4 research outputs found

    »Man skal måske også passe på, at sanserne de ikke overtager det hele« – implikationer af pjat på læreruddannelsen

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    Hvad sker der, når undervisning med legekvaliteter på læreruddannelsen bliver pjattet? Gennem et nærempirisk studie af tre undervisningssituationer med legekvalitet på læreruddannelsen sætter artiklen fokus på de måder, hvorpå pjattet udfolder sig og på, hvilke fortolkninger der knytter sig til udfoldelsen. Artiklen bidrager til en diskussion af, hvilke implikationer disse fortolkninger kan have for lærerstuderende i deres kommende pædagogiske praksis. Dette fører frem til et forslag om nuancering af fortolkningerne af pjat i undervisning, idet der her argumenteres for, at pjat og den euforiske legestemning både er vigtige komponenter for at give det legende liv og ilt til at fortsætte, og at der gemt i det pjattede også ligger nogle uventede faglige åbninger

    Influence of Prior Imaging Information on Diagnostic Accuracy for Focal Skeletal Processes-A Retrospective Analysis of the Consistency between Biopsy-Verified Imaging Diagnoses

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    Introduction: Comparing imaging examinations with those previously obtained is considered mandatory in imaging guidelines. To our knowledge, no studies are available on neither the influence, nor the sequence, of prior imaging and reports on diagnostic accuracy using biopsy as the reference standard. Such data are important to minimize diagnostic errors and to improve the preparation of diagnostic imaging guidelines. The aim of our study was to provide such data. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort of 216 consecutive skeletal biopsies from patients with at least 2 different imaging modalities (X-ray, CT and MRI) performed within 6 months of biopsy was identified. The diagnostic accuracy of the individual imaging modality was assessed. Finally, the possible influence of the sequence of imaging modalities was investigated. Results: No significant difference in the accuracy of the imaging modalities was shown, being preceded by another imaging modality or not. However, the sequence analyses indicate sequential biases, particularly if MRI was the first imaging modality. Conclusion: The sequence of the imaging modalities seems to influence the diagnostic accuracy against a pathology reference standard. Further studies are needed to establish evidence-based guidelines for the strategy of using previous imaging and reports to improve diagnostic accuracy