15 research outputs found

    Grants, Etc.

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    GRANTS, ETC. enables novice and advanced grant seekers, fundraisers, and donors to access relevant information throughout the Internet. Under "Funding Sources," you'll find gateways to thousands of American and Canadian government, foundation, and corporate sources, as well as access to nonprofit funders, international funding sources, individual donors, and matching services. Use "Learning Resources" to access online courses and workshops, professional associations, journals and listservs, and information on tax and legal issues and on the management of nonprofit organizations.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/61847/1/GrantsEtc.pd

    Cultural Accommodation: Hybridity and the Framing of Social Obligation

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89929/1/oyserman__sakamoto__lauffer__1998.pd

    Cultural accommodation: Hybridity and the framing of social obligation.

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    Doing continuing education and staff development

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    xii, 356 p.; 23 cm

    Doing continuing education and staff development

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    xii, 356 p.; 23 cm

    Academic Microcomputing (A Resource Guide)

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    Doing continuing and staff development

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    Resources for child placement and other human services

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