146 research outputs found

    Mother–infant Interactions and Infant Intake during Breastfeeding Versus Bottle-feeding Expressed Breast Milk

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    Bottle-fed infants are at higher risk for rapid weight gain compared with breastfed infants. Few studies have attempted to disentangle effects of feeding mode, milk composition and relevant covariates on feeding interactions and outcomes. The objective of the present study was to compare effects of breastfeeding directly at the breast versus bottle-feeding expressed breast milk on feeding interactions. Mothers with \u3c6-month-old infants (n = 47) participated in two counterbalanced, feeding observations. Mothers breastfed their infants directly from the breast during one visit (breast condition) and bottle-fed their infants expressed breast milk during the other (bottle condition). Masked raters later coded videos using the Nursing Child Assessment Parent–Child Interaction Feeding Scale. Infant intake was assessed. Mothers self-reported sociodemographic characteristics, infant feeding patterns (i.e. percentage of daily feedings from bottles) and level of pressuring feeding style. Mother and infant behaviours were similar during breast and bottle conditions. Percent bottle-feeding moderated effects of condition on intake (P = 0.032): greater percent bottle-feeding predicted greater intake during the bottle compared with breast condition. Effects of feeding mode were not moderated by parity or pressuring feeding style, but, regardless of condition, multiparous mothers fed their infants more than primiparous mothers (P = 0.028), and pressuring feeding style was positively associated with infant intake (P = 0.045). Findings from the present study do not support the hypothesis that feeding mode directly impacts dyadic interaction for predominantly breastfeeding mothers and infants, but rather suggest between-subject differences in feeding experiences and styles predict feeding outcomes for this population

    Interaction between Purkinje Cells and Inhibitory Interneurons May Create Adjustable Output Waveforms to Generate Timed Cerebellar Output

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    We develop a new model that explains how the cerebellum may generate the timing in classical delay eyeblink conditioning. Recent studies show that both Purkinje cells (PCs) and inhibitory interneurons (INs) have parallel signal processing streams with two time scales: an AMPA receptor-mediated fast process and a metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-mediated slow process. Moreover, one consistent finding is an increased excitability of PC dendrites (in Larsell's lobule HVI) in animals when they acquire the classical delay eyeblink conditioning naturally, in contrast to in vitro studies, where learning involves long-term depression (LTD). Our model proposes that the delayed response comes from the slow dynamics of mGluR-mediated IP3 activation, and the ensuing calcium concentration change, and not from LTP/LTD. The conditioned stimulus (tone), arriving on the parallel fibers, triggers this slow activation in INs and PC spines. These excitatory (from PC spines) and inhibitory (from INs) signals then interact at the PC dendrites to generate variable waveforms of PC activation. When the unconditioned stimulus (puff), arriving on the climbing fibers, is coupled frequently with this slow activation the waveform is amplified (due to an increased excitability) and leads to a timed pause in the PC population. The disinhibition of deep cerebellar nuclei by this timed pause causes the delayed conditioned response. This suggested PC-IN interaction emphasizes a richer role of the INs in learning and also conforms to the recent evidence that mGluR in the cerebellar cortex may participate in slow motor execution. We show that the suggested mechanism can endow the cerebellar cortex with the versatility to learn almost any temporal pattern, in addition to those that arise in classical conditioning

    Exploring the domain of the cerebellar timing system

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    ABSTRACT. Tile ability of all animal to process temporal information has adaptive significance across different emporal ranges. The ability to encode and utilize temporal information allows an animal to predict and anticipate vents. However, the lime scales var3. ' widely. The predictable vent might be based on information that changes over relatively long periods such as a year or a day. or over periods comprising much shorter durations, events that change within a few minutes or milliseconds. Are there a single set of neural mechanisms thai are essential for representing temporal information over these different scales? Despite the facl thai numerous neural sln~clures have been linked to successfid performance on a varieD ' of timing tasks, this question has received relalively little allen!ion. In this chapler, we will focus on the role of the cerebellum in a varie.ty of timing tasks. We will review the hypothesis that the cerebellum can be conceptualized asa relatively task-independent tinting mechanism. An important feature of this hypothesis is that the range of the cerebellar tinting s.vslem is assumed to be relatively reslriclcd. Specifically, we assume thai the cerebellum is capable of representing temporal information ranging from a few milliseconds to an upper bound of a few seconds. What remains unclear is whether the cerebellum is involved on tasks spanning longer durations. Cognitive processes such as attention and memor3. ' become clearly imporlant here. and indeed, may dominate performance for longer inlervals. The animal literature points!o non-cerebellar stn~ctures a playing a crilical role in these tasks and we will provide a brief review of this work. Finally. we will present he preliminary resulls from two experimenls designed to directly test the hypothesis that the cerebeilum's temporal capabilities are limilcd Io rclalivcly shorl durations. 1. Studies with patients with cerebellar lesions Ivry and Keele (1989) assessed the performance of a variety of neurological patients and age-matched control subjects on two tasks that were designed t

    Cerebellar-dependent delay eyeblink conditioning in adolescents with Specific Language Impairment

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    Cerebellar impairments have been hypothesized as part of the pathogenesis of Specific Language Impairment (SLI), although direct evidence of cerebellar involvement is sparse. Eyeblink Conditioning (EBC) is a learning task with well documented cerebellar pathways. This is the first study of EBC in affected adolescents and controls. 16 adolescent controls, 15 adolescents with SLI, and 12 adult controls participated in a delay EBC task. Affected children had low general language performance, grammatical deficits but no speech impairments. The affected group did not differ from the control adolescent or control adult group, showing intact cerebellar functioning on the EBC task. This study did not support cerebellar impairment at the level of basic learning pathways as part of the pathogenesis of SLI. Outcomes do not rule out cerebellar influences on speech impairment, or possible other forms of cerebellar functioning as contributing to SLI

    Ubiquitous molecular substrates for associative learning and activity-dependent neuronal facilitation.

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    Recent evidence suggests that many of the molecular cascades and substrates that contribute to learning-related forms of neuronal plasticity may be conserved across ostensibly disparate model systems. Notably, the facilitation of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission that contribute to associative learning in Aplysia and Hermissenda, as well as associative LTP in hippocampal CA1 cells, all require (or are enhanced by) the convergence of a transient elevation in intracellular Ca2+ with transmitter binding to metabotropic cell-surface receptors. This temporal convergence of Ca2+ and G-protein-stimulated second-messenger cascades synergistically stimulates several classes of serine/threonine protein kinases, which in turn modulate receptor function or cell excitability through the phosphorylation of ion channels. We present a summary of the biophysical and molecular constituents of neuronal and synaptic facilitation in each of these three model systems. Although specific components of the underlying molecular cascades differ across these three systems, fundamental aspects of these cascades are widely conserved, leading to the conclusion that the conceptual semblance of these superficially disparate systems is far greater than is generally acknowledged. We suggest that the elucidation of mechanistic similarities between different systems will ultimately fulfill the goal of the model systems approach, that is, the description of critical and ubiquitous features of neuronal and synaptic events that contribute to memory induction

    The Effects of Social Support on Married Women's Psychological Well-Being

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    210 p.Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998.Overall, these results indicate that social support is more germane to new African American wives psychological well-being, while socio-demographic status more commonly affects new White wives psychological health.U of I OnlyRestricted to the U of I community idenfinitely during batch ingest of legacy ETD
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