31 research outputs found

    Correlating matched-filter model for analysis and optimisation of neural networks

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    A new formalism is described for modelling neural networks by means of which a clear physical understanding of the network behaviour can be gained. In essence, the neural net is represented by an equivalent network of matched filters which is then analysed by standard correlation techniques. The procedure is demonstrated on the synchronous Little-Hopfield network. It is shown how the ability of this network to discriminate between stored binary, bipolar codes is optimised if the stored codes are chosen to be orthogonal. However, such a choice will not often be possible and so a new neural network architecture is proposed which enables the same discrimination to be obtained for arbitrary stored codes. The most efficient convergence of the synchronous Little-Hopfield net is obtained when the neurons are connected to themselves with a weight equal to the number of stored codes. The processing gain is presented for this case. The paper goes on to show how this modelling technique can be extended to analyse the behaviour of both hard and soft neural threshold responses and a novel time-dependent threshold response is described

    The fundamental pro-groupoid of an affine 2-scheme

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    A natural question in the theory of Tannakian categories is: What if you don't remember \Forget? Working over an arbitrary commutative ring RR, we prove that an answer to this question is given by the functor represented by the \'etale fundamental groupoid \pi_1(\spec(R)), i.e.\ the separable absolute Galois group of RR when it is a field. This gives a new definition for \'etale \pi_1(\spec(R)) in terms of the category of RR-modules rather than the category of \'etale covers. More generally, we introduce a new notion of "commutative 2-ring" that includes both Grothendieck topoi and symmetric monoidal categories of modules, and define a notion of π1\pi_1 for the corresponding "affine 2-schemes." These results help to simplify and clarify some of the peculiarities of the \'etale fundamental group. For example, \'etale fundamental groups are not "true" groups but only profinite groups, and one cannot hope to recover more: the "Tannakian" functor represented by the \'etale fundamental group of a scheme preserves finite products but not all products.Comment: 46 pages + bibliography. Diagrams drawn in Tik

    Multimodal Dependent Type Theory

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    We introduce MTT, a dependent type theory which supports multiple modalities. MTT is parametrized by a mode theory which specifies a collection of modes, modalities, and transformations between them. We show that different choices of mode theory allow us to use the same type theory to compute and reason in many modal situations, including guarded recursion, axiomatic cohesion, and parametric quantification. We reproduce examples from prior work in guarded recursion and axiomatic cohesion, thereby demonstrating that MTT constitutes a simple and usable syntax whose instantiations intuitively correspond to previous handcrafted modal type theories. In some cases, instantiating MTT to a particular situation unearths a previously unknown type theory that improves upon prior systems. Finally, we investigate the metatheory of MTT. We prove the consistency of MTT and establish canonicity through an extension of recent type-theoretic gluing techniques. These results hold irrespective of the choice of mode theory, and thus apply to a wide variety of modal situations

    Quantitative Concept Analysis

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    Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) begins from a context, given as a binary relation between some objects and some attributes, and derives a lattice of concepts, where each concept is given as a set of objects and a set of attributes, such that the first set consists of all objects that satisfy all attributes in the second, and vice versa. Many applications, though, provide contexts with quantitative information, telling not just whether an object satisfies an attribute, but also quantifying this satisfaction. Contexts in this form arise as rating matrices in recommender systems, as occurrence matrices in text analysis, as pixel intensity matrices in digital image processing, etc. Such applications have attracted a lot of attention, and several numeric extensions of FCA have been proposed. We propose the framework of proximity sets (proxets), which subsume partially ordered sets (posets) as well as metric spaces. One feature of this approach is that it extracts from quantified contexts quantified concepts, and thus allows full use of the available information. Another feature is that the categorical approach allows analyzing any universal properties that the classical FCA and the new versions may have, and thus provides structural guidance for aligning and combining the approaches.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, ICFCA 201

    Formalizing of Category Theory in Agda

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    The generality and pervasiness of category theory in modern mathematics makes it a frequent and useful target of formalization. It is however quite challenging to formalize, for a variety of reasons. Agda currently (i.e. in 2020) does not have a standard, working formalization of category theory. We document our work on solving this dilemma. The formalization revealed a number of potential design choices, and we present, motivate and explain the ones we picked. In particular, we find that alternative definitions or alternative proofs from those found in standard textbooks can be advantageous, as well as "fit" Agda's type theory more smoothly. Some definitions regarded as equivalent in standard textbooks turn out to make different "universe level" assumptions, with some being more polymorphic than others. We also pay close attention to engineering issues so that the library integrates well with Agda's own standard library, as well as being compatible with as many of supported type theories in Agda as possible