27 research outputs found
Sexual steroid regulation of spermatogenesis: new actors enter the stage
Spermatogenesis, the process of male gamete (i.e. spermatozoa) production, requires tight hormonal regulation in order to proceed successfully. The importance of androgens (like testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone) to the regulation of spermatogenesis is well recognized. However, more recently, the importance of estrogens (like 17β-estradiol), has also been demonstrated. These sexual steroids act through ligand-activated transcription factors, estrogen receptors α and β (ERα and ERβ) and androgen receptor (AR), respectively. Most actions of these hormones are achieved through the regulation of target genes. The two ERs have different and sometimes opposing effects on the regulation of target genes, and estrogenic action will ultimately depend on interplay between them, when co-expressed in the same cell. The expression of ERα and ERβ in human testis has been strongly debated and a definite answer to whether only ERβ or both ERs are expressed is pivotal to understanding the estrogenic actions in human spermatogenesis. Several splice variants for ERα and ERβ have been described in testis, playing important roles in the regulation of their prototype receptors. In contrast, only one AR variant has been described so far in human testis, although the existence of more variants responsible for regulatory and non-classical actions is highly expected. The definition of the estrogen and androgen regulated transcriptome is of pivotal importance to understand the precise roles of sexual steroid hormones in testis. The main objectives of this thesis were to clarify the expression of ERα and ERβ in human testis, search for alternatively spliced AR variants, and to identify and characterize novel estrogen and androgen regulated genes with a potential importance in the control of spermatogenesis. The results presented herein demonstrate unequivocally that both ERα and ERβ are expressed in human testis, and clarify their cellular distribution. The existence of alternatively spliced testicular AR variants was confirmed with detection of four new AR forms in human testis, two of them conserved along the vertebrate evolutive line indicating a relevant functional importance. Conserning the sex steroid regulated transcriptome, two novel genes were identified, one regulated by estrogens and the other by androgens. Apoptosis inhibitor and modulator of DNA-damage response Aven was identified as a novel estrogen target gene in testis. Its expression was for the first time characterized in human and rat testis, as well as its cellular distribution to Sertoli and germ cells. Perhaps more importantly, it was shown that the expression levels of Aven in human testis are positively correlated with quality of spermatogenesis. Concerning androgen regulated gene, the expression of Regucalcin (RGN) in response to 5α-dihydrotestosterone was characterized, and RGN shown to be expressed by all cells in rat and human testis. Regucalcin is involved in the control of intracellular calcium concentration and regulation of cell proliferation and apoptosis, processes whose regulation is of pivotal importance in the control of spermatogenesis. Estrogens and androgens are well recognized as germ cell survival factors and are known to regulate control mechanisms for testicular apoptosis. Therefore, we believe that both Aven and RGN are involved in mechanisms of germ cell survival, which are controlled by androgens and estrogens. In conclusion, this thesis has contributed to increase the knowledge about estrogenic and androgenic action in testis. The “new actors cast” to the drama that is the hormonal control of spermatogenesis open new storylines in the research of mammalian spermatogenesis and perheaps male fertility
Durante a pandemia da Covid-19, vários aspectos que envolvem a manutenção e a efetivação da educação foram postos em destaques e promoveram diversas discussões. Além da dificuldade dos estudantes em terem acesso às tecnologias da informação e comunicação, surge também o desafio da docência que, a partir das suas experiências no formato presencial, necessitam transpor sua didática e metodologia para o ensino virtual. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de experiência vivenciado em três disciplinas da área da Expressão Gráfica, sendo elas: Geometria Gráfica Bidimensional e Metodologia de Ensino em Expressão Gráfica - Desenho Técnico, ministradas no curso da Licenciatura em Expressão Gráfica e, Sistemas de Representação 1: projeções cilíndricas, ministrada para o curso de Design, ofertadas no semestre suplementar com aulas remotas, na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. As disciplinas foram realizadas por docentes distintos, a partir da utilização da internet e da cultura digital, através da comunicação síncrona e assíncrona. Apontamos como resultado, dessas experiências didáticas, a construção de novos saberes atrelados a uma nova prática pedagógica, promovidos pelo uso das tecnologias, pelas mediações, além de todo o planejamento e organização dos assuntos empregados nas disciplinas em questão. Percebemos que o desenvolvimento cognitivo, a organização do aluno e do professor foram desafios que trouxeram resultados relevantes
Indicadores para avaliação multidimensional da sustentabilidade do setor hospitalar que presta serviços públicos
Um grande desafio nas organizações e governos é colocar em prática políticas públicas tendo como base o desenvolvimento sustentável e no setor de saúde não é diferente A importância do hospital na constituição dos sistemas de saúde exige a implantação de políticas, ações e decisões a serem tomadas para obtenção de resultados efetivos que atendam às necessidades de saúde da população. Considerando que não há indicadores que avaliem de forma multidimensional a sustentabilidade dos hospitais, este estudo apresenta uma proposta de indicadores para a avaliação multidimensional da sustentabilidade, sob a ótica de cinco dimensões: estratégica, econômica, social, ambiental e técnica. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com base nos preceitos teóricos para desenvolvimento sustentável, nos requisitos legais aplicáveis e no Modelo de Excelência da Gestão da Fundação Nacional da Qualidade. Foram definidos 67 indicadores distribuídos nas cinco dimensões, tornando possível a avaliação multidimensional da sustentabilidade dos hospitais que prestam serviços púbicos
Geographic distribution of phlebotomine sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Central-West Brazil
This study updates the geographic distributions of phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil and analyses the climatic factors associated with their occurrence. The data were obtained from the entomology services of the state departments of health in Central-West Brazil, scientific collections and a literature review of articles from 1962-2014. Ecological niche models were produced for sandfly species with more than 20 occurrences using the Maxent algorithm and eight climate variables. In all, 2,803 phlebotomine records for 127 species were analysed. Nyssomyia whitmani,Evandromyia lenti and Lutzomyia longipalpiswere the species with the greatest number of records and were present in all the biomes in Central-West Brazil. The models, which were produced for 34 species, indicated that the Cerrado areas in the central and western regions of Central-West Brazil were climatically more suitable to sandflies. The variables with the greatest influence on the models were the temperature in the coldest months and the temperature seasonality. The results show that phlebotomine species in Central-West Brazil have different geographical distribution patterns and that climate conditions in essentially the entire region favour the occurrence of at least one Leishmania vector species, highlighting the need to maintain or intensify vector control and surveillance strategies
O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Envelhecimento (PGCE), nível mestrado, foi aprovado pela CAPES em 2009 e iniciou suas atividades em 2010. É o único programa de pós-graduação de uma universidade privada com foco em Gerontologia na cidade de São Paulo. Atualmente, o PGCE está organizado em uma área de concentração denominada Ciências do Envelhecimento e em três linhas de pesquisa: (1) Aspectos educacionais, psicológicos e socioculturais do envelhecimento; (2) Doenças associadas ao envelhecimento; e (3) Saúde e funcionalidade no envelhecimento. Esta revisão narrativa apresenta a descrição dos atuais projetos de pesquisa do PGCE, conforme apresentado no relatório para avaliação de 2017 a 2020, recentemente submetido à CAPES. No período acima referido, a produção científica do PGCE correspondeu a 331 produções: 54 artigos em periódicos, 15 capítulos de livros, 36 trabalhos em anais de congressos, 91 apresentações de trabalhos em congressos e 135 produções técnicas. Ao longo de sua trajetória, algumas mudanças destacaram as características interdisciplinares do PGCE, o que pode ser evidenciado pelo aumento: na qualidade dos artigos publicados, no número de alunos matriculados, de dissertações apresentadas e de projetos de pesquisa e extensão desenvolvidos no período de 2017 a 2020, em comparação com o período de 2013 a 2016. O PGCE é um programa dinâmico que se adapta às necessidades emergentes da sociedade, integra pesquisa e extensão e, ao mesmo tempo, apresenta uma produção robusta para a comunidade científica
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Male reproductive aging: can men with oligospermia become azoospermic over time?
De novo methylation in male germ cells of the common marmoset monkey occurs during postnatal development and is maintained in vitro
The timing of de novo DNA methylation in male germ cells during human testicular development is yet unsolved. Apart from that, the stability of established imprinting patterns in vitro is controversially discussed. This study aimed at determining the timing of DNA de novo methylation and at assessing the stability of the methylation status in vitro. We employed the marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus) as it is considered the best non-human primate model for human testicular development. We selected neonatal, pre-pubertal, pubertal, and adult animals (n = 3, each) and assessed germ cell global DNA methylation levels by 5-methyl cytosine staining, and Alu elements and gene-specific methylation (H19, LIT1, SNRPN, MEST, OCT4, MAGE-A4, and DDX-4) by pyrosequencing. De novo methylation is progressively established during postnatal primate development and continues until adulthood, a process that is different in most other species. Importantly, once established, methylation patterns remained stable, as demonstrated using in vitro cultures. Thus, the marmoset monkey is a unique model for the study of postnatal DNA methylation mechanisms in germ cells and for the identification of epimutations and their causes
Granulomatose de Wegener: Envolvimento otológico, nasal, laringotraqueal e pulmonar Wegener granulomatosis: Otologic, nasal, tracheobronchial and pulmonary involvement
A granulomatose de Wegener é uma vasculite sistémica rara e idiopática caracterizada pelo atingimento dos pequenos vasos. A doença atinge, preferencialmente, as vias aérea superior e inferior e os rins, levando à formação de granulomas e necrose destes órgãos. As manifestações clínicas e o envolvimento orgânico variam largamente. O diagnóstico e tratamento precoce podem levar à recuperação total. No entanto, o atraso no diagnóstico pode ser fatal. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma doente de 33 anos com uma forma de apresentação grave e rara da doença, mas com uma evolução favorável após diagnóstico e tratamento adequado.Wegener granulomatosis is a rare systemic idiopathic disease characterized by involvement of small vessels - medium and small arteries, venules, arterioles and ocasionally large arteries. This disease has predilection for the upper and lower respiratory tract and the kidney, with granulomatous inflamation and necrosis. Clinical manifestations and organ involvement of the disease vary widely. Early diagnosis and treatment may lead to a full recovery. Without treatment, Wegener’s granulomatosis can be fatal. The authors present a case of a 33 year-old female, with severe disease, but with good outcome, after adequate diagnosis and treatment
Granulomatose de Wegener – Envolvimento otológico, nasal, laringotraqueal e pulmonar
AbstractWegener granulomatosis is a rare systemic idiopathic disease characterized by involvement of small vessels – medium and small arteries, venules, arterioles and ocasionally large arteries. This disease has predilection for the upper and lower respiratory tract and the kidney, with granulomatous inflamation and necrosis. Clinical manifestations and organ involvement of the disease vary widely. Early diagnosis and treatment may lead to a full recovery. Without treatment, Wegener’s granulomatosis can be fatal. The authors present a case of a 33 year-old female, with severe disease, but with good outcome, after adequate diagnosis and treatment.Rev Port Pneumol 2009; XV (5): 929-93