132 research outputs found

    Copper sulphate treatment induces <i>Heterozostera</i> seed germination and improves seedling growth rates

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    Evidence for seed germination and/or seedling recruitment in wild populations of the Southern Hemisphere seagrass H. nigricaulis are lacking. Additionally, seeds of H. nigricaulis, have proven extremely difficult to store and germinate in laboratories, even when using techniques for germination proven successful in other Zosteraceae. Prior studies reveal Zosteraceae seed and seedling failure may be correlated with oomycete infections. Copper sulphate treatments can reduce oomycete and other seagrass infections in laboratory tests. Here, we tested whether copper sulphate seed treatments promote germination and seedling growth in H. nigricaulis. We found treatment with 2.0 ppm copper sulphate solution induced significant seed germination and led to 3 times more photosynthesizing H. nigricaulis seedlings after 3 months. Thus, in addition to reducing disease, copper sulphate appears to be a novel cue for H. nigricaulis germination and improves seedling development and success in H. nigricaulis. This discovery will improve our opportunities to overcome biogeochemical germination cues and bottlenecks for Zosteraceae and improve seed-based seagrass restoration strategies where copper sulphate treatment is available to pre-treat and cue germination and promote seedling development and growth

    Adaptive intertidal seed-based seagrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea

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    Seagrasses form the foundation of many coastal ecosystems but are rapidly declining on a global scale. The Dutch Wadden Sea once supported extensive subtidal seagrass meadows that have all disappeared. Here, we report on the setbacks and successes of intertidal seed-based restoration experiments in the Dutch Wadden Sea between 2014-2017. Our main goals were to 1) optimize plant densities, and 2) reduce seed losses. To achieve our goals, we conducted research-based, adaptive seagrass (Zostera marina) restoration, adjusting methods yearly based on previous results. We applied various seeding methods in three subsequent years-from Buoy Deployed Seeding (BuDS), and 'BuDS-in-frame' in fall, to a newly developed 'Dispenser Injection Seeding' (DIS) method. Our adaptive experimental approach revealed high seed losses between seeding and seedling establishment of the BuDS methods (&gt;99.9%), which we mitigated by controlled harvest and storage of seeds throughout fall and winter, followed by DIS-seeding in spring. These iterative innovations resulted in 83 times higher plant densities in the field (0.012 to 1.00 plants m-2) and a small reduction in seed loss (99.94 to 99.75%) between 2015-2017. Although these developments have not yet resulted in self-sustaining seagrass populations, we are one step closer towards upscaling seagrass restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Our outcomes suggest that an iterative, research-based restoration approach that focuses on technological advancement of precision-seeding may result in advancing knowledge and improved seed-based seagrass restoration successes.</p

    Growth, maturity, and diet of the pearl whipray (<i>Fontitrygon margaritella</i>) from the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau

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    The pearl whipray Fontitrygon margaritella (Compagno & Roberts, 1984) is a common elasmobranch in coastal western African waters. However, knowledge on their life-history and trophic ecology remains limited. Therefore, we aimed to determine the growth, maturity and diet of F. margaritella from the Bijagós Archipelago in Guinea-Bissau. Growth was modelled with: von Bertalanffy, Gompertz and logistic functions. Model selection revealed no model significantly outperformed another. The sampled age ranged from less than 1 to 7 years (1.8 ± 1.9 cm, mean ± standard deviation) and size (disc width) ranged from 12.2 to 30.6 cm (18.7 ± 5.2 cm). Size-at-maturity was estimated at 20.3 cm (95% CI [18.8–21.8 cm]) for males and 24.3 cm for females (95% CI [21.9–26.5 cm]), corresponding ages of 2.2 and 3.9 years. The diet differed significantly among young-of-the-year (YOY), juveniles and adults (p = 0.001). Diet of all life stages consisted mainly of crustaceans (27.4%, 28.5%, 33.3%) and polychaetes (12.5%, 26.7%, 20.3%), for YOY, juveniles and adults respectively. This study shows that F. margaritella is relatively fast-growing, matures early and experiences ontogenetic diet shifts. These results contribute to status assessments and conservation efforts of F. margaritella and closely related species

    The importance of marshes providing soil stabilization to resist fast-flow erosion in case of a dike breach

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    Salt marshes provide valuable ecosystem services including coastal protection by reducing wave loading on dikes and seawalls. If the topsoil is erosion resistant to fast-flowing water, it may also reduce breach depth if a dike fails. In this experiment, we quantified the topsoil erosion resistance from marshes and bare tidal flats with different soil types to understand the extent to which they can help reduce breach depth. Intact soil samples were collected from 11 locations in the Netherlands at different tidal elevations and then exposed for 3 h to 2.3 m/s currents. To the samples that remained stable after flow exposure, an artificial crack was made to test their stability following soil disturbance. All samples from the tidal flats were completely eroded, regardless of sediment type. In contrast, all samples from well-established marsh plateaus were stable as long as no disturbances were made, including those with sandy subsoils. After creating artificial cracks, samples with a thin cohesive top layer on top of sandy subsoil collapsed, while marshes with silty subsoils remained stable. Pioneer marshes on sandy substrate without a cohesive top layer were the only vegetated soils that completely eroded. The lower erosion of marshes with either sandy or silty soils compared to bare tidal flats was best explained by the presence of a top layer with belowground biomass, high organic content, high water content, and low bulk density. When analyzing the erodibility of marshes only, fine root density was the best predictor of erosion resistance. This study demonstrates the importance of preserving, restoring, or creating salt marshes, to obtain a topsoil that is erosion resistant under fast-flowing water, which helps reduce breach dimensions if a dike fails. The probability of topsoil erosion in established marshes with sandy subsoil is higher than in silty marshes. A silty layer of cohesive sediment on top of the sand provides extra erosion resistance as long as it does not break. Pioneer marshes that have not developed a cohesive top layer are erosion sensitive, especially in sandy soils. For future marsh creations, using fine-grained sediments or a mixture of sand with silt or clay is recommended

    Potential micro-plastics dispersal and accumulation in the North Sea, with application to the MSC Zoe incident

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    The fate and effects of microplastics in the marine environment are an increasingly important area of research, policy and legislation. To manage and reduce microplastics in the seas and oceans, and to help understand causes and effects, we need improved understanding of transport patterns, transit times and accumulation areas. In this paper, we use a particle tracking model to investigate the differences in dispersal and accumulation of microplastics with different properties (floating and sinking) in the North Sea. In these simulations, particles were released with a uniform horizontal distribution, and also from rivers at rates proportional to the river runoff. The results showed that floating particles can accumulate temporarily on salinity fronts and in gyres, and are deposited predominantly on west-facing beaches. Sinking particles moved more slowly and less far, accumulated in deeper areas associated with fine sediments, and were deposited more on west- and north-facing beaches. The model was also applied to the MSC Zoe incident of 1 January 2019, in which 342 containers were lost north of the Dutch Wadden islands in the southern North Sea, tracking two types of microplastics with similar properties (∼5mm floating HDPE pellets and ∼0.6mm sinking PS grains) to identify release locations and potential accumulation areas. We used field observations collected by a citizen science initiative (waddenplastic.nl) to constrain the model results. For these simulations, particles were released along the ship’s trajectory and at locations on the trajectory where debris was found. The simulations of the MSC Zoe incident showed that over 90% of floating (∼5mm) HDPE pellets beached within 3–7 weeks, and predominantly on the more eastern Dutch Wadden Islands in agreement with the field observations, and that most of the sinking (∼0.6mm) PS grains were still at sea after 6 weeks, and a large proportion may have been deposited on German shores. The work is relevant to Descriptor 10 (Marine Litter) of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive

    Mangrove-mudflat connectivity shapes benthic communities in a tropical intertidal system

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    Understanding the connectivity among seascape habitats is an important emerging topic in marine ecology and coastal management. Mangroves are known to provide many ecosystem services such as coastal protection and carbon cycling, but their functional relationships with adjacent benthic intertidal communities are less clear. We examined how spatial adjacency to mangroves affects macrobenthic communities of intertidal mudflats in a tropical estuarine ecosystem. In the Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau, benthic macrofauna assemblages were compared among sampling locations with different connectivities between intertidal mudflats and mangrove stands. We explored how a single mangrove connectivity index (MCI), combining mangrove tidal basin size and the distance to the mangrove edge, affected macrobenthic composition, and compared this effect to sediment properties. In addition, we used structural equation modelling (SEM) and ordination to determine how different environmental predictors directly and indirectly affected macrobenthic communities. MCI strongly affected macrobenthic composition and species abundance, and SEM revealed that this effect contained both a direct component and an indirect component through mudflat NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index, an indicator for microphytobenthos). Sediment properties (grain size, organic matter) affected macrobenthos independently from MCI, nevertheless sediment properties were also affected by MCI. We show the importance of accounting for the seascape structure of tidal basins when investigating the connectivity between mangroves and macrobenthic communities of intertidal mudflats. As benthic macrofauna is a key food source for endangered fish and waders in these systems, our findings provide strong arguments for the integrative conservation of intertidal mudflats and mangroves at the seascape scale

    Conservation implications of <i>Sabellaria spinulosa</i> reef patches in a dynamic sandy-bottom environment

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    Biogenic reefs form biodiversity hotspots and are key components of marine ecosystems, making them priority habitats for nature conservation. However, the conservation status of biogenic reefs generally depends on their size and stability. Dynamic, patchy reefs may therefore be excluded from protection. Here, we studied epibenthos and epifauna density, richness, and community composition of patchy, dynamic Sabellaria spinulosa (ross worm) reefs in the North Sea. This study was conducted by comparing boxcore (endobenthos) and video transect (epifauna) data from two research campaigns in 2017 and 2019 to the Brown Bank area on the Dutch Continental Shelf, where S. spinulosa reefs were first discovered in 2017. The Brown Bank area is characterized by dynamic, migratory bedforms at multiple scales which potentially affect biogenic reef stability. We showed that S. spinulosa habitats had a patchy distribution and alternated with habitats comprised of plain sand. Average S. spinulosa habitat patch size was 5.57 ± 0.99 m and 3.94 ± 0.22 m in 2017 and 2019 respectively (mean ± SE), which especially in 2019 closely resembled the small-scale megaripple bedforms. Contrary to the endobenthos communities that were unaffected by S. spinulosa, epifauna density and species richness were at least two times higher in S. spinulosa habitats compared to sandy habitats, resulting in different community compositions between the two habitat types. We showed that S. spinulosa persisted in the area for almost 2 years. Although the stability of individual patches remained unclear, we demonstrated that even patchy biogenic reefs may promote density and local biodiversity of mobile, epibenthic species, very likely as a result of increased habitat heterogeneity provided by reef habitat patches. This indicates that patchy biogenic reefs that occur in dynamic environments may also have high ecological value and their conservation status should be (re)considered to ensure their protection

    Restored intertidal eelgrass (Z. marina) supports benthic communities taxonomically and functionally similar to natural seagrasses in the Wadden Sea

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    Ecological restoration has become an important management-tool to counteract the widespread losses of seagrass meadows and their associated biodiversity. In the Dutch Wadden Sea, long-term restoration efforts have recently led to the successful restoration of annual eelgrass (Zostera marina) at high densities on a local scale. However, it is yet unknown if restored seagrass plants also lead to improved local biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the intertidal zone. We therefore compared the macrozoobenthos communities of a small-scale restored meadow to 22 naturally occurring intertidal seagrass meadows. Using a taxonomic and trait-based approach we aimed to study 1) how intertidal seagrasses (Zostera marina and Zostera noltii) affect benthic communities and their functional trait distribution and 2) if a restored meadow facilitates benthic communities similar to natural meadows. We found that both natural and restored seagrasses increased abundances of benthic animals and the richness (both taxonomic and functional) of associated benthic communities compared to nearby unvegetated areas. Additionally, the presence of intertidal seagrass shifted benthic community composition both taxonomically and functionally, thus broadening the niche space for species inhabiting tidal flats. Seagrasses especially facilitated epifaunal species and traits associated with these animals. Surprisingly, our results indicate that the mere presence of seagrass aboveground structure is enough to facilitate benthic communities, as neither higher seagrass cover nor biomass increased benthic biodiversity in the intertidal zone. By studying the effect of seagrass restoration on benthic diversity, we found that the restored meadow functioned similarly to the natural meadows after only two years and that the success of our restoration efforts indeed led to local biodiversity enhancements. Our findings contribute to the understanding of the ecological functioning of intertidal seagrasses and can be used to define/refine conservation and restoration goals of these valuable ecosystems

    Who lives in a pear tree under the sea? A first look at tree reefs as a complex natural biodegradable structure to enhance biodiversity in marine systems

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    Hard substrates play an important role in global marine systems as settlement surface for sessile reef-forming species such as corals, seaweeds, and shellfish. In soft-sediment systems, natural hard substrates such as stones, bedrock and driftwood are essential as they support diverse assemblages of reef-associated species. However, availability of these hard substrates has been declining in many estuaries and shallow seas worldwide due to human impacts. This is also the case in the Dutch Wadden Sea, where natural hard substrates have gradually disappeared due to burial by sand and/or active removal by humans. In addition, driftwood that was historically imported from rivers has been nullified by upstream logging and coastal damming of estuaries. To investigate the historic ecological role of wood presence in the Wadden Sea as settlement substrate and fish habitat, we constructed three meter high artificial reefs made of felled pear trees. Results demonstrate that these reefs rapidly developed into hotspots of biodiversity. Within six months, the tree-reefs were colonized by sessile hard substrate associated species, with a clear vertical zonation of the settled species. Macroalgae and barnacles were more abundant on the lower parts of the reef, while bryozoans were more dominant on the upper branches. In addition, six fish species were observed on the reefs, while only two species were caught on sandy control sites. Moreover, the abundance of fish on the reefs was five times higher. Individuals of the most commonly caught species, the five-bearded rockling Ciliata mustela, were also larger on the reef. These patterns also hold true for common prawn, Palaemon serratus, which were also larger and ten times more numerous on the reefs. Present findings indicate that the reintroduction of tree-reefs as biodegradable, structurally complex hard substrates can increase local marine biodiversity in soft-sediment systems within relatively short time scales.</p

    Measuring centimeter-scale sand ripples using multibeam echosounder backscatter data from the Brown Bank area of the Dutch continental shelf

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    Backscatter data from multibeam echosounders are commonly used to classify seafloor sediment composition. Previously, it was found that the survey azimuth affects backscatter when small organized seafloor structures, such as sand ripples, are present. These sand ripples are too small to be detected in the multibeam bathymetry. Here, we show that such azimuth effects are time dependent and are useful to examine the orientation of sand ripples in relation to the flow direction of the tide. To this end, multibeam echosounder data at four different frequencies were gathered from the area of the Brown Bank in the North Sea. The acoustic results were compared to video and tide-flow data for validation. The sand ripples affected the backscatter at all frequencies, but for the lowest frequencies the effect was spread over more beam angles. Using the acoustic data made it possible to deduce the orientations of the sand ripples over areas of multiple square kilometers. We found that the top centimeter(s) of the seafloor undergoes a complete transformation every six hours, as the orientation of the sand ripples changes with the changing tide. Our methodology allows for morphology change detection at larger scales and higher resolutions than previously achieved
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