. Með því að efla forvarnaþjónustu heilsugæslunnar er hægt að fækka ótímabærum sjúkdómum, minnka lyfjanotkun og fækka innlögnum á sjúkrahús og meðferðarstofnanir. Til að þetta sé unnt þarf aukinn skilning stjórnvalda á mikilvægi grunnþjónustu og efla þarf samstarf heilbrigðisstarfsfólks og almennings um leiðir til úrbóta

    A narrative blind eye: Visual disability representation within the Brothers Grimm folk tales

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    A Narrative Blind Eye: Visual Disability Representation within the Brothers Grimm Folk Tales explores the disability representations within Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm\u27s nineteenth-century Children\u27s and Household Tales. The Grimm tales contain numerous characters (dwarfs, giants, one-eyed daughters, etc.). Often the disabled Grimm characters are villains or disabled on account of the tale\u27s villain, connecting blindness metaphorically to evil or punishment. The Grimms feature disability as a narrative device, suggesting that disability embodies deviance and/or non-ideal Otherness. Specifically turning to, and building upon, the arguments within Narrative Prosthesis by David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder, Enforcing Normalcy by Lennard J. Davis, Roland Barthes\u27s structural and semiological analysis of narratives and Jack Zipes\u27 scholarship of the Grimm tales, I examine how disability operates within literature at a metaphorical level. My thesis advocates the literary dissection and understanding of narrative structuralism and devices within folk tales in order to challenge existing visual disability ideologies

    The sex gap in sports and exercise medicine research: who does research on females?

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    Females are underrepresented in sports and exercise medicine research, both as authors and as research participants. The aim of this study was therefore to explore who does sports and exercise medicine research on females. All original research articles with female-only samples published in six major sports and exercise medicine journals over a 7-year period (2014–2020; n=334) were examined. Out of the 2027 authors of the articles in question, 1149 were categorized as male (56.7%) and 850 were categorized as female (41.9%; 28 [1.4%] could not be categorized). A slight majority of the articles had a female as frst author (51.5%), while the majority of the last authors were male (62.3%). Binomial tests of proportions revealed that females were overrepresented in all author roles in this sample compared to the feld at large, while chi-square tests of proportions indicated minimal variations in female authorship across the studied period. These fndings indicate that females are relatively more likely to do research on females than mpublishedVersio

    Muon spin rotation studies of niobium for superconducting RF applications

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    In this work we investigate superconducting properties of niobium samples via application of the muon spin rotation/relaxation (muSR) technique. We employ for the first time the muSR technique to study samples that are cutout from large and small grain 1.5 GHz radio frequency (RF) single cell niobium cavities. The RF test of these cavities was accompanied by full temperature mapping to characterize the RF losses in each of the samples. Results of the muSR measurements show that standard cavity surface treatments like mild baking and buffered chemical polishing (BCP) performed on the studied samples affect their surface pinning strength. We find an interesting correlation between high field RF losses and field dependence of the sample magnetic volume fraction measured via muSR. The muSR line width observed in ZF-muSR measurements matches the behavior of Nb samples doped with minute amounts of Ta or N impurities. An upper bound for the upper critical field Hc2 of these cutouts is found.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    The Role of Perceived Competence in Determining Teacher Support in Upper Secondary School Physical Education

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    Physical education remains one of the most liked school subjects, irrespective of grade level or geography. Nevertheless, sections of the student body dislike the subject immensely and even more think it should be organized differently. Students who are less competent have long claimed that physical education teachers and the curriculum favor the competent. Despite clear refusals of any conscious favoritism from the teachers, perceived competence is one of the premier predictors of students liking and being motivated to participate in the subject, the other being participation in organized sport. The purpose of this study was therefore to refute or confirm the veracity of the aforementioned claims through an investigation of the relationship between perceived competence and teacher-dependent support in upper secondary school physical education. One thousand one hundred thirty-three upper secondary school students (Mage = 17.2, SD = 0.86) from Norway (n = 554) and Iceland (n = 579) participated in a cross-sectional survey. Four teacher-dependent support variables were measured via self-reporting: perceived competence support, perceived relatedness support, perceived autonomy support, and perceived teacher learning support. To simplify comparison between groups, we divided the sample into three units: highly competent students, moderately competent students, and less competent students. A one-way multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), with gender as a covariate, found indications of biased teacher behavior, thus supporting the aforementioned accusations. Even though some discrepancies may exist between the reported and actual support levels, students respond and react in accordance with their perceptions, which is why their perceptions are of concern. These findings are incongruent with the aims of the subject and indicate that modified practices are needed if a more equal learning environment for all students is desired. To reverse the current trend, we provide three measures that we believe can reduce the aforementioned discrepancy. First, PE teachers must become more aware of their own biases, recognizing their tendency to treat the competent more favorably. Second, challenges related to the students who show less appreciation for the subject should become more prominent in physical education teacher education. Finally, the advantage of those who participate in leisuretime sporting activities, over those who do not, should be reduced through a reevaluation of the current curricular implementation.acceptedVersio

    Are the playoffs different from the regular season? A comparison of in-game statistics in Icelandic elite handball

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    There are many axioms in sport that are taken at face value. One of them is that the playoffs are somehow totally different from the regular season. The aim of this study was to test that axiom by comparing in-game statistics during the regular season and the playoffs in the semi-professional Icelandic elite men’s handball league. Data from 724 games (648 regular season games and 76 playoff games; 1448 data points) across five seasons were analysed using a two-level logistic regression analysis. The variables of interest were pace, fast breaks, legal stops, penalty throws given, 2-minute suspensions, and saves. The results indicated no meaningful differences in fast breaks, penalty throws given or number of saves, but did find signs of added intensity during the playoffs with a higher pace, more legal stops and more 2-minute suspensions. While the differences were not particularly large, they have the possibility of being practically meaningful and were in line with the axiom. Possible explanations were discussed but more research is needed to determine whether these findings are context- or sport-specific.publishedVersio

    Talentfull gjennom lek? Forholdet mellom uorganisert trening, selvregulert læring og trenerens talentvurdering blant unge norske fotballspillere

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    Masteroppgave idrettsvitenskap- Universitetet i Agder, 2015Denne tverrsnittstudien undersøkte forholdet mellom selvregulert læring, antall timer ustrukturert trening og trenerens talentvurdering hos unge norske fotballspillere. I tillegg ble forholdet mellom selvregulert læring og mengde ustrukturert trening studert. Tidligere forskning innen talentidentifikasjon har vist at mange av de beste akademiene i europeisk fotball ofte foretrekker spillere som tar ansvar for egen læring gjennom selvregulering og trener på egenhånd utenom organiserte treninger. Med tanke på disse funnene forventet vi de samme tendensene på vårt utvalg av 365 mannlige og 167 kvinnelige fotballspillere i alderen 13-20 år. Informasjon om disse spillerne ble samlet inn ved bruk av et spørreskjema. For å undersøke forholdet mellom de aktuelle variablene ble det gjennomført korrelasjons-, regresjons- og ANOVA analyser. Resultatene indikerte at grad av selvregulering og antall timer med uorganisert trening kan påvirke trenerens talentvurdering. Videre ble det funnet en positiv sammenheng mellom grad av selvregulering og mengde ustrukturert trening. Studiens resultater bidrar til allerede eksisterende forskning på feltet ved å underbygge tidligere teori, samtidig som den tilføyer med nye funn

    Varicella in Icelandic children - epidemiology and complications

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenIntroduction: Varicella is a common disease with possible consequences. The disease is usually contracted in childhood and persistent antibodies are produced. Varicella vaccine is not widely used in Iceland. The aim of the study was to investigate the epidemiology of varicella in Icelandic children and it s complications. The results may prove important when deciding on varicella immunization in Iceland. Material and methods: The study was retrospective cross sectional. Varicella antibodies were measured from children 10 years had antibodies. Hospital admittions were 58, annual admittions were or 3.6/100.000 children 10 ára með mótefni. Börn sem lögð voru inn vegna hlaupabólu eða fylgikvilla voru 58 eða 3,6 /100.000 börn á ári. Bakteríusýkingar voru algengasta ástæða innlagnar, einkum húðsýkingar en hnykilslingur, þurrkur og vannæring voru einnig algeng. Ályktun: Flest börn á Íslandi fá hlaupabólu fyrir 10 ára aldur. Fylgikvillar geta verið alvarlegir. Mikilvægt er að þekkja sjúkdóminn, viðbrögð við honum og kanna hvort hefja eigi almenna bólusetningu gegn honum hér á landi