34 research outputs found

    Magnon thermal Hall effect in kagome antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

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    We theoretically study magnetic and topological properties of antiferromagnetic kagome spin systems in the presence of both in- and out-of-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. In materials such as the iron jarosites, the in-plane interactions stabilize a canted noncollinear "umbrella" magnetic configuration with finite scalar spin chirality. We derive expressions for the canting angle, and use the resulting order as a starting point for a spin-wave analysis. We find topological magnon bands, characterized by non-zero Chern numbers. We calculate the magnon thermal Hall conductivity, and propose the iron jarosites as a promising candidate system for observing the magnon thermal Hall effect in a noncollinear spin configuration. We also show that the thermal conductivity can be tuned by varying an applied magnetic field, or the in-plane Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya strength. In contrast with previous studies of topological magnon bands, the effect is found to be large even in the limit of small canting.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    A flow equation approach to periodically driven quantum systems

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    We present a theoretical method to generate a highly accurate {\em time-independent} Hamiltonian governing the finite-time behavior of a time-periodic system. The method exploits infinitesimal unitary transformation steps, from which renormalization group-like flow equations are derived to produce the effective Hamiltonian. Our tractable method has a range of validity reaching into frequency regimes that are usually inaccessible via high frequency ω\omega expansions in the parameter h/ωh/\omega, where hh is the upper limit for the strength of local interactions. We demonstrate our approach on both interacting and non-interacting many-body Hamiltonians where it offers an improvement over the more well-known Magnus expansion and other high frequency expansions. For the interacting models, we compare our approximate results to those found via exact diagonalization. While the approximation generally performs better globally than other high frequency approximations, the improvement is especially pronounced in the regime of lower frequencies and strong external driving. This regime is of special interest because of its proximity to the resonant regime where the effect of a periodic drive is the most dramatic. Our results open a new route towards identifying novel non-equilibrium regimes and behaviors in driven quantum many-particle systems.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figure

    Spin dynamics of the generalized quantum spin compass chain

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    We calculate the dynamical spin structure factor of the generalized spin-1/21/2 compass spin chain using the density matrix renormalization group. The model, also known as the twisted Kitaev spin chain, was recently proposed to be relevant for the description of the spin chain compound CoNb2_2O6_6. It features bond-dependent interactions and interpolates between an Ising chain and a one-dimensional variant of Kitaev's honeycomb spin model. The structure factor, in turn, is found to interpolate from gapped and non-dispersive in the Ising limit to gapless with non-trivial continua in the Kitaev limit. In particular, the component of the structure factor perpendicular to the Ising directions changes abruptly at the Kitaev point into a dispersionless continuum due to the emergence of an extensive groundstate degeneracy. We show this continuum is consistent with analytical Jordan-Wigner results. We also discuss implications for future inelastic scattering experiments and applications to materials, particularly CoNb2_2O6_6.Comment: Main text: 10 pages, 6 figures. Supplemental material: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Luther-Emery liquid and dominant singlet superconductivity in the two-orbital Hubbard chain

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    We investigate the pairing tendencies in the two-orbital Hubbard chain at intermediate repulsive interaction strengths UU, and for degenerate orbitals. At half-filling and large UU, the ferromagnetic Hund's coupling, JHJ_\mathrm{H}, generates effective spin-11 moments, with antiferromagnetic correlations between sites. Thus the system can be viewed as an electronic generalization of Haldane's spin-11 chain in that limit. Using large-scale density matrix renormalization group calculations, we study the system's behavior under light hole-doping. For U=1.6U=1.6 in units of the non-interacting bandwidth and JH/U0.275J_\mathrm{H}/U\gtrsim 0.275 we find that singlet pairing dominates the long-distance physics, establishing this system as a promising platform for repulsively mediated superconductivity. We provide evidence that the system approaches a Luther-Emery liquid state at large system sizes, similarly to the behavior of doped one-orbital two-leg ladders at weak coupling. The numerically calculated central charge approaches one in the thermodynamic limit, indicating a single gapless mode as is expected for the Luther-Emery state. Exponents characterizing the power-law decays of singlet pair-pair and charge density-density correlations are determined, and found to approximately satisfy the Luther-Emery identity. Candidate materials to realize this physics are discussed.Comment: Main text: 9 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Momentum-space entanglement after a quench in one-dimensional disordered fermionic systems

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    We numerically investigate the momentum-space entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum of the random-dimer model and its generalizations, which circumvent Anderson localization, after a quench in the Hamiltonian parameters. The type of dynamics that occurs depends on whether or not the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states present in these models. If the Fermi level of the initial state is near the energy of the delocalized states, we observe an interesting slow logarithmic-like growth of the momentum-space entanglement entropy followed by an eventual saturation. Otherwise, the momentum-space entanglement entropy is found to rapidly saturate. We also find that the momentum-space entanglement spectrum reveals the presence of delocalized states in these models for long times after the quench and the many-body entanglement gap decays logarithmically in time when the Fermi level is near the energy of the delocalized states.Comment: 4+e pages, 3 figure

    Analogue of Hamilton-Jacobi theory for the time-evolution operator

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    In this paper we develop an analogue of Hamilton-Jacobi theory for the time-evolution operator of a quantum many-particle system. The theory offers a useful approach to develop approximations to the time-evolution operator, and also provides a unified framework and starting point for many well-known approximations to the time-evolution operator. In the important special case of periodically driven systems at stroboscopic times, we find relatively simple equations for the coupling constants of the Floquet Hamiltonian, where a straightforward truncation of the couplings leads to a powerful class of approximations. Using our theory, we construct a flow chart that illustrates the connection between various common approximations, which also highlights some missing connections and associated approximation schemes. These missing connections turn out to imply an analytically accessible approximation that is the "inverse" of a rotating frame approximation and thus has a range of validity complementary to it. We numerically test the various methods on the one-dimensional Ising model to confirm the ranges of validity that one would expect from the approximations used. The theory provides a map of the relations between the growing number of approximations for the time-evolution operator. We describe these relations in a table showing the limitations and advantages of many common approximations, as well as the new approximations introduced in this paper.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Reconstructing the spatial structure of quantum correlations

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    Quantum correlations are a fundamental property of quantum many-body states. Yet they remain experimentally elusive, hindering certification of genuine quantum behavior, especially in quantum materials. Here we show that the momentum-dependent dynamical susceptibility measured via inelastic neutron scattering enables the systematic reconstruction of quantum correlation functions, which express the degree of quantum coherence in the fluctuations of two spins at arbitrary mutual distance. Using neutron scattering data on the compound KCuF3_3 \unicode{x2014} a system of weakly coupled S=1/2S=1/2 Heisenberg chains \unicode{x2014} and of numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo data, we show that quantum correlations possess a radically different spatial structure with respect to conventional correlations. Indeed, they exhibit a new emergent length of quantum-mechanical origin \unicode{x2014} the quantum coherence length \unicode{x2014} which is finite at any finite temperature (including when long-range magnetic order develops). Moreover, we show theoretically that coupled Heisenberg spin chains exhibit a form of quantum monogamy, with a trade-off between quantum correlations along and transverse to the spin chains. These results highlight real-space quantum correlators as an informative, model-independent means of probing the underlying quantum state of real quantum materials.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 4 pages, 5 figure