2 research outputs found

    Studi Laboratorium Siklus Hidup Anopheles vagus Pradewasa sebagai Vektor Filariasis dan Malaria di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Anopheles vagus is one of the vectors that plays an essential role in malaria infection in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. This vector’s density is related to population dynamics and the environment.  The high population density is fluctuated according to the birth and death rate of the mosquitos on their life cycle. This is an observational study that employed a cross-sectional design aimed to identify the life cycle of pre-adult An. vagus mosquitos. The sample was collected from Manggarai Barat and Kupang regions. Sample was taken from around cattle’s cages between 6.00pm-12.00am and were the ones that have sucked cattle’s blood. Identification and colonization were conducted in Loka Litbangkes Waikabubak Laboratory. Data was collected through an hourly observation form and then analyzed descriptively. The results indicated that an adult An.vagus could produce 42-184 eggs each time it laid eggs with 79% hatching rate succeed. The life cycle of an An.vagus under a controlled environment in the laboratory was as following phases: egg (1-4 days), larvae (9-19 days), pupa (1-8 days). Anopheles vagus needed an average of 57.2 minutes to mate and 13 hours to suck blood after the mating process. The highest death rate (28.05%) occurred in instar IVof larvae stage. Pre-adult of An. vagus needed 11-31 days in with the environment that conditioned at 21.1°C and 74.3% humidity for their development,while the highest death rate observed at instar IV

    Analisis Spasial Karakteristik Habitat Perkembangbiakan Anopheles Spp di Desa Lifuleo Kecamatan Kupang Barat

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    Anopheles barbirostris and Anopheles subpictus are the primary vectors of malaria in East Nusa Tenggara. Anopheles mosquitoes generally breed at similar environment, including water streams, irrigation passages, water containers, paddy fields, impermanent ponds, water puddles, marsh, and brackish water. Modelling and spatial analysis play a role in identifying factors associated with potential breeding places for Anopheles mosquitoes, hence comprehension of breeding place characteristics and effective malaria control. The cross-sectional study used an observational-analytic approach. Study samples were identified larvae and breeding places of Anopheles spp. in Lifuleo village in West Kupang. We measured water salinity and pH, and we recorded coordinates of breeding places. Data analysis was performed by using Moran I index and spatial error model to identify factors associated with potential breeding places for Anopheles mosquitoes. Anopheles species found were An. barbirostris, An. subpictus, An. vagus, An. vagus var limosus, and An. indefinitus. All identified Anopheles larvae were found in brackish water, and in breeding places with high water salinity, with An. subpictus being able to survive the highest salinity (48‰). Univariate analysis demonstrated Io value of 0.00926, coefficient constant of 0.693868, and probability of 0.02252. The presence of Anopheles spp. was associated with breeding place habitat, daytime feeding, and presence of vegetations surrounding breeding places. Keywords: Anopheles spp, Lifuleo village, habitat characteristics, spatial. Abstrak Anopheles barbirostris dan Anopheles subpictus merupakan vektor primer malaria di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Spesies Anopheles mempunyai habitat perkembangbiakan yang tidak sama yaitu aliran air, batas tangki, saluran irigiasi, sawah, kolam sementara, genangan air dekat pantai, genangan air di sungai, mata air, kolam ikan terlantar, rawa dan genangan air payau. Pemodelan dan analisis spasial dapat menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi habitat perkembangbiakan potensial bagi jentik Anopheles spp. Pengendalian malaria akan efektif apabila pengetahuan tentang karakteristik habitat perkembangbiakan dipelajari secara komprehensif. Metode penelitian menggunakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh habitat perkembangbiakan dan jentik Anopheles spp di Desa Lifuleo, Kecamatan Kupang Barat. Jentik diambil menggunakan pipet, kadar garam diukur menggunakan refractometer, pH diukur menggunakan pH meter dan koordinat diambil menggunakan aplikasi Avenza Maps yang terinstal pada Hand Phone android. Analisis data menggunakan Indeks Moran I dan Spatial Error Model untuk mencari faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberadaan jentik Anopheles spp. Spesies Anopheles yang ditemukan diantaranya; An. barbirostris, An. subpictus, An. vagus, An. vagus var limosus, dan An. indefinitus. Seluruh spesies Anopheles hidup pada habitat yang mengandung kadar garam tetapi An. subpictus mampu beradaptasi pada kadar garam tertinggi (48‰). Analisis univariat diperoleh Io sebesar 0.00926. Nilai Coefficient Constant sebesar 0,693868 dengan probability sebesar 0,02252. Spesies Anopheles yang hidup pada air payau yaitu An. barbirostris, An. subpictus, An. indefinitus, An. vagus, An. vagus varietas limosus. Keberadaan jentik Anopheles spp dipengaruhi oleh tipe habitat perkembangbiakan, Anopheles mengisap siang hari, dan adanya tanaman di habitat perkembangbiakan. Kata kunci: Anopheles spp, Desa Lifuleo, karakteristik habitat, spasia