47 research outputs found
Християнські традиції паломництва в сучасній Білорусії (за матеріалами польових досліджень)
Іn the article are examined modern Christian traditions of pilgrimage in Byelorussia. There is given a characteristic of the features of the traditions of worship to the sainted places in the contemporary culture of Byelorussian ethnos, structure and functions of pilgrimage are investigated. The influence of pilgrim traditions on the ethnic processes is noted (consciousness of Belorussians). The author used the materials of the field ethnolographical expeditions as the main saurce of the investigation.У артыкуле разглядаюцца сучасныя хрысціянскія традыцыі паломніцтва ў Беларусі. Пад-час аналізу праблемы аўтарам выкарыстаны ў якасці асноўнай крыніцы матэрыялы палявых этнаграфічных экспедыцый. Даецца характарыстыка асаблівасцей традыцый пакланення святым месцам у сучаснай культуры беларускага этнасу, даследуюцца структура і функцыі паломніцтва. Адзначаны ўплыў паломніцкіх традыцый на этнічныя працэсы (самасвядомасць беларусаў)
« Half dicht, half prose gheordineert » : vers et prose de moyen français en moyen néerlandais
In both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking literary cultures of the late Middle Ages, competition between poets produced a collective poetic expertise. To what extent, then, can such competition be identified across the two cultures, in translations of verse or prosimetrum compositions from Middle French into Middle Dutch? An examination of the Dutch translations reveals that verse is both a means to knowledge and an object of knowledge, in the target culture as well as the source culture. The diversity of translations shows that verse is not only a system that translators attempt to master, but also a formal supplement in ways that are unavailable to prose