21,487 research outputs found

    Distributed Compressive CSIT Estimation and Feedback for FDD Multi-user Massive MIMO Systems

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    To fully utilize the spatial multiplexing gains or array gains of massive MIMO, the channel state information must be obtained at the transmitter side (CSIT). However, conventional CSIT estimation approaches are not suitable for FDD massive MIMO systems because of the overwhelming training and feedback overhead. In this paper, we consider multi-user massive MIMO systems and deploy the compressive sensing (CS) technique to reduce the training as well as the feedback overhead in the CSIT estimation. The multi-user massive MIMO systems exhibits a hidden joint sparsity structure in the user channel matrices due to the shared local scatterers in the physical propagation environment. As such, instead of naively applying the conventional CS to the CSIT estimation, we propose a distributed compressive CSIT estimation scheme so that the compressed measurements are observed at the users locally, while the CSIT recovery is performed at the base station jointly. A joint orthogonal matching pursuit recovery algorithm is proposed to perform the CSIT recovery, with the capability of exploiting the hidden joint sparsity in the user channel matrices. We analyze the obtained CSIT quality in terms of the normalized mean absolute error, and through the closed-form expressions, we obtain simple insights into how the joint channel sparsity can be exploited to improve the CSIT recovery performance.Comment: 16 double-column pages, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Decentralized Delay Optimal Control for Interference Networks with Limited Renewable Energy Storage

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    In this paper, we consider delay minimization for interference networks with renewable energy source, where the transmission power of a node comes from both the conventional utility power (AC power) and the renewable energy source. We assume the transmission power of each node is a function of the local channel state, local data queue state and local energy queue state only. In turn, we consider two delay optimization formulations, namely the decentralized partially observable Markov decision process (DEC-POMDP) and Non-cooperative partially observable stochastic game (POSG). In DEC-POMDP formulation, we derive a decentralized online learning algorithm to determine the control actions and Lagrangian multipliers (LMs) simultaneously, based on the policy gradient approach. Under some mild technical conditions, the proposed decentralized policy gradient algorithm converges almost surely to a local optimal solution. On the other hand, in the non-cooperative POSG formulation, the transmitter nodes are non-cooperative. We extend the decentralized policy gradient solution and establish the technical proof for almost-sure convergence of the learning algorithms. In both cases, the solutions are very robust to model variations. Finally, the delay performance of the proposed solutions are compared with conventional baseline schemes for interference networks and it is illustrated that substantial delay performance gain and energy savings can be achieved

    Delay-Optimal User Scheduling and Inter-Cell Interference Management in Cellular Network via Distributive Stochastic Learning

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    In this paper, we propose a distributive queueaware intra-cell user scheduling and inter-cell interference (ICI) management control design for a delay-optimal celluar downlink system with M base stations (BSs), and K users in each cell. Each BS has K downlink queues for K users respectively with heterogeneous arrivals and delay requirements. The ICI management control is adaptive to joint queue state information (QSI) over a slow time scale, while the user scheduling control is adaptive to both the joint QSI and the joint channel state information (CSI) over a faster time scale. We show that the problem can be modeled as an infinite horizon average cost Partially Observed Markov Decision Problem (POMDP), which is NP-hard in general. By exploiting the special structure of the problem, we shall derive an equivalent Bellman equation to solve the POMDP problem. To address the distributive requirement and the issue of dimensionality and computation complexity, we derive a distributive online stochastic learning algorithm, which only requires local QSI and local CSI at each of the M BSs. We show that the proposed learning algorithm converges almost surely (with probability 1) and has significant gain compared with various baselines. The proposed solution only has linear complexity order O(MK)

    Dynamic Interference Mitigation for Generalized Partially Connected Quasi-static MIMO Interference Channel

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    Recent works on MIMO interference channels have shown that interference alignment can significantly increase the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) of the network. However, most of these works have assumed a fully connected interference graph. In this paper, we investigate how the partial connectivity can be exploited to enhance system performance in MIMO interference networks. We propose a novel interference mitigation scheme which introduces constraints for the signal subspaces of the precoders and decorrelators to mitigate "many" interference nulling constraints at a cost of "little" freedoms in precoder and decorrelator design so as to extend the feasibility region of the interference alignment scheme. Our analysis shows that the proposed algorithm can significantly increase system DoF in symmetric partially connected MIMO interference networks. We also compare the performance of the proposed scheme with various baselines and show via simulations that the proposed algorithms could achieve significant gain in the system performance of randomly connected interference networks.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, accepted by IEEE Transaction on Signal Processin
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