34 research outputs found

    The cannabinoids – important therapeutic approach in the field of oncology

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    Oncological diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide, it is estimated that 25% of the population will face the diagnosis of cancer during life. Phytochemicals such as cannabinoids (CBs) have been used in various branches of medicine for their properties, and the discovery of the anti-tumor, anti-emetic and anti-inflammatory effects of some of these substances has encouraged their use in oncology. Phytocannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) and Δ-9-tetra-hydrocannabinol (THC), have numerous anti-emetic, analgesic, orexigenic, anti-inflammatory / immunosuppressive pharmacodynamic effects. In recent years, studies have been aimed at evaluating their efficacy as antineoplastic agents. Much in vivo and in vitro research has demonstrated the efficacy of CBs on certain tumor cell lines, highlighting their potential role in the complementary treatment of cancer. This paper suggests that exploring the molecular mechanisms induced by CBs in cancer cells may contribute to the development of effective treatments in oncological diseases

    Tomographie ultrasonore pour les arbres sur pied

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    Ultrasonic tomography on standing trees. Ultrasonic tomography was used for the detection of degradation of transversal section of a beech, attacked by white decay. The image reconstruction of the transversal section of the tree in 2D was obtained with a software, which used the values of ultrasonic velocities measured at different heights from the ground. The attacked wood is characterised by low velocities. The measurements were performed with special transducers of 1 MHz, without damaging the bark of the tree. To improve the readings of the signals, a frequency analysis was performed. The ultrasonic tomographies were compared with the corresponding photographic images and with data obtained with a “Resistograph”. A good agreement between ultrasonic tomographies and photographs was observed. The image resolution is between 4 and 5 cm. Presently, this is the best resolution ever obtained with an acoustic nondestructive method on a standing tree


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    The present study discusses the relevance of interpersonal and intrapersonal attributes of teachers for the efficacy of teaching in the context of responding to the challenge of educating students for a society facing ongoing changes at an extreme pace. It offers a qualitative analyses of data obtained from 18 participants' reflective essays drafted at the beginning and the end of their ITE courses. Data was coded and analysed by four independent researchers. The results showed a clear reference to certain personal qualities of teachers. The categories identified are discussed in relation to previous studies on emotional intelligence and empathy, reflexivity and positive expectations in class


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    This paper considers the issue of competitiveness of national economy, making specific reference to the economic situation of Romania in the year 2010. The diversity of views on approaches to competitiveness in the literature requires consultation of reports prepared by prestigious international forums and organizations, using relevant indicators and economic variables

    Tomographie ultrasonore pour les arbres sur pied

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    Ultrasonic tomography on standing trees. Ultrasonic tomography was used for the detection of degradation of transversal section of a beech, attacked by white decay. The image reconstruction of the transversal section of the tree in 2D was obtained with a software, which used the values of ultrasonic velocities measured at different heights from the ground. The attacked wood is characterised by low velocities. The measurements were performed with special transducers of 1 MHz, without damaging the bark of the tree. To improve the readings of the signals, a frequency analysis was performed. The ultrasonic tomographies were compared with the corresponding photographic images and with data obtained with a “Resistograph”. A good agreement between ultrasonic tomographies and photographs was observed. The image resolution is between 4 and 5 cm. Presently, this is the best resolution ever obtained with an acoustic nondestructive method on a standing tree.La tomographie par ultrasons a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©tecter l’état de dĂ©gradation de la section transversale d’un tronc de hĂȘtre, attaquĂ© par une pourriture blanche. La reconstitution de l’image du tronc en 2D a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  partir d’un logiciel qui utilise les valeurs de vitesses de propagation des ultrasons Ă  travers la section de l’arbre. Le bois dĂ©gradĂ© est caractĂ©risĂ© par des valeurs faibles des vitesses. Les mesures ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es Ă  travers l’écorce de l’arbre, Ă  trois hauteurs du sol, avec des transducteurs spĂ©ciaux de frĂ©quence d’émission de 1 MHz. Dans le cas d’un signal trop entachĂ© par le bruit, une analyse en frĂ©quence a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e. Les tomogrammes ultrasonores ainsi obtenus ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©s avec les photographies des sections correspondantes et avec les donnĂ©es obtenues par mesure de rĂ©sistance Ă  la pĂ©nĂ©tration d’une aiguille, avec un « RĂ©sistograph ». Aux faibles valeurs de la rĂ©sistance Ă  la pĂ©nĂ©tration correspondent des valeurs faibles de vitesses. Une bonne correspondance entre les tomogrammes et les photographies a Ă©tĂ© constatĂ©e. La rĂ©solution de l’image tomographique est comprise entre 4 et 5 cm. À l’état actuel du dĂ©veloppement des techniques de dĂ©tection non destructives acoustiques des dĂ©fauts sur les arbres sur pied, cette rĂ©solution est la meilleure jamais obtenue

    Romanian Version of the Oral Health Values Scale: Adaptation and Validation

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    Background and Objectives: Oral health values are an indicator of how people decide their priorities for oral health—an integral part of general health. The purpose of the study was the validation of the Oral Health Values Scale (OHVS), which measures the extent to which individuals invest in their oral health and which includes four factors: Professional dental care, Appearance, Flossing, and Retention of teeth. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of adults (n = 869; Mean age = 32.98) who completed the online questionnaire set. The OHVS was translated into Romanian through the forward-backward translation procedure. The construct validity was assessed through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on the maximum likelihood estimation method. The convergent validity was assessed by associating the OHVS with scales that evaluate the oral health quality of life (OHIP-14), the attitude towards one’s dentist (R-DBS), oral self-care (DNS), and general health literacy (GHL). The internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s α and McDonald’s ω. Results: The CFA supports the four-factor model of the scale. The OHVS total score and its subscales are negatively associated with the impact of oral health on the quality of life (except for the Appearance subscale) and with a distrust in the dentist’s treatments; they are positively associated with oral self-care and general health literacy. The gender difference shows females have higher scores on all four subscales. The internal consistency is good for Appearance, Flossing, and the OHVS total score, but weak for Professional dental care and Retention. Conclusions: OHVS is a valid instrument in the Romanian context that can enrich the set of tools that contribute to oral health research, especially in epidemiological studies

    Romanian Version of the Oral Health Values Scale: Adaptation and Validation

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    Background and Objectives: Oral health values are an indicator of how people decide their priorities for oral health—an integral part of general health. The purpose of the study was the validation of the Oral Health Values Scale (OHVS), which measures the extent to which individuals invest in their oral health and which includes four factors: Professional dental care, Appearance, Flossing, and Retention of teeth. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of adults (n = 869; Mean age = 32.98) who completed the online questionnaire set. The OHVS was translated into Romanian through the forward-backward translation procedure. The construct validity was assessed through a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based on the maximum likelihood estimation method. The convergent validity was assessed by associating the OHVS with scales that evaluate the oral health quality of life (OHIP-14), the attitude towards one’s dentist (R-DBS), oral self-care (DNS), and general health literacy (GHL). The internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s α and McDonald’s ω. Results: The CFA supports the four-factor model of the scale. The OHVS total score and its subscales are negatively associated with the impact of oral health on the quality of life (except for the Appearance subscale) and with a distrust in the dentist’s treatments; they are positively associated with oral self-care and general health literacy. The gender difference shows females have higher scores on all four subscales. The internal consistency is good for Appearance, Flossing, and the OHVS total score, but weak for Professional dental care and Retention. Conclusions: OHVS is a valid instrument in the Romanian context that can enrich the set of tools that contribute to oral health research, especially in epidemiological studies


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    Primary microplastics, known as microbeads (ÎŒBs), are found in personal care and cosmetic products (PCCPs) being used as an ingredient for physical abrasion on human body surface. Due to the fact that ÎŒBs has sizes less than 0.8 mm, sometimes even less than 0.1 mm, they can be ingested by many organisms, being transmitted in the food chain. The development of a method for isolating the microplastics from the matrix of branded PCCPs samples (i.e., shower gel, body spray) using ultrasound technique at constant temperature and pressure, high-performance vacuum filtration method with various high-purity filtration membranes (e.g., cellulose) was the first objective of this study. The second objective was to combine vibrational spectroscopy techniques (i.e., Fourier-transform infrared ÎŒ-spectroscopy) with optical microscopy, to investigate the morphology and chemical composition of MPs. Microplastics were identified in all five brands of analyzed products. Thus, an average value of 420 ÎŒBs/100 g in shower gel and 200 ÎŒBs/100 mL in body sprays was determined; the identified colors were black (mostly), blue, yellow, brown, green, and red. The observed sizes varied from tens of micrometers to a few centimeters in some cases and the thickness reached 10 ÎŒm. From visual (microscopy) and chemical (ÎŒ-FTIR spectroscopy) point of view the structure was mostly like polypropylene fibers, smaller and having glossy mate appearance

    Prevalence and Characteristics of Psoriasis in Romania—First Study in Overall Population

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    Background: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by an excessive hyperproliferation of keratinocytes and a combination of genetic, epigenetic, and environmental influences. The pathogenesis of psoriasis is complex and the exact mechanism remains elusive. Objectives: The study of the prevalence of psoriasis will allow the estimation of the number of people suffering from this condition at the national level, as well as the development and validation of a questionnaire to estimate the prevalence and the risk factors associated with the disease. Methods: A quantitative research was conducted at a national level among the target population in order to validate the questionnaire and estimate the national prevalence. Results: Declaratively, the prevalence of psoriasis in the studied group (N = 1500) is 4%, the first symptoms appearing around the age of 50, with a certified diagnosis being made on average at 55 years. The prevalence of psoriasis vulgaris was 4.99%. Conclusions: The results obtained will be useful in guiding future initiatives and communication campaigns related to this condition, and the methodological approach used will provide the opportunity to make recommendations for improving similar initiatives in the future