20 research outputs found

    Communicating identities among “others”: experiences of Indonesian graduate students

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    One of the features of today’s globalised living is multiculturalism and the growing internationalization of education that has resulted in greater movements of student population across various cultural boundaries. Most sojourner studies tend to focus on the experiences of immigrants, refugees, and the business communities while the experiences of the growing number of international students have been downplayed. Economic conditions and political situations in the late 1990’s have created educational opportunities for many developing countries including Malaysia. There was an increase in the number of students from developing countries with collectivist cultures studying in more similar cultural environments. Malaysia is the 12th most popular educational destination. It has been assumed theoretically that similarities in the cultural framework between the host culture and that of the international students will allow for a comfortable and more natural adaptation process. However, it is during sojourn that these students claim cultural group membership in the local context. It is here that the cultural identities of a group are negotiated, reinforced and challenged through everyday communication practices. This paper presents focus group findings with 30 Indonesian graduate students that explore their daily living experiences in an effort to unravel their process of enacting and engaging their identities through daily communication. Through their issues, challenges, and strategies for learning, living and adapting in a presumably similar cultural setting, this paper presents an account of their adaptation that reveal the unpacking of labels and norms that distinguishes them from the locals and affirms their cultural identity as Indonesians

    Eksplorasi adaptasi antarabudaya pelajar Melayu di Australia dan United Kingdom

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses adaptasi antarabudaya pelajar Melayu di Australia dan United Kingdom sewaktu melanjutkan pengajian mereka ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana (Master) dan Ijazah Kedoktoran (Phd). Fokus kajian ini tertumpu kepada perbezaan budaya dan cara hidup pelajar di luar negara. Model Lekuk-U (Lysgaard, 1955) telah digunakan sebagai asas kepada penyelidikan) yang bermula dari peringkat bulan madu (honeymoon stage), peringkat kejutan budaya (culture shock stage), peringkat pelarasan (adjustment stage) dan akhir sekali peringkat penguasaan (mastery stage). Empat kumpulan fokus telah dijalankan membabitkan pelajar-pelajar sarjana Melayu yang telah belajar di Australia dan United Kingdom. Hasil analisis dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa peringkat berbulan madu (honeymoon stage) tidak dilalui oleh pelajar ini kerana peringkat awal di negara baru lebih tertumpu untuk menyesuaikan diri dan mempelajari bagaimana untuk beradaptasi. Mereka kurang mempunyai masa untuk bersuka-ria. Walaupun terdapat cabaran sebagai seorang Muslim di luar negara, pelajar mampu menjalani hidup dengan baik kerana negara luar telah mula mendapat pendedahan tentang cara hidup orang Islam

    Program kegiatan semangat kejiranan: satu strategi komunikasi antarabudaya ke arah perpaduan masyarakat

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    Identity constructions in a networked world: a look at young adults in Malaysia

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    Sojourn and intercultural communication research: a social constructionist viewpoint

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    Facial expression as an attribute in communication

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    Media consumption among young adults: a look at labels and norms in everyday life

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    Globalisation has been criticised for challenging national sovereignty and cultural identities. Although its cultural homogenising tendencies have met with scepticism by many, one cannot deny the onset of a new global culture with the media environment bracketing it. In Malaysia, the privatization policy of 1985 brought active participation of the commercial sector into the media industry. Today, transnational television programmes are no longer predominantly from the United States but there are a significant number from other countries including Asian. This paper explores the patterns and consequences of media consumption on the labels and norms of young adults. A focus group study of thirty multi-ethnic young adults (20 to 25 years old) delved into labels and norms. The findings revealed that the young adults preferred media content with recurring cultural themes, action and reality genres and everyday socialization is also along ethnic lines. One Malaysia is indeed a timely and much needed policy

    Sustainability of internet usage: a study among malay youth in Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    This article discusses the issue of sustainability of internet usage. It is based on the study on Internet usage among Malay youths in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. The objectives of the study are to determine the factors which have positive and negative effects on sustainable usage of the Internet with respect to Malay youths and to identify the predictor factors for sustainability of Internet usage among Malay youths. This study is based on a model derived from diffusion of innovation theory, i.e. the innovation decision process model, by Rogers (2001). To determine sustainability, four variables were used viz. indispensability, relevance, gratification and beneficial. Six factors were used to measure their effects, either positive or negative, on sustainability of Internet usage. Communication channels, perceived and realized benefits and interpersonal and social network were the factors used to gauge positive effects on sustainability of Internet usage, while security concern and interruptions, moral issues and cost of maintenance and computer upgrade were used to gauge negative effects. This study used the survey research for obtaining data. Some 225 respondents were sampled from the Malays in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. They were interviewed using a standard questionnaire. Inferential statistics comprising multiple regression were used to analyse the data. The results of the study showed that Interpersonal and social network and perceived and realized benefits have significant positive effects on sustainability of Internet usage. The results also showed that issues relating to security concerns and interruptions have significant negative effect on the sustainability of Internet usage. Therefore, the factors which affect sustainability of usage should be given priority in the implementation of Internet and ICT related projects