13 research outputs found
Lateral ZnO nanowire growth on a planar substrate using a growth barrier
Simple fabrication of a ZnO nanowire photodetector with a fast photoresponse time
10.1063/1.2190459Applied Physics Letters8813-APPL
Controlled lateral growth of ZnO nanowires using a growth barrier
2006 6th IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology, IEEE-NANO 20062632-63
Improving the NH3 gas sensitivity of ZnO nanowire sensors by reducing the carrier concentration
Directed growth of carbon nanotubes utilizing plasma induced surface charging voltage
2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2007, Technical Proceedings133-3
Site-specific growth of ZnO nanowires from patterned Zn via compatible semiconductor processing
10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.01.012Journal of Crystal Growth310102485-2492JCRG
Horizontally directed growth of carbon nanotubes utilizing self-generated electric field from plasma induced surface charging
10.1063/1.2824478Applied Physics Letters9124-APPL
Field-emission-induced growth of nanowire between electrodes
10.1063/1.2202733Applied Physics Letters8819-APPL
Microarray with micro- and nano-topographies enables identification of the optimal topography for directing the differentiation of primary murine neural progenitor cells