358 research outputs found

    Nota preliminare sulla vegetazione delle doline del Carso Triestino

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    Der Bericht ist eine kurze Beschreibung der Vegetation und der klimatischen Verhältnisse der Triester Karstdolinen, die sich im Bereich des illyrischen klimatogenen Waldes Seslerio-Ostryetum finden, und als Umkehr der Vegetationsstufen wird eine besondere neue Assoziation beschrieben: das Asaro-Carpinetum betuli, das durch zahlreiche Fagetalia-Arten gekennzeichnet ist.Autor ukratko opisuje vegetaciju i klimatske prilike u dolinama Tršćanskog Krasa u području ilirske klimatogene zajednice Seslerio-Ostryetum. U tim dolinama pojavljuje se inverzija vegetacijskih pojaseva kao posljedica vrlo brzo mijenjajućih se temperaturnih prilika prema dnu dolina. Kao posebna asocijacija opisana je zajednica Asaro-Carpinetum betuli, koja se odlikuje mnogobrojnim fagetalnim vrstama.Vengono sintéticamente descritte la vegetazione e le condizioni clima- tiche delle doline del Carso triestino, che si trovano nell’ambito del bosco illirico climatogeno: il Seslerio-Ostryetum e, come inversione della vegetazione, viene individuata e descritta una nuova associazione: VAsaro-Carpinetum betuli, caratterizzata da numeróse specie dei Fagetalia

    Abordaje desde el acompañamiento terapéutico en psicosis

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    Se pretende llevar a cabo un trabajo de investigación, pudiendo conocer y describir la práctica del acompañamiento terapéutico, pensándola desde un enfoque psicoanalítico. El trabajo se desarrolla en 4 capítulos. En los mismos, se comenzó por conocer los avances que fue teniendo la enfermedad mental a lo largo del tiempo, junto a las formas de abordajes que se desempeñaban, pudiendo comprender el origen del acompañamiento terapéutico, conociendo las legalidades que lo contuvieron hasta la actualidad, sumado a las condiciones básicas para ejercer dicha práctica. Luego se continuó, acercándonos a las conceptualizaciones desde S. Freud para tomar conocimiento de cómo trabaja el aparato psíquico, junto al proceso primario y secundario, a los mecanismos de desplazamiento y condensación y cómo abordó la neurosis diferenciándola de la psicosis. Allí se aborda a J. Lacan con la constitución subjetiva, la estructura, metáfora paterna y la psicosis. Esto fue permitiendo tener acceso a los conceptos psicoanalíticos para dejar en claro dicha mirada y empezar a pensarla en relación con el acompañamiento terapéutico. Luego, se consideró necesario conocer los puntos a tener en cuenta desde el acompañamiento terapéutico y articularlo con un caso clínico de psicosis, pudiendo pensar los contenidos desarrollados a lo largo de la investigación, para finalmente sostener que, desde una formación psicoanalítica, el acompañante terapéutico frente a un sujeto con psicosis, puede posicionarse como soporte simbólico transitorio, logrando restablecer el lazo social.It is intended to carry out a research, being able to know and describe the practice of therapeutic accompaniment thought from a psychoanalytic approach. Which is developed in 4 chapters. In the same we began to know the progress that was taking mental illness over time, along with the forms of approaches that are played and can understand the origin of therapeutic accompaniment, knowing the legalities that held it until today, together the basic conditions to exercise this practice. Then he continued approaching the conceptualizations from Freud to take cognizance of how the psychic apparatus, by the primary and secondary process, the mechanisms of displacement and condensation works and how to address the neurosis distinct from psychosis. Lacan brought there with the subjective constitution, structure, paternal metaphor and psychosis. This was allowing access psychoanalytic concepts to clarify that look and start to think about it in relation to the therapeutic accompaniment. Then it was considered necessary to know the points to note from the therapeutic accompaniment and articulate it with a case of psychosis, may think the content developed throughout the investigation. To finally argue that from a psychoanalytic training, therapeutic companion against a subject with psychosis, can be positioned as a temporary symbolic support making to restore the social bond.Fil: Lausi, Jimen

    Environmental awareness and pro-environmental behavior: A case of university students in Malang city

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    University students exhibit low commitment towards pro-environmental behavior despite the facts that they know a lot about environmental issues. The objective of this study was (1) to know the level of environmental awareness and pro-environmental behavior and (2) to find relationship between environmental awareness and pro-environmental behavior among university students in Malang city. This study used descriptive quantitative research design using survey method. Data were collected using questionnaire instrument using a 3-point modified from Liker response scale. The results revealed that majority of the students possessed higher environmental awareness and exhibited high environmentally-friendly behavior. Likewise, there existed significant relationship between environmental awareness and pro-environmental behavior amongst university students in Malang city.Mahasiswa menunjukkan komitmen yang rendah terhadap perilaku prolingkungan meskipun mereka tahu banyak tentang masalah lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mengetahui tingkat kesadaran lingkungan dan perilaku pro-lingkungan dan (2) untuk menemukan hubungan antara kesadaran lingkungan dan perilaku pro-lingkungan di kalangan mahasiswa di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode survei. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner menggunakan 3 poin yang dimodifikasi dari skala respons Liker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas siswa memiliki kesadaran lingkungan yang lebih tinggi dan menunjukkan perilaku ramah lingkungan yang tinggi

    Il Dirigente Scolastico tra leadership, management e accountability “, analisi di un’autonomia ancora imperfetta

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    2015 - 2016The world of education for several years was restless. Leadership in schools, and specifically, the role of "headmaster", is very timely in almost all countries that have long taken the autonomy on. Proof of this is the fact that the Directorate for Education OECD has been engaged in a comparative study which was attended by over twenty countries entitled "Improving School Leadership". The Headmaster is the leading individual in the school's leadership. My work has investigated the particular Italian path to the autonomy of educational institutions and the growing power of D.S. although in view of shared leadership. Subject of the study were also the RAV (Self Assessment Report) and the new PTOF (Triennial Plan of Formative Offer). The D.S. You saw significantly expanded their skills thanks to the allocation of new tasks and functions, including the possibility of granting three-year assignments to teachers; evaluating teachers in this period; grant economic incentives to deserving teachers. [edited by author]Il mondo della Pubblica Istruzione da diversi anni è in fermento. La leadership nelle scuole, e nello specifico, il ruolo del “capo di istituto”, è di grande attualità in quasi tutti i paesi che hanno da tempo intrapreso la via dell’autonomia. Ne è prova il fatto che il Directorate for Education dell’OCSE è stato impegnato in una ricerca comparativa cui hanno partecipano oltre venti paesi dal titolo “Improving School Leadership”. Il Dirigente Scolastico è il principale individuo nella posizione di leadership della scuola. Il mio lavoro ha indagato il particolare percorso italiano verso l’autonomia delle istituzioni scolastiche e il crescente potere del D.S. anche se in un’ottica di leadership condivisa. Oggetto di studio sono stati anche il RAV (Rapporto di Autovalutazione) e il nuovo PTOF (Piano Triennale di Offerta Formativa). Il D.S. ha visto sensibilmente ampliate le proprie competenze grazie anche all’attribuzione di nuovi compiti e funzioni tra cui la possibilità di concedere incarichi triennali ai docenti; valutare i docenti in periodo di formazione; concedere incentivi economici a docenti meritevoli. [a cura dell'autore]XV n.s

    Coexistence of pressure-induced structural phases in bulk black phosphorus: a combined x-ray diffraction and Raman study up to 18 GPa

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    We report a study of the structural phase transitions induced by pressure in bulk black phosphorus by using both synchrotron x-ray diffraction for pressures up to 12.2 GPa and Raman spectroscopy up to 18.2 GPa. Very recently black phosphorus attracted large attention because of the unique properties of fewlayers samples (phosphorene), but some basic questions are still open in the case of the bulk system. As concerning the presence of a Raman spectrum above 10 GPa, which should not be observed in an elemental simple cubic system, we propose a new explanation by attributing a key role to the non-hydrostatic conditions occurring in Raman experiments. Finally, a combined analysis of Raman and XRD data allowed us to obtain quantitative information on presence and extent of coexistences between different structural phases from ~5 up to ~15 GPa. This information can have an important role in theoretical studies on pressure-induced structural and electronic phase transitions in black phosphorus

    Environmental Care Character Education Based On Local Wisdom For Marine Resource Management

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    The character of caring for the environment through local culture is increasingly being encouraged. However, the concept of integrating local culture in forming an environmentally caring character in managing marine resources has not been implemented. Meanwhile, environmental awareness is important to realize good environmental quality. The community must have the character of caring for the environment as a conservation effort, including the concern of the Bajo community in managing the Wakatobi National Park area. The aim of this research is to examine the local wisdom values of the Bajo Mola community in Wakatobi National Park, including the local wisdom of Duata Sangal, Parika and Pamali contained in environmentally caring character education which is integrated through high school geography learning. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews, observations and literature reviews which are analyzed using model triangulation. The results of the research are that character education that cares about the environment can be developed through the use of marine resources through the local wisdom of the Bajo Mola community. Bajo Mola local wisdom values in class XI Geography learning. Educators can apply it by integrating it into learning material, so that they can form environmentally. Caring characters in students.  As a community with a maritime culture, local wisdom values contain indicators of environmentally caring character that can be integrated into geography learning. Through environmental care character education based on the local wisdom of the Bajo Mola Waakatobi tribe, it is hoped that it can foster an attitude of caring for the environment in society

    Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Gizi Buruk pada Anak dengan Metode Dempster-Shafer Berbasis Web

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    Sistem pakar adalah sistem berbasis komputer yang menggunakan pengetahuan, fakta, dan teknik penalaran dalam memecahkan masalah yang biasanya hanya dapat dipecahkan oleh pakar bidang tertentu. Puskesmas Ome Kota Tidore Kepulauan Selama ini, untuk mendata gizi buruk pada anak-anak melakukannya secara manual. Sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Peniltian ini bertujuan merancang aplikasi sistem pakar untuk menentukan status gizi buruk pada anak dengan menggunakan metode dempster-shafer, dimana ada beberapa jenis gizi buruk yang biasa dialami oleh anak, karena itu dalam kasus ini ada 3 jenis gizi buruk yang dibahas, yaitu marasmus (kekurangan energi), khowarsiorkor (kekurangan protein), dan marasmus-khowarsiorkor (kekurangan protein dan energi), yang digunakan untuk mengkombinasikan potongan informasi yang terpisah (bukti) untuk mengkalkulasi kemungkinan dari suatu peristiwa. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memudahkan pihak puskesmas dalam mengelola dan melacak gizi buruk pada anak-anak di Puskesmas Ome Kota Tidore Kepulauan