17 research outputs found

    Application of an economical multi-axis automatic solar tracking device for efficiency improvement in solar power systems using Arduino board

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    Abstract: Solar irradiation is a green and sustainable renewable energy source which is largely harnessed through photovoltaic and thermal cell surfaces. It is one of the fastest growing clean power technologies with high global growth figures, due to its simplicity, affordability, and availability, relative to other renewable energy alternatives. In South Africa, rural urban drift has been on the increase which has contributed to increase in the demand for electric power supply thereby causing undue strain to national power grids. Ironically, the expansion of power generating stations lags behind increasing energy demand. Solar power systems is one of the fastest growing interventions augmenting fossil power and its application is now expanding beyond domestic utilization to commercial and industrial dependence. Due to continuous change in the position of the sun together with other salient factors, only a fraction of the suns energy potential is harnessed. The paper is focused on sharing an optimization option that has effectively addressed a major gap experienced in conventional solar power system installation as applicable to Light Emitting Diodes (LED) traffic light systems. The continuous movement of the sun limits maximum sun light irradiation absorption and solar trackers are practical solutions to this drawback. The high cost of solar trackers has however been the major limitation to their adoption. The Introduction of microcontroller based solar tracking systems using Arduino board was found to be cost effective, and it improved the efficiency of the solar cells significantly. In the study, the maximum Power Point (MPP) tracking algorithm was designed and developed using multiple-axis servo-motor feedback tracking system, which increased the efficiency of the solar panel array by 23.95%

    Zoning of rural medium voltage distribution networks for improving restoration time using distribution automation systems

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    Abstract: Electricity distribution reliability is a measure of power availability, which is a function of the frequency of interruptions, and the duration of such interruptions. Studies have shown that Medium Voltage (MV) overhead lines are the most significant contributory factors to power outages which lead to poor performance of electrical distribution networks. The research investigated the basis for the poor performance of MV overhead lines in a 22 Kilovolt (KV) radial feeder, in order to develop the most reliable and cost effective optimization approach for switching device placement which has the potential of improving the performance of MV overhead line distribution networks. A major requirement in power distribution is to supply customers with reliable electricity without interruptions. The research explored and identified causes of electricity supply interruptions, high values of Mega Voltage Ampere (MVA) losses, and the effect of downtimes in terms of number of customers impacted by outages. The findings informed the design of a robust switching device placement algorithm, capable of optimizing the performance of a 22KV overhead line, by reducing the number of customers impacted by interruptions, and minimizing MVA losses accordingly. Optimal switching device placement strategy improved restoration time of electricity by isolating only faulty section of network, and minimizing high costs currently associated with scheduled maintenance on the MV lines. On the occurrence of momentary supply interruption, the reclosers automatically restore electric power by their auto-reclose feature. System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), Customer Base Impact Index (CBII), and Mega Voltage Ampere Base Impact Index (MVABII) were used to measure the performance outcomes of the line using customer and MVA data obtained from the feeder. Secondary data comprising information on monthly SAIDI, SAIFI, customers connected per transformer, and MVA data were obtained from the engineering plant department. A switching device placement technique was developed and validated using comparative analysis of the old and new data impact obtained after a pilot implementation phase. The developed technique improved the network performance by reducing the number of customers affected, and MVA losses impacted due to electricity supply interruptions by 30.74 and 25.30 % respectively

    Low-cost automatic multi-axis solar tracking system for performance improvement in vertical support solar panels using Arduino board

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    Abstract: Solar irradiation is a green and sustainable renewable energy source which is largely harnessed through photovoltaic and thermal cell surfaces. It is one of the fastest growing clean power technologies with high-global growth figures, due to its simplicity, affordability and abundant availability. Solar power systems is one of the fastest growing interventions augmenting fossil power and its application is now expanding beyond domestic utilization to commercial and industrial dependence. Due to continuous change in the position of the sun together with other salient factors, only a fraction of the suns energy potential is harnessed. The paper is focused on sharing an optimization option that has effectively addressed a major gap experienced in conventional solar power system installation as applicable to light emitting diodes traffic light systems. The continuous movement of the sun limits maximum sun light irradiation absorption and solar trackers are practical solutions to this drawback. The high cost of solar trackers has however been the major limitation to their adoption. The Introduction of microcontrollerbased solar tracking systems using Arduino board was found to be cost effective, and it improved the efficiency of the solar cells significantly. In the study, the maximum power point tracking algorithm was designed and developed using multiple-axis servo-motor feedback tracking system, which increased the efficiency of the solar panel array by 23.95%

    Interventions to Skills Development in the Automotive Manufacturing Sector of South Africa

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    Competitiveness of the automotive industry is critical to South Africa’s economic sustainability. Recent studies have shown that the automotive sector has consistently contributed over 7% to South Africa’s annual gross domestic product (GDP) and as such, it is particularly imperative to support this sector, through growth-stimulating measures. Economic growth of any nation has long been attributed to the availability of resources, both tangible and intangible. Human capital is thus far the greatest intangible asset recorded in history and it is the key element upon which the success of all sectors is predicated. The availability of foreign direct investment (FDI) has largely been credited to the level of skilled and proficient human resources within an economy. This chapter highlights the strategic position of the South Africa automotive industry, by discussing various skills development interventions recorded within this sector from a domestic standpoint and from an international perspective. It comparatively analyses the approach applied locally with those implemented in other countries, through a historical review of skills development measures within the automotive manufacturing sector. The chapter identifies the major stakeholders, their roles and recognized contributions toward establishing a sustainable automotive sector. The skills development frameworks discussed in this chapter will serve as bases for informed decision to other industries interested in adapting and replicating some of the plausible actions applied in the automotive sector for their own growth

    Data showing the effects of geotechnical properties of lateritic soil mixed with coconut shell powder in Ado-Ekiti, south western Nigeria

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    Abstract: In this data, the effect of locally available additive Coconut shell powder (CSP) substitute in determining the geotechnical properties of Ado Ekiti soil was assessed. The samples were collected from two borrow pits, Ado-Ijan road and Ado-Ilawe road, at two points each, and were treated using substitute of coconut shell powder, considering several percentages of its content at 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. Laboratory tests such as specific gravity, consistency limit test, grain size distribution test, compaction test, CBR test, triaxial compression test, permeability test was conducted on the soil samples collected, and untreated soil was determined. The summary shows that the liquid limit, plastic limit, Plasticity Index, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content increases with increase in percentage of the additive and later decrease at higher percentage of additive, mostly at 8% and 10% respectively. The value of California Bearing ratio in percentage increases as the percentage of additive increases, although at 0% additive, the soil does not meet specification of road construction and the value of permeability ‘k’ also increases. The summary of triaxial test also shows increase in the strength properties of the soil at certain percentage likewise, the summary of unconfined compressive strength shows same. This indicates that the additives improves..

    Efficiency improvement in polycrystalline solar panel using thermal control water spraying cooling

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    Abstract: The increasing demand for electricity generated from main grids has necessitated the use of multiple microgrids, which serve as subsystems of the utility power. More recently, solar farms are being utilized for electricity generation, since solar irradiation is a green and sustainable renewable energy source. This energy source has witnessed high global growth figures, as more countries explore this alternative power source in the fourth industrial revolution. Solar panels are exposed to high temperatures due to the heat absorbed from the sun and this heat negatively impact its thermal control that lags its power generation. The excessive heat absorbed from the sun limits energy generated by the solar cells. Colling of solar panels is essential, especially on concentrated Photovoltaic (PV) systems. The paper focuses on an optimization option of an automated water spraying method that has effectively addressed a major gap experienced by the solar panel under hot weather conditions. The Introduction of a microcontroller-based thermal control water spraying system using an Arduino board was found to improve the efficiency of the solar cells. In the study, a solar collector cooling algorithm was designed and developed using a thermal control feedback system, which increased the efficiency of the solar panel array by 16.65%

    Optimization of condition-based maintenance strategy prediction for aging automotive industrial equipment using FMEA

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    Abstract: Maintenance plays a highly important role in achieving production targets and system performance. Electromechanical equipment and facility infrastructure within motor manufacturing industries are expected to perform at optimal efficiency during the operational phase of production. A major problem in the automotive production plan from motor industry statistics is associated with unexpected downtime, which is largely linked to aging equipment. During production downtime, much time is lost to fault finding, repairs, and replacement of faulty components within production lines. This transforms into low throughput in production, and performance gradually declines during the operational life cycle of the equipment. This paper presents an approach taken to prevent such instances in the automotive manufacturing industry, which considers an optimized condition-based maintenance approach to predict the condition of each component and assembly line using Failure-Mode-and-Effect-Analysis (FMEA). The condition-based performance level prediction is designed to help in formulating maintenance schedules and strategies that eliminate unplanned downtimes

    Datasheet showing the impact of work environment on productivity in higher education institutions

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    Abstract: This research paper provides datasheet on the summary of the investigation conducted to determine the effect of both internal and external environment on staff and students’ productivity in some selected Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Nigeria. It is generally acknowledged that the productivity of Nigerian HEIs is rather low, this survey examines the effect of the external environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs, evaluates the effect of the internal environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs, and determines the effect of psychosocial environment on staff and student productivity in Nigerian HEIs. Data were gathered based on conclusive research design. Stratified and convenience sampling techniques were adopted. The research instrument was confirmed to have all the necessary psychometric values considered appropriate for the research. Some descriptive statistical analyses were carried out to further clarify the data and provide the necessary platform for further analyses

    Enhancing and upgrading biogas and biomethane production in anaerobic digestion: a comprehensive review

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) processes can face operational challenges or flaws such as substrate structure and characteristics complexity, process complexity, low productivity, inefficient biodegradability, and poor stability, which suppresses or reduces biogas and biomethane production. As a result of the need to overcome these challenges/shortcomings and improve or enhance biogas and biomethane yield, process intensification methods have gained attention. There is some literature review on pretreatment and co-digestion as a means of improving AD performance; however, there is no systematic information on the various strategies required for improving AD performance and, in turn, increasing biogas/biomethane yield. The AD process produces biogas, a valuable renewable biofuel. Biogas is composed primarily of biomethane and other undesirable components such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide, water vapour, ammonia, siloxanes, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide, which act as impurities or contaminants and tend to reduce the biogas specific calorific value while also causing various problems with machine operation. As a result, various technologies are used to improve raw biogas quality by removing contaminants during biogas transformation to biomethane. As a result, this paper provides a comprehensive review of the various systematic process intensification strategies used to overcome AD process challenges/shortfalls, improve or enhance biogas and biomethane production, and conventional and emerging or advanced technologies for biogas purification, cleaning, and upgrading

    Development of heterogeneous catalyst from assorted periwinkle snail shells for sustainable biodiesel synthesis

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    Owing to the environmental friendliness of biodiesel compared to fossil fuels, its application in internal combustion engines has gained wide recognition. The biodiesel industry requires effective heterogeneous catalysts developed from agricultural biomass/residues due to their overall cost-effectiveness, recoverability, and reusability. Scientific reports on developing active heterogeneous catalysts from periwinkle snail shells for application in transesterification reactions are limited, as there is no evidence of stability test results for the catalyst’s structural and elemental composition analysis. Also, there is a deficit of information on the catalytic effect on biodiesel yields. This research developed a heterogeneous catalyst derived from periwinkle snail shells (PSS) for biodiesel production. Pulverized PSS were sieved through several apertures to separate the samples into different particle sizes, viz. 250 mm, 500mm, and 1000 mm. The samples were calcined in an electric furnace at 500 oC for 3 and 5 hrs. The calcined catalyst samples were characterized using XRD, SEM, and EDS. Purified WCO was transesterified using the CPSS with the highest metallic oxides percentage under different experimental levels. All the CPSS samples exhibited a change in colour and weight loss after the calcination period. XRD observations revealed that calcium oxide (CaO) is the principal constituent of the calcined PSS (CPSS). The results showed that the highest (93%) traces of CaO was found in PSS 500 mm size calcined at 500 oC for 5 hrs. EDS results showed that the same sample had the highest calcium (Ca) composition with a weight percent of 57.38%. The highest biodiesel yield of 94.6% was obtained at optimum conditions of 70 oC reaction temperature, 9:1 molar ratio, 60 minutes reaction period, and catalyst content of 3 wt%. It was observed that biodiesel yields decreased when the catalyst concentration increased beyond 3wt%. Compared to the same amount of homogeneous catalyst, KOH, an average biodiesel yield of 90% was recorded from the same transesterification reaction conditions. The development of heterogeneous catalysts from PSS was established as a cost-effective means of catalyzing transesterification reactions and obtaining high biodiesel yields from WCO with the prospects of possible catalyst recovery and reuse