38 research outputs found

    Information and communication technologies in science education

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    AbstractThe advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) provide significant opportunities to improve teaching and learning. The use of ICT in science education offers even more advantages due to the attractive premises to simulate and interactively explore and test experiments which would be too expensive or too dangerous in real settings (for example in nuclear physics). The aim of this paper is to contribute to the research field of technology based learning by presenting several findings obtained during a multinational educational project (Comenius) regarding the use of computer in classroom, in science education, in Romania, Spain, Poland, Greece and Finland

    Using the free integrated technologies to provide online collaborative learning at reduced costs

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    AbstractTraditional learning process involves a series of costs related to the resources used and assumes certain restrictions to the lessons because of the way they are planed and deployed. Technological development has allowed the removal of certain restrictions, but it has also led to additional consequences, inexistent in traditional learning. This paper presents an analysis, in terms of costs and resources, which is needed in the implementation and operation of the systems that provide environments for collaborative learning, by highlighting some designed elements that can lead to reduced costs

    Implementing virtual experiments in Sciences education - challenges and experiences achieved in the frame of VccSSe Comenius 2.1. project

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    AbstractSince the beginning of the 21st Century, massive changes took place in the field of education. New teaching and learning methods based on using modern ICT tools - like virtual experiments, educational video-clips or other multimedia products - have been implemented in the educational process.The paper presents an analysis of the impact produced by the implementation of new virtual experiments designed by 146 teachers who participated to a 40hours training modules “Virtual Instrumentation in Science Education” organized in the frame of Socrates-Comenius 2.1. European project “VccSSe - Virtual Community Collaborating Space for Science Education”. Different aspects and interpretation related to the challenges and difficulties encountered during the implementation process are also included