38 research outputs found

    The Sir2-Sum1 Complex Represses Transcription Using Both Promoter-Specific and Long-Range Mechanisms to Regulate Cell Identity and Sexual Cycle in the Yeast Kluyveromyces lactis

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    Deacetylases of the Sir2 family regulate lifespan and response to stress. We have examined the evolutionary history of Sir2 and Hst1, which arose by gene duplication in budding yeast and which participate in distinct mechanisms of gene repression. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Sir2 interacts with the SIR complex to generate long-range silenced chromatin at the cryptic mating-type loci, HMLΞ± and HMRa. Hst1 interacts with the SUM1 complex to repress sporulation genes through a promoter-specific mechanism. We examined the functions of the non-duplicated Sir2 and its partners, Sir4 and Sum1, in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis, a species that diverged from Saccharomyces prior to the duplication of Sir2 and Hst1. KlSir2 interacts with both KlSir4 and KlSum1 and represses the same sets of target genes as ScSir2 and ScHst1, indicating that Sir2 and Hst1 subfunctionalized after duplication. However, the KlSir4-KlSir2 and KlSum1-KlSir2 complexes do not function as the analogous complexes do in S. cerevisiae. KlSir4 contributes to an extended repressive chromatin only at HMLΞ± and not at HMRa. In contrast, the role of KlSum1 is broader. It employs both long-range and promoter-specific mechanisms to repress cryptic mating-type loci, cell-type–specific genes, and sporulation genes and represents an important regulator of cell identity and the sexual cycle. This study reveals that a single repressive complex can act through two distinct mechanisms to regulate gene expression and illustrates how mechanisms by which regulatory proteins act can change over evolutionary time

    Substitution as a Mechanism for Genetic Robustness: The Duplicated Deacetylases Hst1p and Sir2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    How duplicate genes provide genetic robustness remains an unresolved question. We have examined the duplicated histone deacetylases Sir2p and Hst1p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and find that these paralogs with non-overlapping functions can provide genetic robustness against null mutations through a substitution mechanism. Hst1p is an NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase that acts with Sum1p to repress a subset of midsporulation genes. However, hst1Ξ” mutants show much weaker derepression of target loci than sum1Ξ” mutants. We show that this modest derepression of target loci in hst1Ξ” strains occurs in part because Sir2p substitutes for Hst1p. Sir2p contributes to repression of the midsporulation genes only in the absence of Hst1p and is recruited to target promoters by a physical interaction with the Sum1 complex. Furthermore, when Sir2p associates with the Sum1 complex, the complex continues to repress in a promoter-specific manner and does not spread. Our results imply that after the duplication, SIR2 and HST1 subfunctionalized. The single SIR2/HST1 gene from Kluyveromyces lactis, a closely related species that diverged prior to the duplication, can suppress an hst1Ξ” mutation in S. cerevisiae as well as interact with Sir4p in S. cerevisiae. In addition, the existence of two distinct protein interaction domains for the Sir and Sum1 complexes was revealed through the analysis of a chimeric Sir2–Hst1 molecule. Therefore, the ability of Sir2p to substitute for Hst1p probably results from a retained but reduced affinity for the Sum1 complex that is a consequence of subfunctionalization via the duplication, degeneration, and complementation mechanism. These results suggest that the evolutionary path of duplicate gene preservation may be an important indicator for the ability of duplicated genes to contribute to genetic robustness

    JNK1 Phosphorylates SIRT1 and Promotes Its Enzymatic Activity

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    SIRT1 is a NAD-dependent deacetylase that regulates a variety of pathways including the stress protection pathway. SIRT1 deacetylates a number of protein substrates, including histones, FOXOs, PGC-1Ξ±, and p53, leading to cellular protection. We identified a functional interaction between cJUN N-terminal kinase (JNK1) and SIRT1 by coimmunoprecipitation of endogenous proteins. The interaction between JNK1 and SIRT1 was identified under conditions of oxidative stress and required activation of JNK1 via phosphorylation. Modulation of SIRT1 activity or protein levels using nicotinamide or RNAi did not modify JNK1 activity as measured by its ability to phosphorylate cJUN. In contrast, human SIRT1 was phosphorylated by JNK1 on three sites: Ser27, Ser47, and Thr530 and this phosphorylation of SIRT1 increased its nuclear localization and enzymatic activity. Surprisingly, JNK1 phosphorylation of SIRT1 showed substrate specificity resulting in deacetylation of histone H3, but not p53. These findings identify a mechanism for regulation of SIRT1 enzymatic activity in response to oxidative stress and shed new light on its role in the stress protection pathway

    A Single Heterochromatin Boundary Element Imposes Position-Independent Antisilencing Activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Minichromosomes

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    Chromatin boundary elements serve as cis-acting regulatory DNA signals required to protect genes from the effects of the neighboring heterochromatin. In the yeast genome, boundary elements act by establishing barriers for heterochromatin spreading and are sufficient to protect a reporter gene from transcriptional silencing when inserted between the silencer and the reporter gene. Here we dissected functional topography of silencers and boundary elements within circular minichromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that both HML-E and HML-I silencers can efficiently repress the URA3 reporter on a multi-copy yeast minichromosome and we further showed that two distinct heterochromatin boundary elements STAR and TEF2-UASrpg are able to limit the heterochromatin spreading in circular minichromosomes. In surprising contrast to what had been observed in the yeast genome, we found that in minichromosomes the heterochromatin boundary elements inhibit silencing of the reporter gene even when just one boundary element is positioned at the distal end of the URA3 reporter or upstream of the silencer elements. Thus the STAR and TEF2-UASrpg boundary elements inhibit chromatin silencing through an antisilencing activity independently of their position or orientation in S. cerevisiae minichromosomes rather than by creating a position-specific barrier as seen in the genome. We propose that the circular DNA topology facilitates interactions between the boundary and silencing elements in the minichromosomes

    Composition and Acidification of the Culture Medium Influences Chronological Aging Similarly in Vineyard and Laboratory Yeast

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    Chronological aging has been studied extensively in laboratory yeast by culturing cells into stationary phase in synthetic complete medium with 2% glucose as the carbon source. During this process, acidification of the culture medium occurs due to secretion of organic acids, including acetic acid, which limits survival of yeast cells. Dietary restriction or buffering the medium to pH 6 prevents acidification and increases chronological life span. Here we set out to determine whether these effects are specific to laboratory-derived yeast by testing the chronological aging properties of the vineyard yeast strain RM11. Similar to the laboratory strain BY4743 and its haploid derivatives, RM11 and its haploid derivatives displayed increased chronological life span from dietary restriction, buffering the pH of the culture medium, or aging in rich medium. RM11 and BY4743 also displayed generally similar aging and growth characteristics when cultured in a variety of different carbon sources. These data support the idea that mechanisms of chronological aging are similar in both the laboratory and vineyard strains

    Mutant Versions of the S. cerevisiae Transcription Elongation Factor Spt16 Define Regions of Spt16 That Functionally Interact with Histone H3

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    In eukaryotic cells, the highly conserved FACT (FAcilitates Chromatin Transcription) complex plays important roles in several chromatin-based processes including transcription initiation and elongation. During transcription elongation, the FACT complex interacts directly with nucleosomes to facilitate histone removal upon RNA polymerase II (Pol II) passage and assists in the reconstitution of nucleosomes following Pol II passage. Although the contribution of the FACT complex to the process of transcription elongation has been well established, the mechanisms that govern interactions between FACT and chromatin still remain to be fully elucidated. Using the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system, we provide evidence that the middle domain of the FACT subunit Spt16 – the Spt16-M domain – is involved in functional interactions with histone H3. Our results show that the Spt16-M domain plays a role in the prevention of cryptic intragenic transcription during transcription elongation and also suggest that the Spt16-M domain has a function in regulating dissociation of Spt16 from chromatin at the end of the transcription process. We also provide evidence for a role for the extreme carboxy terminus of Spt16 in functional interactions with histone H3. Taken together, our studies point to previously undescribed roles for the Spt16 M-domain and extreme carboxy terminus in regulating interactions between Spt16 and chromatin during the process of transcription elongation

    A Silencer Promotes the Assembly of Silenced Chromatin Independently of Recruitment β–Ώ

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, silenced chromatin occurs at telomeres and the silent mating-type loci HMR and HML. At these sites, the Sir proteins are recruited to a silencer and then associate with adjacent chromatin. We used chromatin immunoprecipitation to compare the rates of Sir protein assembly at different genomic locations and discovered that establishment of silenced chromatin was much more rapid at HMR than at the telomere VI-R. Silenced chromatin also assembled more quickly on one side of HMR-E than on the other. Despite differences in spreading, the Sir proteins were recruited to HMR-E and telomeric silencers at equivalent rates. Additionally, insertion of HMR-E adjacent to the telomere VI-R increased the rate of Sir2p association with the telomere. These data suggest that HMR-E functions to both recruit Sir proteins and promote their assembly across several kilobases. Observations that association of Sir2p occurs simultaneously throughout HMR and that silencing at HMR is insensitive to coexpression of catalytically inactive Sir2p suggest that HMR-E acts by enabling assembly to occur in a nonlinear fashion. The ability of silencers to promote assembly of silenced chromatin over several kilobases is likely an important mechanism for maintaining what would otherwise be unstable chromatin at the correct genomic locations

    An Auxiliary Silencer and a Boundary Element Maintain High Levels of Silencing Proteins at HMR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Heterochromatin is notable for its capacity to propagate along a chromosome. The prevailing model for this spreading process postulates that silencing proteins are first recruited to silencer sequences and then spread from these sites independently of the silencers. However, we found that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae silencers also influence the extent of silenced chromatin domains. We compared the abilities of two different silencers, HMR-E and a telomeric repeat, to promote silencing and found that the HMR-E silencer contributed to an increased steady-state association of Sir proteins over a region of several kilobase pairs compared to the telomeric repeat, even though both silencers recruited similar levels of Sir proteins. We also discovered that, although the HMR-E silencer alone was sufficient to block transcription of the HMR locus, a secondary silencer, HMR-I, boosted the level of Sir proteins at HMR, apparently beyond the level necessary to repress transcription. Finally, we discovered that a tRNAThr gene near HMR-I helped maintain silenced chromatin and transcriptional repression under conditions of reduced deacetylase activity. This study highlights the importance of auxiliary elements, such as HMR-I and the tRNAThr gene, in enhancing the association of Sir silencing proteins with appropriate genomic locations, thereby buffering the capacity of silenced chromatin to assemble under suboptimal conditions