1,342 research outputs found

    Potato Response to Boron and Sulfur Fertilization

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    This trial was conducted to investigate how potatoes respond to boron and sulfur fertilization when grown on coarse sand soil with low organic matter

    Sugar Beet Demonstration

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    The sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) demonstration was conducted in response to the planned construction of an ethanol plant in Muscatine. Instead of corn, the facility will use sugarbased feedstocks such as molasses and, hopefully, locally grown crops like sugar beets. However, sugar beets are not currently grown in southeast Iowa and reliable production information is not available to make informed decisions on the merits of using this crop. Therefore, this project was conducted to determine if sugar beets could be grown in southeast Iowa, what production problems might be encountered, and establish potential yield levels. To achieve these goals half-acre trial plots were established at the Muscatine Island Research Farm, Fruitland, and at the Southeast Research Farm, Crawfordsville. Although less than 45 miles apart, the sites provided two contrasting growing environments available in southeast Iowa because of different soil types and the use of irrigation at Fruitland. The plantings were monitored through the growing season with yield and quality determinations made in the fall

    Subsurface Drip Irrigation Project

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    An ambitious subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) project covering eight acres was initiated and installed in 2007. It is a permanent installation with plastic drip lines buried 18 in. deep and spaced 60 in. apart in a field divided into 12 operating zones. The project was undertaken with the following objectives: 1. Demonstrate SDI installation, equipment, and operation. 2. Demonstrate best management practicesfor growing crops with SDI. 3. Conduct irrigation research in areas of scheduling and fertility. 4. Provide a platform for educational and outreach activities

    Sweet Corn Cultivar Trial

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    The 2009 sweet corn cultivar trial was conducted to identify cultivars with good ear characteristics for local marketing or shortdistance shipping. This year’s trial focused on the bicolor, high-quality shrunken 2 (sh2) types, often referred to as augmented or improved sh2. The best cultivars in this class provide improved flavor and tenderness over conventional sh2 hybrids. They need isolation from other corn genotypes in the field and careful handling at harvest, but reward the grower with the best combination of gourmet eating quality and extended shelf-life that is available

    Evaluating Zidua Herbicide in a Sweet Corn Weed Management Program

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a new herbicide from BASF marketed as Zidua (pyroxasulfone) for its effectiveness in a sweet corn weed management progra

    Asparagus Cultivar Evaluation

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    The asparagus cultivar trial was initiated in 1995 to evaluate the growing number of new hybrids for yield potential and suitability to Iowa growing conditions. The trial consists of a replicated planting at the Muscatine Island Research Farm, Fruitland, Iowa (southeast Iowa), and observational plantings on ISU Research Farms at Kanawha (north central), Lewis (southwest), and Sutherland (northwest). The Fruitland trial location provided a coarse sandy soil with supplemental irrigation. Conversely, all of the observational plantings were located on fine-textured loamy soils and relied on rainfall for moisture. Standard cultural practices were followed at all sites. At harvest, spears were snapped-off at ground level when they were 8” to 12” tall and were trimmed to an 8” length before grading and weighing. Data presented are of marketable yield only. The trial evaluates eleven all-male hybrids including Gijnlim, Greenwich, and the ‘Jersey’ cultivars. Apollo, Atlas, Grande, and U.C. 157 are standard (dioecious) hybrids with both male and female plants. Mary Washington and Purple Passion are open pollinated cultivars

    Sweet Corn Cultivar Trial

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    The 2011 sweet corn cultivar trial evaluated 20 sugary enhanced (se) and synergistic (se/sh2) cultivars having bicolored kernels to identify good production and ear characteristics for local marketing or short-distance shipping

    Corn Response to Sulfur Fertilization when Grown on Irrigated Sandy Soil

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    The objective of this trial was to investigate how field corn responds to sulfur fertilization when grown on irrigated coarse sandy soil with low organic matter

    Plant Density Effects on Aphrodite and Eclipse Muskmelon

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    The objective of this two-year study was to determine the effect of within-row hill spacing and the number of plants/hill on the yield and fruit size of Aphrodite and Eclipse muskmelon. This two-year study found that Eclipse produced its best early and total yields while maintaining large fruit size in a planting arrangement of one plant every 21 in. and in rows 7 ft apart, equaling a population of 3,556/acre. Aphrodite bore fewer but larger fruit on a plant and produced its best total yield when planted in a high-density arrangement of one plant every 11 in. or 7,112 plants/acre. However, like Eclipse, its early yield was increased when spaced one plant every 21 in. in the row