2,673 research outputs found

    Studio di un sistema informativo territoriale per la pianificazione delle aree costiere

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    L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è rappresentato dalla messa a punto di un prototipo di sistema informativo territoriale che consenta di verificare come il territorio costiero si può evolvere in funzione di diverse scelte di pianificazione territoriale. L’area in studio è rappresentata da una porzione settentrionale della costa della Gallura (Sardegna). Il prototipo consente di effettuare delle analisi di valutazione di diversi possibili scenari di pianificazione territoriale, le aree che si ricavano possono essere sfruttabili per diverse tipologie di attività o essere classificate come soggette a protezione totale o parziale.The aim of this paper is to develop a GIS application for coastal territorial planning. The study area is in the northern part of Gallura (Sardinia). A prototype of this application is being developed. The prototype-tool allows to evaluate different scenarios, within the GIS, of landscape planning, and helps the planners during the process of decision making; the obtained areas can be exploited for different kinds of activities or can be classified as totally or partially protected

    Social isolation blunted the response of mesocortical dopaminergic neurons to chronic ethanol voluntary intake

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    Previous studies have shown that stress can increase the response of mesolimbic dopaminergic neurons to acute administration of drugs of abuse included ethanol. In this study, we investigated the possible involvement of the mesocortical dopaminergic pathway in the development of ethanol abuse under stress conditions. To this aim we trained both socially isolated (SI) and group housed (GH) rats to self administer ethanol which was made available only 2 ha day (from 11:00 to 13:00 h). Rats have been trained for 3 weeks starting at postnatal day 35. After training, rats were surgically implanted with microdialysis probes under deep anesthesia, and 24 hlater extracellular dopamine concentrations were monitored in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) for the 2 hpreceding ethanol administration (anticipatory phase), during ethanol exposure (consummatory phase) and for 2 hafter ethanol removal. Results show that, in GH animals, dopamine extracellular concentration in the mPFC increased as early as 80 min before ethanol presentation (+50% over basal values) and remained elevated for 80 min during ethanol exposure. In SI rats, on the contrary, dopamine extracellular concentration did not show any significant change at any time point. Ethanol consumption was significantly higher in SI than in GH rats. Moreover, mesocortical dopaminergic neurons in SI animals also showed a decreased sensitivity to an acute administration of ethanol with respect to GH rats. Our results show that prolonged exposure to stress, as in social isolation, is able to induce significant changes in the response of mesocortical dopaminergic neurons to ethanol exposure and suggest that these changes might play an important role in the compulsivity observed in ethanol addictio

    Effets taphonomiques dans les contextes archéologiques: un protocole expérimental analytique pour améliorer la recherche en archéomalacologie

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    Today, it is clear that the study of malacological remains in archaeology has a great potential to reconstruct techno-economic, social, and territorial patterns in the past. In recent years, pioneering research has set a methodological basis for the study of shells from a behavioural perspective. However, taphonomic bias is still poorly understood. In this paper, we present the results of the first phase of the ArchaeoENHANCE project developed within the International Research Network of Taphen (CNRS). A long-term experimental protocol was designed and implemented to improve the systemic comprehension of the malacological collections in archaeological contexts, especially focusing on taphonomic causes and effects in macro and microscopic analyses. The results of the analysis after eighteen months of Shell burial show an unequal development of alterations among the different taxa selected for the project (Patella, Mytilus, Glycymeris and Callista chione). Among taphonomic alterations, mechanical processes are significant, as is dissolution. Although the experimental protocol is still in its first phase, the results show the need for similar long-term projects. We expect that the extension of the experimental protocol will improve the understanding of the effects of taphonomic modifications on archaeomalacological assemblages, which is of interest for elucidating assemblage formation processes and their interpretation.Il est désormais démontré que l?étude des vestiges malacologiques présente un grand potentiel pour la reconstitution des aspects techno-économiques, sociaux et territoriaux des communautés préhistoriques. Ces dernières années, des recherches pionnières ont posé les bases méthodologiques de l?étude des coquillages pour la compréhension des aspects comportementaux des communautés anciennes. Cependant, les aspects taphonomiques sont encore peu compris. Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats de la première phase de réalisation du projet ArchaeoENHANCE, développé dans le cadre du Réseau International de Recherche de Taphen (CNRS). Un protocole expérimental a été créé et réalisé dans l?objectif d?améliorer la compréhension systémique des collections malacologiques dans les contextes archéologiques, en se concentrant notamment sur les causes et les effets taphonomiques dans l?analyse macro et microscopique. Les résultats de l?analyse après dixhuit mois d?enfouissement ont montré un développement inégal des altérations parmi les différents taxons sélectionnés pour le projet (Patella, Mytilus, Glycymeris et Callista chione). Parmi les altérations taphonomiques, les processus mécaniques et la dissolution sont les plus fréquemment attestés. Bien que le protocole expérimental soit encore dans sa première phase, les résultats ont montré la nécessité de projets similaires sur le long terme. Nous espérons que le développement du protocole expérimental améliorera la compréhension des effets des modifications taphonomiques sur les assemblages archéomalacologiques, qui est de première importance pour la compréhension des processus de formation des séries et leur interprétation.The publication of this paper is supported by the projects SI1/PJI/2019-00488 funded by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid & UAM, 54.VP51.64662 (Proyecto Puente-UC 2021) financed by Consejeria de Universidades, Igualdad, Cultura y Delporte del Gobierno de Cantabria, and PID2021-124589NA-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE

    'The Dead are Watching Us':A landscape study of prehistoric rock-cut tomb cemeteries in Ossi, Sardinia, Italy

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    International audienceZUSAMMENFASSUNG ‘Die Toten beobachten uns’: Eine Landschaftsstudie der vorgeschichtlichen Felsengrabfriedhöfe in Ossi, Sardinia, Italy , von Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, und Kirsty Lilley Die Insel Sardinien ist bekannt für ihre unterirdischen Felsengräber des Spätneolithikums und der Kupferzeit, die über Generationen für Kollektivbestattungen genutzt wurden. Viele Gräber waren derart dekoriert, dass sie dem Inneren von Häusern glichen, und die Friedhöfe werden oft als Dörfer der Toten angesprochen. Die bisherige Forschung konzentrierte sich auf die Ausgrabung von stratigraphischen Kontexten innerhalb einiger dieser Monumente oder auf typologische Klassifizierungen von Grabplänen und Wanddekorationen, aber der landschaftliche Kontext der Friedhöfe und ihre Beziehung zu Siedlungen wurden übersehen. Der Artikel stellt die Ergebnisse von zwei Surveykampagnen in Ossi (Nordwestsardinien) vor, die sich auf zwei große Friedhöfe (Mesu ‘e Montes und S’Adde ‘e Asile) konzentrieren. Durch die Kombination von Feldbegehung, Kartierung und 3D-Aufnahmeverfahren liefern die Surveys eine umfassende Dokumentation der Friedhöfe (von der unterirdischen Architektur einzelner Gräber bis zu ihrem landschaftlichen Umfeld) und ergeben Hinweise auf prähistorische Siedlungen in ihrer Umgebung. Der Artikel diskutiert die topographischen und visuellen Beziehungen zwischen den Gräbern und den Wohngebieten und wie sie möglicherweise die sozialen Interaktionen zwischen den Lebenden und den Toten in Sardinien während der jüngeren Vorgeschichte widerspiegeln.The island of Sardinia is well known for its Late Neolithic and Copper Age underground rock-cut tombs that were used over generations for collective burials. Many tombs were decorated to resemble house interiors and cemeteries are often referred to as villages of the dead. Research so far has focused on excavating stratigraphic contexts within some of these monuments, or on typological classifications of tomb plans and wall decorations, but the landscape context of the cemeteries and their relationship to settlements have been overlooked. The article presents the results of two seasons of survey in Ossi (north-west Sardinia), focusing on two major cemeteries (Mesu ‘e Montes and S’Adde ‘e Asile). Combining fieldwalking, mapping and 3D recording techniques, the survey provides a comprehensive documentation of the cemeteries (from the underground architecture of individual tombs to their landscape setting) and yields evidence of prehistoric settlements in their vicinity. The article discusses the topographic and visual relationships between the tombs and the residential areas and how they may reflect social interactions between the living and the dead in late prehistoric Sardinia.RESUMEN “Los muertos nos están mirando”: un estudio de paisaje de los cementerios prehistóricos con tumbas excavadas en la roca en Ossi, Cerdeña, Italia , por Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, y Kirsty Lilley La isla de Cerdeña es muy conocida por las tumbas excavadas en la roca adscritas al Neolítico final y la Edad del Bronce que fueron utilizadas durante generaciones como enterramientos colectivos. Muchas de estas tumbas fueron decoradas para parecerse a los interiores de las casas y los cementerios a menudo se conocen como las villas de los muertos. Hasta ahora la investigación se ha centrado en la excavación de contextos estratigráficos dentro de estos monumentos, así como en la clasificación tipológica de las plantas de las tumbas y de las decoraciones de las paredes, sin embargo, el contexto paisajístico de los cementerios y su relación on los asentamientos ha sido ignorado. El artículo presenta los resultados de las campañas de prospección en Ossi (noroeste de Cerdeña), centradas en dos cementerios de gran tamaño (Mesu ‘e Montes and S’Adde ‘e Asile). Los trabajos de prospección, combinando prospección superficial, mapeado y técnicas de registro 3D, aportan una documentación completa de los cementerios (desde la arquitectura subterránea de las tumbas individuales a su entorno paisajístico) y evidencias de los asentamientos prehistóricos de su entorno. El artículo discute las relaciones topográficas y visuales entre las tumbas y las áreas residenciales y cómo podrían estar reflejando interacciones sociales entre la vida y la muerte de la Prehistoria reciente de Cerdeña.RÉSUMÉ ‘Les morts nous regardent’: Etude du paysage des cimetières nécropoles à tombes hypogées préhistoriques à Ossi, Sardaigne, Italie, de Guillaume Robin, Florian Soula, Pascal Tramoni, Laura Manca, et Kirsty Lilley L’île de la Sardaigne est renomée pour ses tombes souterraines taillées dans le rocher du Néolithique final et de l’âge du cuivre qui furent utilisées pendant des générations pour des inhumations collectives. Nombre de ces tombes étaient décorées de manière à ressembler à des intérieurs de maisons et les nécropoles sont souvent présentées comme aux villages des morts. Les recherches se sont, jusqu’à présent concentrées sur la fouille des contextes stratigraphiques à l’intérieur de certains de ces monuments ou sur la classification typologique des plans de tombes et des décorations murales mais le contexte du paysage de ces cimetières et leurs relations avec les habitats ont été négligés. Les résultats de deux campagnes de prospections à Ossi, nord ouest de la Sardaigne, se concentrant sur deux importantes nécropoles (Mesu ‘e Montes et S’Adde ‘e Asile). Associant prospections pédestres, géolocalisation, et techniques de relevés 3D, l’etude de terrain fournit une documentation détaillée des nécropoles qui va de l’architecture souterraine de tombes individuelles à leur situation dans le paysage et a relevé des témoinages d’occupations préhistoriques à proximité. Cet article discute les relations topographiques et visuelles entre les tombes et les zones habitées et comment elles pouvaient refléter les interactions entre les vivants et les morts à la fin de la Prehistoire en Sardaigne

    A new Bayesian discrepancy measure

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    The aim of this article is to make a contribution to the Bayesian procedure of testing precise hypotheses for parametric models. For this purpose, we define the Bayesian Discrepancy Measure that allows one to evaluate the suitability of a given hypothesis with respect to the available information (prior law and data). To summarise this information, the posterior median is employed, allowing a simple assessment of the discrepancy with a fixed hypothesis. The Bayesian Discrepancy Measure assesses the compatibility of a single hypothesis with the observed data, as opposed to the more common comparative approach where a hypothesis is rejected in favour of a competing hypothesis. The proposed measure of evidence has properties of consistency and invariance. After presenting the definition of the measure for a parameter of interest, both in the absence and in the presence of nuisance parameters, we illustrate some examples showing its conceptual and interpretative simplicity. Finally, we compare a test procedure based on the Bayesian Discrepancy Measure, with the Full Bayesian Significance Test, a well-known Bayesian testing procedure for sharp hypotheses

    Mozart’s music between predictability and surprise: results of an experimental research based on electroencephalography, entropy and Hurst exponent

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    OBJECTIVE: The main goal of our work was to simultaneously study musical and electroencephalogram (EEG) signal while listening to Mozart’s K448 Sonata, a piece known for the “Mozart effect”, with the aim to better understand the reasons of beneficial effect of music on the brain. DESIGN: To this purpose, in a small sample of young healthy subjects, we examined the EEG correlates of modifications of brain activity, also applying the concepts of entropy and Hurst exponent H to K448 Sonata compared to a selection of Mozart’s excerpts, so that to expose the peculiar characteristics of this compositions in terms of predictability and surprise for the listener RESULTS: Spectral analysis showed that mean beta rhythm significantly grew during the listening to K448, and that this effect remaining immediately after, but to a lesser extent. Furthermore, we found that maximum values of entropy and lower values of H were reached by K448 compared to a selection of Mozart’s pieces. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the hypothesis of an overall effect of activation of the superior cortical functions during listening to K448, and immediately afterwards, in healthy young adults, and of a greater complexity of this sonata compared to a selection of Mozart’s pieces

    A century of limnological research in the Historical Archive of the CNR ISE

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    Since 2010, the Historical Archive of the Italian Institute of Ecosystem Studies has been subject to an extensive rearrangement and improvement program. The Archive contains original documents (such as letters, administrative documents, notarial deeds, drawings and prints, photographic plates, photographs) recording the scientific and administrative activities from the foundation of the Institute (1938) till its annexation to the Italian National Research Council (1977). Furthermore, it hosts some material documenting studies that were conducted in the first decades of the XIX Century, mainly by Marco De Marchi (1872-1936), a pioneer of limnology in Italy, and Edgardo Baldi (1899-1951), the first director of the Institute. This collection is a cornerstone of more than a century of scientific research in limnology, which also benefitted from frequent international contacts with scientists and ecological associations. The reorganization of the material in the Historical Archive was planned in consultation with the Soprintendenza Archivistica of the Piedmont Region, which is the legal authority responsible for the public archives in the Piedmont Region. Beginning in 2012, the information contained in the Archive has been digitized using the software xDams, an open version software source of Regesta?. In 2014, part of the digitized material was made available on the web site: http://www.ise.cnr.it/archivio. These activities were conducted thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa Risparmio di Torino and Fondazione Comunitaria VCO, which funded two temporary staff for the reorganisation of the Historical Archive, including the physical preservation and digitalisation of the documents. These activities are part of the CNR mission within the European Digital Agenda, and the CNR contribution to the development of scientific thought

    Extrapolating Survival from Randomized Trials Using External Data: A Review of Methods.

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    This article describes methods used to estimate parameters governing long-term survival, or times to other events, for health economic models. Specifically, the focus is on methods that combine shorter-term individual-level survival data from randomized trials with longer-term external data, thus using the longer-term data to aid extrapolation of the short-term data. This requires assumptions about how trends in survival for each treatment arm will continue after the follow-up period of the trial. Furthermore, using external data requires assumptions about how survival differs between the populations represented by the trial and external data. Study reports from a national health technology assessment program in the United Kingdom were searched, and the findings were combined with "pearl-growing" searches of the academic literature. We categorized the methods that have been used according to the assumptions they made about how the hazards of death vary between the external and internal data and through time, and we discuss the appropriateness of the assumptions in different circumstances. Modeling choices, parameter estimation, and characterization of uncertainty are discussed, and some suggestions for future research priorities in this area are given

    Studi limnologici sul Lago Alto Flumendosa (Sardegna centrale): stato trofico e fitoplancton

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    Alto Flumendosa Reservoir (Central Sardinia), was investigated from February 1990 to February 1993, to study either long time period phytoplankton variations in a mesotrophic mediterranean reservoir and to value the influence of a cage rearing pisciculture on its trophic status. The annual mean values of clorophyll a varied from 2.3 mg m-3 in 1991 to 11.1 mg m-3 in 1990, annual mean values of biomass from 0.5 mg l-1 in 1993 to 3.9 mg l-1 in 1990 and annual mean values of cellular density from 6 x 106 cells l-1 in 1993 to 11.3 x 106 cells l-1 in 1990. Despite great variations in the species composition of phytoplankton in each year, a general scheme in the algal succession was found with Cryptophyceae in the colder months, Chlorophyceae in the spring months (sometimes in autumn), Cyanophyceae and Dinophyceae in summer, Bacillariophyceae in autumn, Chrysophyceae between winter and spring and Conjugatophyceae in summer or in winter. The trophic status on the basis of phytoplankton composition, clorophyll a, annual mean values of total phosphorus (from 19 mg P m-3 in 1993 to 25 mg P m-3 1990) was mesotrophic but in 1990 the eutrophic probability, on the basis of chlorophyll a, was higher. The cage rearing pisciculture was presumed to be responsible of the strong oxygen decreases in hypolimnetic water at the end of the stratification periods