3 research outputs found


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    The development of the community of the common destiny of mankind has great investment potential, the full disclosure of which depends on the effective cooperation not only of states but also of the corporate sector, especially in a cross-border format. The article argues for the need to develop the internal potential of Asian companies against the background of strengthening international economic ties and improving the investment climate of countries participating in investment processes. The example of China's investment activity in Asian countries shows that, despite global crisis phenomena and upheavals, a grandiose potential has been formed for the implementation of important global initiatives, the most powerful of which scientists, practitioners and even politicians rightly consider the "One Belt One Road" project. Large-scale foreign investments and the choice of appropriate methods of cross-border entry into markets of potential investment interest have a decisive influence on the success of large Chinese enterprises in the context of the development and implementation of this project. At the same time, the authors emphasize the choice of such methods of investment interaction as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or greenfield investments. Based on the use of economic and mathematical modelling, the authors demonstrated the influence of internal and external factors on the choice of investment method by large Chinese companies in countries that are promising partners in the implementation of China's global initiative "One Belt One Road". The analysis of the potential for investment begins with the division of factors into two conditional groups, on the one hand, it is about the intra-corporate potential in the composition of the factors of strategic assets, technical capabilities, international experience, capabilities of enterprise management and the scale of the enterprise. On the other hand, the external environment is taken into account, the analytical assessment of which is based on the index of infrastructure development of the host country, control over capital and the value of cultural distance. Considering the research interest, as part of the analysis of the investment potential for cross-border interaction, such countries as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Vietnam along the route were selected. Through the quantitative analysis of 108 investment projects in 6 countries, a benchmark for the entry of foreign investment by Chinese large enterprises through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or greenfield investment has been obtained

    Complex methodology of the model elaboration of the quantified transnationalization process assessment

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    In the article there are studied the theoretical fundamentals of transnationalization, the peculiarities of its development based on the studying of the world theory and practices; suggested a systematic approach of the methodical background as for determination of the economic category of «transnationalization» and its author’s definition; developed a complex methodology of the model building of the quantified transnationalization process assessment based on the seven-milestone algorithm of the formation of key indicators; systematized and carried out synthesis of the empiric investigations concerning the state, development of the available tendencies, comparative analysis of the transnationalization level within the separate TNC’s groups

    Formation and implementation of the strategic guidelines of anti-crisis development of the international consulting companies

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    Baesd on the analisis of theoretical approaches to strategic changes of the company’s behavior, forecasting scenarios and forms of global financial crisis development, comparative features of diagnostics of the types of management system and its problems, there were developed theoretical and methodical approaches to formation and change of strategic benchmarks of anti-crisis development of consulting companies depending on the recession scenario