144 research outputs found

    Salmonella bakterier kan spredes blandt økologiske grise

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    Forsøg har vist, at Salmonella bakterier kan overføres fra smittede økogrise til salmonella-frie grise holdt på udendørs arealer. Desuden kan salmonellabakterier overleve i foldmiljøet og under visse betingelser smitte salmonella-frie grise, som senere indsættes i folden. Overaskende blev der fundet flere forskellige typer af salmonellabakterier i både grisene og i foldmiljøet i løbet af forsøgsperioden

    Spread of salmonella in organic pigs

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    Pigs inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium were grouped with non-infected tracerpigs to determine the transmission of salmonella between organic outdoor animals. The results indicated that the organic pigs were perceptive to infections but that the susceptibility varied considerably between pigs. Bacteriological examinations of soil and water samples from the pasture environment showed the ability of salmonella to survive in the non-host environment, and under some favoruable conditions pose an infection risk for new pigs introduced onto the contaminated pastures

    Salmonella infection risk associated with outdoor organic pig production

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    For organic pig production little information is available about potential food safety problems with respect to zoonotic bacteria like salmonella. The aim of the current study was to examine the salmonella infection dynamics in organic pigs through an outdoor experimental set-up. Pigs inoculated with Salmonella Typhimurium were grouped with non-infected tracerpigs to determine the transmission of salmonella between animals. The results indicated that the organic pigs were perceptive to infections but that the susceptibility varied considerably between pigs. Furthermore, bacteriological examinations of soil and water samples from the pasture environment showed the ability of salmonella to survive in the non-host environment. Moreover, introduction of salmonella-free pigs into such naturally contaminated pastures caused salmonella-infections in some of the pigs, but mainly where the infection rate had been high previously. Elimination of salmonella-infected animals at an early stage would minimize the build up of high contamination levels and this could probably help to control the spread and persistence of salmonella in outdoor pigs

    Failure to prove the effect of feeding on experimental Salmonella typhimurium infection in pigs

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    The hypothesis of the present investigations was that organic feeding with a high level of protein might increase the risk of development of infection with S. Typhimurium compared to conventional feed. Also feeding with pelleted feed might increase the risk compared to feeding with meal feed. An experimental infection study with S. Typhimuirum including a total of 60 pigs in 4 feeding groups: organic pelleted feed, organic meal, conventional pelleted feed and conventional meal, was performed. Pigs were followed by microbiological examination of faecal samples and serological analysis of blood in 8 weeks. In the experimental model applied, it was not possible to show any significant difference in the establishment and course of infection with S. Typhimurium in relation to the feeding strategy. The variation of the infection among the individual pigs included in the study was very high which may cover a possible effect of the different feedings. This high degree of variation may be taken into account when future experimental investigations have to be planned

    Forebyggelse af smitstoffer i økologisk frugt og grønt

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    Brugen af organisk husdyrgødning i økologisk produktion er nødvendig men indebærer også en risiko for forekomst og overførsel af smitstoffer som Salmonella, E. coli og virus. Et nyt fælleseuropæisk forskningsprojekt sætter fokus på smitstoffer i økologisk frugt og grønt. Målet er at finde produktionsrutiner, som kan mindske risiko for smitte og samtidig sikre en høj produktivitet

    Campylobacter in finisher pigs - from farm to slaughter

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    Campylobacter excretion and diversity was investigated in three cohorts of 20 pigs from three different pig herds, respectively. Feces were collected from all pigs in the herd and after transport during lairage. Carcass swab samples were collected from all pigs pre- and post-chilling. All pigs (n=60) excreted Campylobacter in the herd and in the lairage. The typical excretion levels were between log 4/g and log 5.5/g feces. Pre-chilling more than 90% of carcasses were positive for Campylobacter
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