24 research outputs found

    Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment Perspectives in Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: Systematic Review

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    Traumatic peripheral nerve lesions affect hundreds of thousands of patients every year; their consequences are life-altering and often devastating and cause alterations in movement and sensitivity. Spontaneous peripheral nerve recovery is often inadequate. In this context, nowadays, cell therapy represents one of the most innovative approaches in the field of nerve repair therapies. The purpose of this systematic review is to discuss the features of different types of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) relevant for peripheral nerve regeneration after nerve injury. The published literature was reviewed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A combination of the keywords “nerve regeneration”, “stem cells”, “peripheral nerve injury”, “rat”, and “human” were used. Additionally, a “MeSH” research was performed in PubMed using the terms “stem cells” and “nerve regeneration”. The characteristics of the most widely used MSCs, their paracrine potential, targeted stimulation, and differentiation potentials into Schwann-like and neuronal-like cells are described in this paper. Considering their ability to support and stimulate axonal growth, their remarkable paracrine activity, their presumed differentiation potential, their extremely low immunogenicity, and their high survival rate after transplantation, ADSCs appear to be the most suitable and promising MSCs for the recovery of peripheral nerve lesion. Clinical considerations are finally reported

    “Social Bank” and Fair “Hands of the Earth”.2005-2015. Balance and projections ten years after its creation

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    En el partido de La Plata y sus alrededores se concentra un importante número de agricultores que abastecen de productos frescos al área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Estos productores, de carácter familiar, cuentan con múltiples dificultades para mantenerse en la actividad y la posibilidad de reproducción de los sistemas y su familia. Entre las problemáticas mas relevantes se mencionan el acceso a tecnologías apropiadas, la subordinación en la cadena comercial y el acceso al financiamiento. En este marco, en año 2005 se crea el Banco Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; primera experiencia en el País de una entidad de microcrédito implementada desde una Universidad. A partir de esta experiencia de extensión universitaria, en el año 2008 se conforma un espacio de comercialización semanal en el predio de la mencionada Facultad denominado “Manos de la Tierra”. Este trabajo pretende realizar una evaluación de la tarea realizada desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, así como sus proyecciones a futuro. Para la elaboración de este estudio se consultaron publicaciones realizadas por el equipo técnico, así como así como trabajos realizados por otros grupos de investigación que abordaron aspectos vinculados al proyecto en cuestión. Se incorporan además, entrevistas realizadas a los productores beneficiarios, y la sistematización de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de diez años de funcionamiento del proyectoThe city of La Plata and it surroundings, concentrates a large number of farmers that supply fresh products to the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. These farmers, with family characters, have multiple difficulties to stay in de activity and also for reproduce their systems and their family. Among the most relevant problems, access to appropriate technologies, subordination in the market chain and access to finance are mentioned. In this context, in2005 the Social Bank of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Faculty is created. Being the first experience in the country where a microcredit is implemented from the University. From this experience of university extension, in 2008 a weekly market is formed in the Faculty site called “Hands of the Earth”. This work intends to evaluate the work done since its creation to the present and their future projections. For this study, publications of the working team were consulted as well as works by others research groups that addressed issues related to this project. Interviews with the beneficiaries farmers and systematization of the activities carried out over ten years of project were also incorporated.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    “Social Bank” and Fair “Hands of the Earth”.2005-2015. Balance and projections ten years after its creation

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    En el partido de La Plata y sus alrededores se concentra un importante número de agricultores que abastecen de productos frescos al área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Estos productores, de carácter familiar, cuentan con múltiples dificultades para mantenerse en la actividad y la posibilidad de reproducción de los sistemas y su familia. Entre las problemáticas mas relevantes se mencionan el acceso a tecnologías apropiadas, la subordinación en la cadena comercial y el acceso al financiamiento. En este marco, en año 2005 se crea el Banco Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; primera experiencia en el País de una entidad de microcrédito implementada desde una Universidad. A partir de esta experiencia de extensión universitaria, en el año 2008 se conforma un espacio de comercialización semanal en el predio de la mencionada Facultad denominado “Manos de la Tierra”. Este trabajo pretende realizar una evaluación de la tarea realizada desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad, así como sus proyecciones a futuro. Para la elaboración de este estudio se consultaron publicaciones realizadas por el equipo técnico, así como así como trabajos realizados por otros grupos de investigación que abordaron aspectos vinculados al proyecto en cuestión. Se incorporan además, entrevistas realizadas a los productores beneficiarios, y la sistematización de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de diez años de funcionamiento del proyectoThe city of La Plata and it surroundings, concentrates a large number of farmers that supply fresh products to the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. These farmers, with family characters, have multiple difficulties to stay in de activity and also for reproduce their systems and their family. Among the most relevant problems, access to appropriate technologies, subordination in the market chain and access to finance are mentioned. In this context, in2005 the Social Bank of the Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Faculty is created. Being the first experience in the country where a microcredit is implemented from the University. From this experience of university extension, in 2008 a weekly market is formed in the Faculty site called “Hands of the Earth”. This work intends to evaluate the work done since its creation to the present and their future projections. For this study, publications of the working team were consulted as well as works by others research groups that addressed issues related to this project. Interviews with the beneficiaries farmers and systematization of the activities carried out over ten years of project were also incorporated.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    8 Racconti di Milano. Verso un nuovo progetto di città

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    Il libro, esito editoriale di un ciclo di Seminari (8 Racconti di Milano) svolti presso la sede di Assimpredil Ance di Milano, tratteggia i cambiamenti dei profili sociali, economici e demografici, le possibili regole per il governo delle trasformazioni urbane, la dimensione territoriale delle problematiche ambientali e di mobilità, la domanda di casa sociale e assieme di urbanità e bellezza della città, la rigenerazione urbana come necessario paradigma per uno sviluppo sostenibile, le differenti idee di città che ne sostengono previsioni e scelte; cercando di raccontare queste differenti dimensioni attraverso l’ineludibile filo conduttore del cambiamento. I tre autori hanno istruito i Racconti attraverso 8 saggi tematici generali e chiesto contributi specifici a studiosi ed esperti, ripercorrendo le cose dette e soprattutto maturate nel confronto e attraverso il dialogo svolto all'interno dei Seminari, cercando di leggerle e attualizzarle in rapporto alla crisi sistemica conseguente alla pandemia Covid19. Nella condivisa consapevolezza che non sia più il momento di definire scenari stabili e di ipotizzare previsioni di lungo periodo, ma forse quello di provare ad abilitare il futuro per orientarlo verso un diverso, sostenibile e più equilibrato modello di sviluppo