4,155 research outputs found

    Food Structure Design: Innovation in food structure-properties relationships

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    This Special Issue gathers selected contributions from the 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, covering most of the topics described above

    Views from Inside a Pediatric Clinic: How Arizona's Political Climate Has Impacted Arizona's Youngest Latino Learners

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://amaejournal.asu.edu/index.php/amae/article/view/126.It is critical that we examine impacts that recent immigration policies such as SB1070 are having on Arizona’s youngest Latino learners.The large number of Latinos under the age of five, and the impact that this upcoming generation of Latinos will have on all aspects of life in Arizona merits a closer look. In this qualitative study, we examined the perspectives of five adults working in an Arizona pediatric clinic (i.e., “Pediatrics Plus”). The themes of fear and community tension which arose throughout the interview data demonstrate that the health of our youngest learners as well as their access and ability to attend extended learning opportunities provided by community partners such as Pediatrics Plus, is being impacted by the wider anti-immigrant policies in Arizona. By taking a comprehensive approach using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory to examine the health and enrichment opportunities of Arizona’s youngest learners and how recent policies can impact young learner’s development, we can work with other stakeholders to improve their opportunities for healthier minds and bodies, for academic success, and for a brighter future

    Interspecific hybridization in pilot whales and asymmetric genetic introgression in northern Globicephala melas under the scenario of global warming

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 11 (2016): e0160080, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160080 .Pilot whales are two cetacean species (Globicephala melas and G. macrorhynchus) whose distributions are correlated with water temperature and partially overlap in some areas like the North Atlantic Ocean. In the context of global warming, distribution range shifts are expected to occur in species affected by temperature. Consequently, a northward displacement of the tropical pilot whale G. macrorynchus is expected, eventually leading to increased secondary contact areas and opportunities for interspecific hybridization. Here, we describe genetic evidences of recurrent hybridization between pilot whales in northeast Atlantic Ocean. Based on mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci, asymmetric introgression of G. macrorhynchus genes into G. melas was observed. For the latter species, a significant correlation was found between historical population growth rate estimates and paleotemperature oscillations. Introgressive hybridization, current temperature increases and lower genetic variation in G. melas suggest that this species could be at risk in its northern range. Under increasing environmental and human-mediated stressors in the North Atlantic Ocean, it seems recommendable to develop a conservation program for G. melas.LM had a PCTI Grant from the Asturias Regional Government, referenced BP 10-004. MAS was supported by a 2013 FCT Investigator contract through POPH, QREN European Social Fund and the Portuguese Ministry for Science and Education. This study was also supported by a grant from the Principality of Asturias (reference: GRUPIN-2014-093)

    Seleção de genótipos de Panicum maximum Jacq. para tolerância ao frio.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a tolerância de genótipos de P. maximum sob estresse térmico por baixas temperaturas, foi conduzido um experimento com dois genótipos e três cultivares (Mombaça, Massai e Tanzânia), no laboratório de fisiologia vegetal na Embrapa Gado de Corte, em três câmaras climáticas, durante 30 dias. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com três repetições em esquema fatorial 5x3, com cinco genótipos e três temperaturas noturnas (12°C, 4°C e 0°C)

    Metales pesados en suelos de la planicie costera del Río de la Plata, partidos de Ensenada y Berisso

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    Los datos de metales pesados determinados en diferentes horizontes de suelo de la Planicie Costera del Gran La Plata, no muestran, en términos generales, gran dispersión ni concentraciones mayores a los valores de referencia regionales aportados por otros autores. Las concentraciones máximas consideradas ecotóxicas en suelos de la región Pampeana brindan valores de 50 mg kg-1 para cobre, 100 mg kg-1 para plomo y 150 mg kg-1 para cinc. Si consideramos los promedios para la totalidad de los horizontes superficiales y subsuperficiales estudiados, se verifican valores de Cu: 45,73 mg kg-1, Zn: 105, 8 mg kg-1 y Pb. 34,38 mg kg-1, con valores decrecientes de desviación standard de Zn-Pb-Cu de 130,81- 51,12- 24,75. Las escasas excepciones se encuentran en sectores cercanos a áreas urbanas y de intensa actividad industrial como por ejemplo en la zona de influencia del Arroyo Doña Flora de la localidad de Ensenada con valores notablemente superiores de Cu: 155 mg kg-1, Zn: 283 mg kg-1 y Pb. 134 mg kg-1. Los suelos de la Planicie Costera presentan dos clases texturales, suelos arenosos en la Llanura Aluvional, cercanos a la línea de costa y suelos ricos en arcillas esmectíticas en la Llanura de Fango. En ambas unidades, los perfiles de suelos, no presentan variaciones verticales importantes de estos elementos. En el primer caso, este hecho se explica por la homogeneidad arenosa de sus materiales y su relativa juventud, siendo la retención de metales baja. En el segundo caso, se atribuye a los materiales arcillosos homogéneos en todo el perfil de suelo que conjuntamente con la materia orgánica generan una alta retención de metales.Fil: Manassero, Marcelo Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnol.conicet - la Plata. Centro de Invest.geologicas (i); Argentina;Fil: Da Silva, Mario Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.naturales y Museo. Instituto de Geomorfologia y Suelos; Argentina;Fil: Boff, Laura Daniela. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Cs.naturales y Museo. Instituto de Geomorfologia y Suelos; Argentina;Fil: Hurtado, Martín A.