2,189 research outputs found

    Colovesicular Fistula

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    A fistula is an atypical connection between two epithelial surfaces, in the case of an enterovesical fistula between the urinary and gastrointestinal systems. These may be the result of a number of causes including: 1. Congenital abnormalities 2. Inflammatory diseases of the bowel (such as diverticulitis and Crohn’s Disease) 3. Cancer 4. Infection 5. Trauma 6. Iatrogenic (such as a post-operative complication) [3] A colovesical fistula (colovesicular fistula), an abnormal connection between the bladder and colon, is a known complication of diverticular disease, occurring in around 2%-22% of patients suffering from diverticulosis. These fistulae tend to occur three times more often in males than in females. The difference in occurrence is thought to be related to the fact that in females there is the uterus which may prevent the colon and bladder from coming into contact with each other. In fact in females other types of fistulae, such as vesicovaginal and enterovaginal, occur more frequently than colovesical fistulae. [2] Aim: This article highlights the importance of the early identification and management of colovesical fistulae, which although uncommon complications of diverticulitis, can be very uncomfortable for the patient and if not treated early, can lead to high morbidity.peer-reviewe

    Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia

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    Draws on detailed information to analyze current threats to coral reefs across Southeast Asia and provides an economic valuation of what will be lost if destructive fishing, over-fishing, and marine based and inland pollution coastal development continue

    Coastal Capital -- Economic Valuation of Coral Reefs in Tobago and St. Lucia

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    Presents findings on the economic benefits of coral reefs to the local economies of Tobago and St. Lucia, using a new, broadly applicable methodology that focuses on benefits to tourism, fisheries, and shoreline protection. Includes policy applications


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    quality, sectoral specialisation, international trade, price differentials

    Coastal Capital: Dominican Republic: Case Studies on the Economic Value of Coastal Ecosystems in the Dominican Republic

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    Illustrates the benefits coralline beaches, reefs, and mangroves in various parts of the country offer, including providing protection against beach erosion, habitats for fisheries, potential tourism growth in protected marine areas, and local tourism

    Aristotele omonimia e sinonimia

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    Effetto doppler ed applicazioni astrofisiche

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    L’effetto doppler fu scoperto dall'austriaco Christian Johann Doppler che nel 1842 fece una pubblicazione, affermando che un oggetto luminoso deve cambiare colore se posto in moto rispetto ad un osservatore. Infatti notò, sfruttando un vagone con alcuni musicisti sopra, come il suono variasse in base al moto relativo tra vagone ed osservatore. Un'analisi più dettagliata mostrò che un ascoltatore in moto verso una sorgente sonora ferma rispetto al mezzo di trasmissione, riceve un suono di frequenza maggiore rispetto a quello che ascolterebbe se anche lui fosse a riposo. Viceversa la frequenza è minore se l'ascoltatore si allontana dalla sorgente. Fenomeni analoghi si manifestano se la sorgente si muove rispetto al mezzo di trasmissione mentre l’ascoltatore resta fermo. Oggi sappiamo che questo fenomeno è verificato per qualsiasi tipo di onda meccanica

    Protecting the Child\u27s Best Interest: Defending Second-Parent Adoptions Granted Prior to the 2002 Enactment of California Assembly Bill 25

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    Sharon S. v. Superior Court is pending review before the California Supreme Court. This case may nullify second-parent adoptions granted in California prior to the enactment of Assembly Bill 25, which gave same-sex domestic partners the statutory right to adopt their partner\u27s children. Section I will examine the factual history and majority and minority opinions in Sharon S. Next, Section II of this comment will survey the history of adoption law and California Assembly Bill 25. Finally, Section III of this comment will consider differing state court opinions regarding second-parent adoptions. Section III will also offer remedies to counteract potential nullification of second-parent adoptions granted in California before January 1, 2002
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