4 research outputs found
Les vitraux de Saint-Bonnet de Bourges
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'PERSEE Program'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1932
- Field of study
Laugardière Maurice de. Les vitraux de Saint-Bonnet de Bourges. In: Bulletin Monumental, tome 91, n°2, année 1932. pp. 247-285
L'ancienne église de Vernais (Cher)
- Publication venue
- 'PERSEE Program'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1937
- Field of study
Gauchery Robert, Laugardière Maurice de. L'ancienne église de Vernais (Cher). In: Bulletin Monumental, tome 96, n°4, année 1937. pp. 493-500
Glodesind, Abbess in Metz (ca. 600)
- Author
- Aigrain
- Aigrain
- Aigrain
- Allen
- Aubrun
- Bachrach
- Barroux
- Bateson
- Beck
- Bede
- Benoit
- Bernoulli
- Besse
- Borst
- Bravé
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bullough
- Cassian
- Chadwick
- Chamard
- Chapman
- Chaussey
- Cherewatuk
- Clarke
- Coleman
- Columbanus
- Constable
- Coudanne
- Couturier
- De Long
- Delaruelle
- Delehaye
- Delehaye
- Donatus of Besançon
- Dronke
- Dubois
- Duby
- Duchesne
- Duckett
- Dumas
- Dunbar
- Dupraz
- Dürig
- Ebling
- Eckenstein
- Evans
- Ewig
- Fischer
- Folz
- Folz
- Folz
- Fortunatus
- Fouracre
- Fredegar
- Gaiffier
- Gaiffier
- Gaiffier
- Gauthier
- Geary
- Geary
- Geary
- Geberding
- Gerontius
- Goffart
- Graus
- Graus
- Graus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory the Great
- Grisard
- Guillaume
- Guérout
- Guérout
- Hay
- Head
- Hefele
- Heffeman
- Heinrich
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Herbillon
- Herlihy
- Hermas
- Higounet
- Hillgarth
- Hilpisch
- Hincmar of Reims
- Hlawitschka
- Hoare
- Hoebanx
- Hucbald of Saint-Amand
- Huguenin
- Huyghe
- Isidore of Seville
- James
- Jerome
- Jonas of Bobbio
- Jungmann
- King
- Knowles
- Kohler
- Kroll
- Krusch
- Kurth
- Kurth
- Kurth
- Labande-Mailfert
- Lambot
- Laugardière
- Leclercq
- Lesne
- Levillain
- Levison
- Malnory
- Margin
- Marignan
- Martinez
- McCarthy
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisel
- Melin
- Metz
- Meyer
- Moreau
- Murder
- Murray
- Nelson
- Nisard
- Nolte
- Parisse
- Peeters
- Peters
- Prinz
- Prinz
- Prinz
- Richards
- Riché
- Riché
- Riché
- Salin
- Salmon
- Scheibelreiter
- Schulenberg
- Schulenberg
- Stephanus
- Straw
- Sullivan
- Taft
- Talley
- Tessier
- Theis
- Thiébaux
- Thurston
- Van Dam
- Van der Essen
- Van Uytfanghe
- Verdon
- Vita
- Vogel
- Waldebert of Luxeuil
- Wallace-Hadrill
- Wallace-Hadrill
- Warren
- Weber
- Weinberger
- Wemple
- Wemple
- Werner
- Whadey
- Wittern
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study
Aldegund, Abbess of Maubeuge (d. ca. 684) Waldetrude, Abbess of Mons (d. ca. 688)
- Author
- Aigrain
- Aigrain
- Aigrain
- Allen
- Aubrun
- Bachrach
- Barroux
- Bateson
- Beck
- Bede
- Benoit
- Bernoulli
- Besse
- Borst
- Bravé
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Bullough
- Cassian
- Chadwick
- Chamard
- Chapman
- Chaussey
- Cherewatuk
- Clarke
- Coleman
- Columbanus
- Constable
- Coudanne
- Couturier
- De Long
- Delaruelle
- Delehaye
- Delehaye
- Donatus of Besançon
- Dronke
- Dubois
- Duby
- Duchesne
- Duckett
- Dumas
- Dunbar
- Dupraz
- Dürig
- Ebling
- Eckenstein
- Evans
- Ewig
- Fischer
- Folz
- Folz
- Folz
- Fortunatus
- Fouracre
- Fredegar
- Gaiffier
- Gaiffier
- Gaiffier
- Gauthier
- Geary
- Geary
- Geary
- Geberding
- Gerontius
- Goffart
- Graus
- Graus
- Graus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory of Tours
- Gregory the Great
- Grisard
- Guillaume
- Guérout
- Guérout
- Hay
- Head
- Hefele
- Heffeman
- Heinrich
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Heinzelmann
- Herbillon
- Herlihy
- Hermas
- Higounet
- Hillgarth
- Hilpisch
- Hincmar of Reims
- Hlawitschka
- Hoare
- Hoebanx
- Hucbald of Saint-Amand
- Huguenin
- Huyghe
- Isidore of Seville
- James
- Jerome
- Jonas of Bobbio
- Jungmann
- King
- Knowles
- Kohler
- Kroll
- Krusch
- Kurth
- Kurth
- Kurth
- Labande-Mailfert
- Lambot
- Laugardière
- Leclercq
- Lesne
- Levillain
- Levison
- Malnory
- Margin
- Marignan
- Martinez
- McCarthy
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- McNamara
- Meisel
- Melin
- Metz
- Meyer
- Moreau
- Murder
- Murray
- Nelson
- Nisard
- Nolte
- Parisse
- Peeters
- Peters
- Prinz
- Prinz
- Prinz
- Richards
- Riché
- Riché
- Riché
- Salin
- Salmon
- Scheibelreiter
- Schulenberg
- Schulenberg
- Stephanus
- Straw
- Sullivan
- Taft
- Talley
- Tessier
- Theis
- Thiébaux
- Thurston
- Van Dam
- Van der Essen
- Van Uytfanghe
- Verdon
- Vita
- Vogel
- Waldebert of Luxeuil
- Wallace-Hadrill
- Wallace-Hadrill
- Warren
- Weber
- Weinberger
- Wemple
- Wemple
- Werner
- Whadey
- Wittern
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study