313 research outputs found

    Do Opposites Attract? Educational Assortative Mating and Dynamics of Wage Homogamy in Switzerland 1992-2014

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    This paper addresses homogamy and assortative mating in Switzerland. The empirical analysis monitors trends for education and hourly wages using the Swiss Labour Force Survey and the Swiss Household Panel. The analysis disentangles the effects of educational expansion from mating patterns and incorporates not only couples, but also singles. Results show an increasing level of assortative mating both for education and for wages. For wage homogamy, selection is more important than adaptation

    Characterization of Lead–Phytochelatin Complexes by Nano-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    The role of phytochelatins (PCn, metal-binding oligopeptides with the general structure (γGlu-Cys)n-Gly (n = 2–11) in metal detoxification is assumed to be based on immobilization of metals, which prevents binding of metals to important biomolecules. Although induction of phytochelatin synthesis has often been observed in algae upon exposure to metals, direct evidence for binding of the inducing metal to phytochelatins is scarce. In this study, a nano-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (nano-ESI-MS) method is developed for identification and characterization of Pb(II)–PCn and Zn(II)–PCn complexes. Complexes of Pb(II) with standard PCn (n = 2–4; 0.25 mM Pb(II) and 0.5 mM PCn) were examined by nano-ESI-MS with respect to their stoichiometry. Pb–PCn mass spectra indicated the presence of the [M + H]+ peak of PCn and complexes with various stoichiometries. Analysis of Pb–PC2 allowed the identification of four different complexes observed at m/z 746.10, 952.06, 1285.24, and 1491.20, corresponding to [Pb–PC2]+, [Pb2–PC2]+, [Pb–(PC2)2]+, and [Pb2–(PC2)2]+. Their m/z indicated coordination of Pb(II) by PC2 through the thiol groups of PC cysteine and possibly carboxylic groups. For each of the standard PC3 and PC4, two different complexes were observed, corresponding to Pb–PC3, Pb2–PC3, Pb–PC4, and Pb2–PC4. The measured isotopic patterns were for all complexes identical to the theoretical isotopic patterns. Addition of Zn(II) (0.125–5 mM) to previously formed Pb–PC2 complexes showed the appearance of the [Zn–PC2]+ complexes at m/z 602.05 and the decrease of the [Pb–PC2]+ peak. These findings corroborate the postulated Pb–PC complexes from a previous study using size exclusion chromatography of PC extracted from algae, as well as the concurrent formation of Pb–, Zn–, and Cu–PC complexes in algae

    Gene Expression Analysis of the Hepatotoxicant Methapyrilene in Primary Rat Hepatocytes: An Interlaboratory Study

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    Genomics technologies are used in several disciplines, including toxicology. However, these technologies are relatively new, and their applications require further investigations. When investigators apply these technologies to in vitro experiments, two major issues need to be clarified: a) can in vitro toxicity studies, in combination with genomics analyses, be used to predict the toxicity of a compound; and b) are the generated toxicogenomics data reproducible between laboratories? These questions were addressed by an interlaboratory study with laboratories of four pharmaceutical companies. We evaluated gene expression patterns from cultured rat primary hepatocytes after a 24-hr incubation with methapyrilene (MP). Extensive data analysis showed that comparison of genomics data from different sources is complex because both experimental and statistical variability are important confounding factors. However, appropriate statistical tools allowed us to use gene expression profiles to distinguish high-dose–treated cells from vehicle-treated cells. Moreover, we correctly identified MP in an independently generated in vitro database, underlining that in vitro toxicogenomics could be a predictive tool for toxicity. From a mechanistic point of view, despite the observed site-to-site variability, there was good concordance regarding the affected biologic processes. Several subsets of regulated genes were obtained by analyzing the data sets with one method or using different statistical analysis methods. The identified genes are involved in cellular processes that are associated to the exposure of primary hepatocytes to MP. Whether they are specific for MP and are cause or consequence of the toxicity requires further investigations

    Les opposĂ©s ne s’attirent pas – le rĂŽle de la formation et du revenu dans la mise en couple en Suisse

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    Le niveau de formation et de salaire sont-ils devenus plus importants dans la sĂ©lection d’un partenaire ? Cette question est fondamentale pour comprendre les inĂ©galitĂ©s dans le couple et entre les mĂ©nages. Sur la base de l’EnquĂȘte Suisse sur la Population Active (ESPA) 1992, 2000 et 2014 et du Panel Suisse de MĂ©nages (PSM) de 2000 et 2014, nos rĂ©sultats indiquent que la sĂ©lection d’un partenaire dĂ©pend fortement de son niveau de formation et de son salaire. Durant les deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, l’appariement sĂ©lectif a augmentĂ© en Suisse parce que les couples avec un bas niveau de formation se marient plus souvent entre eux. La probabilitĂ© de vivre seul dĂ©pend aussi du revenu et du niveau de formation. Les hommes et femmes avec une formation de niveau tertiaire ont une probabilitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e de vivre seuls. Cependant, cette probabilitĂ© est en train de diminuer avec le temps. La probabilitĂ© de vivre seuls reste Ă©levĂ©e pour les hommes Ă  faible revenu

    Spinal decompression with patient-specific guides

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT Patient-specific instruments (PSI) have been well established in spine surgery for pedicle screw placement. However, its utility in spinal decompression surgery is yet to be investigated. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and utility of PSI in spinal decompression surgery compared with conventional freehand (FH) technique for both expert and novice surgeons. STUDY DESIGN Human cadaver study. METHODS Thirty-two midline decompressions were performed on 4 fresh-frozen human cadavers. An expert spine surgeon and an orthopedic resident (novice) each performed 8 FH and 8 PSI-guided decompressions. Surgical time for each decompression method was measured. Postoperative decompression area, cranial decompression extent in relation to the intervertebral disc, and lateral recess bony overhang were measured on postoperative CT-scans. In the PSI-group, the decompression area and osteotomy accuracy were evaluated. RESULTS The surgical time was similar in both techniques, with 07:25 min (PSI) versus 06:53 min (FH) for the expert surgeon and 12:36 min (PSI) vs. 11:54 (FH) for the novice surgeon. The postoperative cranial decompression extent and the lateral recess bony overhang did not differ between both techniques and surgeons. Further, the postoperative decompression area was significantly larger with the PSI than with the FH for the novice surgeon (477 vs. 305 mm2^{2}; p=.01), but no significant difference was found between both techniques for the expert surgeon. The execution of the decompression differed from the preoperative plan in the decompression area by 5%, and the osteotomy planes had an accuracy of 1-3 mm. CONCLUSION PSI-guided decompression is feasible and accurate with similar procedure time to the standard FH technique in a cadaver model, which warrants further investigation in vivo. In comparison to the FH technique, a more extensive decompression was achieved with PSI in the novice surgeon's hands in this study. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The PSI-guided spinal decompression technique may be a useful alternative to FH decompression in certain situations. A special potential of the PSI technique could lie in the technical aid for novice surgeons and in situations with unconventional anatomy or pathologies such as deformity or tumor. This study serves as a starting point toward PSI-guided spinal decompression, but further in vivo investigations are necessary
