59 research outputs found

    Yield component analysis and diversity in Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the variability and mutual dependence of the tuber weight per plant, tuber number per plant, average tuber weight and total sugars content in the tubers of 20 Jerusalem artichoke genotypes included in a varietal trial conducted in the period 1994-2008. The variability of tuber weight per plant, tuber number per plant and average tuber weight was significantly affected by environmental conditions, while the total sugars content in the tubers depended primarily on the genotype. As the tuber weight per plant increased, the content of total sugars in the tubers decreased. Maximum tuber weight per plant was achieved with the genotype BT-4 and highest contents of total sugars in tubers were found in the genotypes Violet Rennes, UKR 5/82 and Topianca

    Uticaj agroklimatskih uslova na sadržaj glavnih kanabinoida u industrijskoj konoplji (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    In a six-year field experiment eight industrial hemp varieties were examined for āˆ†9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) contents. The study analyzed the influence of growing degree days (GDD), soil temperature at 5 cm, air humidity, and growing season precipitation on the levels of the main cannabinoids in this crop. Agroclimatic conditions do not influence THC and CBD contents in industrial hemp in the same way. THC synthesis and accumulation are under the significant positive influence of GDD and air humidity and under the negative influence of precipitation, while soil temperature at 5 cm has no significant effect on it. Soil temperature at 5 cm has a significant positive effect on the CBD content, as do GDD. Precipitation has a negative influence on the CBD content of industrial hemp, while air humidity has no influence on it.U poljskim ogledima je tokom Å”est godina osam sorti industrijske konoplje ispitivano na sadržaj āˆ†9-tetrahidrokanabinola (THC) i kanabidiola (CBD). Analiziran je uticaj sume temperatura (growing degree days GDD), temperature zemljiÅ”ta na 5 cm, vlažnosti vazduha i sume padavina tokom vegetacionog perioda na sadržaj glavnih kanabinoida. Agroklimatski uslovi ne utiču u istoj meri na sadržaj THC i CBD u industrijskoj konoplji. Sinteza i akumulacija THC protiče pod značajnim pozitivnim uticajem GDD i vlažnosti vazduha i negativnim uticajem sume padavina. Temperatura zemljiÅ”ta na 5 cm nema značajnog efekta na sadržaj THC, ali zato signifikantno utiče na sadržaj CBD, isto kao i GDD. Suma padavina ima izražen negativan efekat, dok je uticaj vlažnosti vazduha na sadržaj CBD u industrijskoj konoplji zanemarljiv

    Path analiza kvantitativnih svojstava sirka metlaŔa - komponente visine biljke

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    Field trail with broomcorn was set up during three agro climatic divergent years (2006, 2009, 2011) in Bački Petrovac, Serbia. Components of plant height were analyzed on nine different origin broomcorn varieties. Relationships between components of height were determined by correlation and path analysis. Panicle length is a stabile trait of broomcorn composed of peduncle length and fiber length. Increasing fiber length is connected with decreasing peduncle length which is in direct connection with panicle exertion. Negative value of panicle exertion is the main problem in manual harvest of broomcorn panicles. Fiber length is directly influenced by panicle length, peduncle length and panicle exertion. These traits can be taken as a selection criterion in program of broomcorn breeding for fiber length.Poljski ogledi sa sirkom metlaÅ”em su izvođeni tokom tri agroklimatski divergentne godine (2006, 2009, 2011.) na lokalitetu Bački Petrovac. Analizirane su komponente visine devet sorti različitog porekla. Na osnovu rezultata korelacione i path koeficijent analize determinisana je priroda povezanosti komponenti visine sirka metlaÅ”a. Dužina metlice je stabilna osobina sirka metlaÅ”a koja se sastoji od dužine drÅ”ke i dužine peteljki. Sa povećanjem dužine peteljki dolazi do smanjenja dužine drÅ”ke usled čega se smanjuje i eksponiranost metlice, Å”to predstavlja osnov- ni problem pri ručnoj žetvi. Na formiranje dužine peteljki ima značajan direktan uticaj dužina metlice, dužina drÅ”ke metlice i eksponiranost metlice. Ove osobine se mogu posmatrati kao selekcioni kriterijum pri definisanju programa oplemenjivanja sirka metlaÅ”a na dužinu peteljki

    Deformisane metlice sirka metlaŔa [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] u zavisnosti od veličine vegetacionog prostora biljaka

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    Field trial was set up in Å ajkaÅ” in 2002 and 2003 to estimate influence of vegetative space per plant on formation of defective broomcorn panicle (spike, crooked, wrinkled). Experiment included two commercial broomcorn varieties (Neoplanta plus and Prima), two row widths (50 and 70 cm) and six different distances among plants in row (5, 9, 13, 17, 21 and 25 cm). All trial variants included certain percentage of defective panicles formed under the influence of vegetative space per plant and agroclimatic conditions. Spike panicles generally appeared in high density and crooked panicles in low density crop. Lowest percentage of defective panicles appeared in crop with 100,000-120,000 plants per hectare. Considering yield, optimum broomcorn planting recommendation is 150,000-160,000 plants per hectare, with 50 cm between rows and 13 cm between plants, or 70 cm between rows and 9 cm between plants in a row.Poljski ogledi koji su obuhvatali dve sorte sirka metlaÅ”a (Neoplanta plus i Prima), dva međuredna razmaka setve (50 i 70 cm) i 6 različitih razmaka biljaka u redu (5, 9, 13, 17, 21 i 25 cm) postavljeni su tokom dve godine (2002. i 2003.) na lokalitetu Å ajkaÅ” radi ispitivanja uticaja veličina vegetacionog prostora biljaka na formiranje deformisanih metlica (čačkalice, lulaste i kudrave metlice). U svim varijantama ogleda formira se određeni procenat deformisanih metlica. Na njihovo formiranje utiče godina i veličina vegetacionog prostora biljaka. U uslovima gustog sklopa formiraju se pretežno čačkalice, dok u retkom sklopu dominiraju lulaste metlice. Najmanji procenat deformacija se formira u porastu sa 100 000-120 000 biljaka na hektar. Uzimajući u obzir prinose, kao optimalno reÅ”enje za setvu preporučuje se sklop od 150 000-160 000 biljaka na hektar, odnosno pri međurednom razmaku od 50 cm, setva na razmak između biljaka u redu 13 cm, a pri međurednom razmaku od 70 cm setva na razmak između biljaka u redu 9 cm

    Weed infestation and biodiversity of winter wheat under the effect of long-term crop rotation

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    The paper presents the study of the floristic composition of weeds and weed infestation in winter wheat in long-term crop rotations at the experimental station near Novi Sad (Serbia). During the study period, a total of 48 weed species were determined, out of which 33 were determined in each study year. In two study years, there were 18 common species, while 15 species determined in 1991 were not found 19 years later. On the other hand, the study in 2010 recorded 15 new species that had not been previously found. The greatest floristic diversity (20 species) was found on fertilized four-year rotation in 1991 and unfertilized two-year rotation in 2010. The lowest diversity was recorded in 2010 on fertilized four-year rotation (9 species) and fertilized three-year rotation (10 species). The highest weed infestation was recorded in 1991 on unfertilized two-year rotation (2963 plants m(-2)) and unfertilized three-year rotation (2126 plants m(-2)), which is statistically significant compared to other variants. The lowest average weed infestation was observed in 2010 on fertilized three-year rotation (40 plants m(-2)) and fertilized four-year rotation (53 plants m(-2)). Long-term crop rotations have a significant effect on the floristic composition and structure of weeds in winter wheat

    Interakcija genotipa i spoljne sredine i stabilnost randmana metlice sirka metlaŔa [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]

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    Phenotypic variability and stability of panicle utilization of 11 different commercial broomcorn varieties was estimated in a field trial. Method of regression analysis was used to estimate panicle utilization stability. Method of main component was applied to establish differences between varieties. Main values of panicle utilization in analyzed varieties have a wide variability. Highest value was noted at Hungarian variety Szegedi 1023 (42.6%) and lowest at American variety Deer 418 (23.1%). Most of the analyzed varieties expressed good stability for panicle utilization. Most stabile were Sava, Dia, Reform, Szilard, Szegedi szlovak and Neoplanta + and least stabile was former Yugoslavian/Hungarian variety Jumak. First PCA axe picked up 61.5% of total variation. All the examined varieties were divided in two groups and several subgroups after cluster analysis.Za uspeÅ”nu i ekonomičnu metlarsku industriju neophodna je kvalitetna sirovina. Sortiment sirka metlaÅ”a treba da zadovoljava zahteve proizvođača u smislu visokih i stabilnih prinosa. Randman metlice predstavlja parametar koji govori o stepenu iskoriŔćenosti sirkove metlice sa aspekta proizvodnje metli. U radu je ispitivana fenotipska varijabilnost i stabilnost randmana metlice 11 komercijalnih sorti sirka metlaÅ”a različitog porekla. Stabilnost randmana metlice određena je metodom regresione analize. Da bi se utvrdilo na koji način se ispitivane sorte međusobno razlikuju primenjena je analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA). S obzirom da se radi o divergentnom materijalu, grupisanje sorti na osnovu ekoloÅ”kog indeksa, koeficijenta regresije i koeficijenta varijacije je izvrÅ”eno primenom hijerarhijske klaster analize. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su srednje vrednosti randmana metlice u ispitivanom uzorku sorti sirka metlaÅ”a Å”iroko varirale. Pri tome je najveća vrednost svojstva zabeležena kod mađarske sorte Szegedi 1023 (42,6 %) a najmanja kod američke sorte Deer 418 (23,1 %). Većina ispitivanih sorti ispoljava stabilnu reakciju za analizirano svojstvo. Kao najstabilnije su se izdvojile sorte Sava, Dia, Reform, Szilard, Szegedi szlovak i Neoplanta +. Kao najmanje stabilna sorta se pokazala sorta Jumak. ObjaÅ”njena varijacija randmana metlice prema rezultatima PCA analize je najviÅ”e uslovljena sa prve dve glavne komponente, od kojih je značajnija prva koja iznosi 61,5 %. Klaster analizom sorte su podeljene u dve velike grupe sa nekoliko podgrupa

    Varijabilnost i međuzavisnost komponenti prinosa konoplje za vlakno

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    Variability and interrelation of yield components in fiber hemp were analysed in field experiments. This research included 20 commercial varieties currently being cultivated in Europe. Significant variability was determined for plant height, stem yield, fiber content and fiber yield, so these materials can be useful as a good base for future fiber hemp breeding and production improvement. Stem diameter was predominantly determined by ecological factors, and genetic background of examined varieties had small influence on expression of this trait. Regarding expression of other yield components, influence of genetic factors was more important than environmental conditions. Correlation between analyzed traits shows that high stem and fiber yield are achieved in higher populations of fiber hemp with thicker stem. Fiber content increased with stem thickness increase.U poljskim ogledima je ispitivana varijabilnost i međuzavisnost komponenti prinosa konoplje za vlakno. U istraživanja je bilo uključeno 20 sorti koje se danas komercijalno gaje u Evropi. Varijabilnost visine biljke, prinosa stabla, sadržaja vlakna i prinosa vlakna je u ispitivanom materijalu značajna i on može poslužiti kao dobra osnova za dalji rad na oplemenjivanju i unapređenju proizvodnje konoplje za vlakno. Istraživanja su pokazala da je debljina stabla u prvom redu determinisana uslovima spoljne sredine a da je genetski faktor od manjeg uticaja na ekspresiju ovog svojstva. Kod ostalih analiziranih osobina izraženiji je značaj nasledne osnove u odnosu na uslove sredine. Korelacije između analiziranih osobina ukazuju da se veći prinosi stabla i vlakna postižu u porastima veće visine i debljeg stabla. Sa povećanjem debljine stabla povećava se i sadržaj vlakna u stablu
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