7 research outputs found
Perlindungan Hukum dan HAM terhadap Pekerja Perempuan di Malam Hari (Karaoke) di Kota Ambon
Morally required all states to respect, uphold and protect the rights of women. Oneform of women's rights is a guarantee to protect in accordance with religious values andhumanitarian as well as Pancasila and destination country listed in the 1945 Constitution. But until this moment women's right can't be applied to case of violance on women, especially in Maluku. The majority of women will not know their rights. Even if the female community, not many people demanding the fulfillment of these rights in the country. Enforcement of human rights especially women's Commercial Sex Workers must start from the parties involved in this work, ranging from the community around the site, pimps, Commercial Sex Workers themselves, government agencies such as the police, prosecutors, courts and social service
Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia Pekerja Kontrak (Outsourcing) di Kota Ambon
As a creature of God Almighty who also have rights. One form is a contract worker rights are guaranteed to be protected in accordance with the values of religion and humanity as well as of Pancasila and the destination country listed in the 1945 Constitution Protection of workers intended to guarantee the basic rights of workers and ensure equality of opportunity and treatment without discrimination on anything for the welfare of workers and their families with regard to the progress of the business and the interests of employers. Legislation related to the protection of workers namely Law No. 13 of 2003 on employment and the implementing regulations of the law in the field of employment
Perlindungan Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia terhadap Pekerja Kontrak (Outsourcing) di Kota Ambon
Outsourcing sebagai mahluk Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang juga memiliki hak asasi. Salah satu bentuk hak asasi pekerja kontrak adalah mendapatkan jaminan untuk dilindungi sesuai dengan nilai-nilai agama dan kemanusiaan serta pancasila dan tujuan Negara yang tercantum dalam UUD 1945. Perlindungan terhadap pekerja dimaksudkan untuk menjamin hak-hak dasar pekerja dan menjamin kesamaan kesempatan serta perlakuan tanpa diskriminasi atas apapun untuk mewujudkan kesejatraan pekerja dan keluarganya dengan tetap memperhatikan perkembangan kemajuan dunia usaha dan kepentingan pengusaha. Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan perlindungan bagi pekerja yakni Undang-Undang no 13 Tahun 2003 tentang ketenaga kerjaan dan peraturan pelaksana dari Perundang-undangan dibidang ketenagakerjaan
Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Ayah terhadap Anak Setelah Terjadinya Perceraian
Every marriage that is done there ends until death separates, but there is also only a moment later divorced, divorce is a lot because the husband remarries without permission of the wife and obligations that the husband never did after divorcing his wife. After the termination of the marriage according to the law the husband and wife have the same duties and responsibilities in caring for and supporting their children. However, in reality, every woman who has been divorced by her husband will never again be supported by her husband again even though he has children children who also need money for their survival, and this father or ex-husband has never been sanctioned if he does not provide maintenance and education costs for his child, finally women often have to shoulder the burden of responsibility to the child whose parental rights belong to him
Pencatatan Perkawinan di Indonesia Dikaitkan dengan Good Governance
Marriage registration carried out by marriage registrar employees is often not in accordance with the rules set out in the Act. The law requires that the marriage record be carried out if it has fulfilled the legal requirements for marriage. There are cases of marriages that do not meet the legal requirements of marriage and there are also marriages that meet the legal requirements of marriage but are not stated. State apparatus in various service sectors, especially those concerning the fulfillment of civil rights and basic needs of the community, must be carried out in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. Marriage records, such as the making of National Identity Cards or Driving Permits, actually discuss public services that are the responsibility of the state. So that it should pay attention to the principle of good governance, one of which is to establish costs that are in accordance with the standard of living of the people and procedures that are not user-friendly
Justice for the Rights of the Women's Heirs to the Land of Dati
Introduction: Maluku Province has a patrilineal customary law community, whose blood ties follow the father's line. The rights and obligations of the child are determined by the father and his relatives.Purposes of the Research: The research was conducted using an empirical juridical approach, which is a descriptive study of qualitative analysis.Methods of the Research: This research tries to describe the justice for the female heirs over the land of the dati in Leihitu, Central Maluku district. The results of collecting, finding data and information through a literature study on the assumptions used in answering the problems in this research, will be tested inductively-verificatively on the latest facts found in the community.Results of the Research: Boys have an important position in the family, while girls don't really benefit. In the distribution of land inheritance, women are not given full rights, because it is considered that women will marry and then leave with their husband's family. This reason is not to limit women's rights, nor is it because of following patrilineal kinship, but this is because during the Hongi Cruise the men take a long voyage with tough challenges, which a woman cannot do. Women in Leihitu, Central Maluku Regency, do not get inheritance rights, they only have the right to enjoy as long as they are not married. If they are married, then they do not have the right to enjoy it again, but they will have the right to enjoy dati in their husband's famil
Hukum acara perdata merupakan salah satu acuan penyelesaian sengketa bagi para pihak yang bersifat mengatur dan memaksa. Hukum acara perdata merupakan ketentuan yang wajib diikuti oleh para pihak yang menyelesaikan sengketa mereka melalui pengadilan. Para pihak yang bersengketa tidak dapat menyimpangi peraturan-peraturan acara perdata yang sengketanya diselesaikan melalui pengadilan. Dan pengadilan dalam menyelesaikan sengketa para pihak tersebut juga mengacu terhadap ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam hukum acara perdata.
Dalam hukum acara perdata dikenal beberapa asas hukum, yang meliputi: hakim bersifat menunggu, hakim pasif, sifat terbukanya persidangan, mendengar kedua belah pihak, putusan harus disertai alasan, beracara dikenakan biaya, dan tidak adanya keharusan mewakilkan. Dalam perkara perdata, inisiatif pengajuan gugatan diserahkan sepenuhnya kepada pihak yang memiliki kepentingan. Hakim bersifat menunggu gugatan yang diajukan oleh pihak tersebut. Hakim dalam memeriksa perkara perdata bersifat pasif. Luas atau sempitnya pokok yang disengketakan di tentukan oleh pihak yang berkepentingan, bukan ditentukan oleh hakim. Dalam acara perdata, persidangan dapat dilihat oleh publik. Masyarakat dapat hadir menyaksikan persidangan acara perdata tersebut.
Selanjutnya buku ini akan secara komprehensif membahas aspek-aspek lain terkait pelaksanaan hukum acara perdata di Indonesia, sehingga diharapkan buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi sidang pembaca, terutama bagi kalangan mahasiswa di lingkungan fakultas hukum, fakultas Syariah, praktisi hukum ataupun kalangan akademisi bidang hukum