533 research outputs found

    Interaction induced Landau-Zener transitions

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    By considering a quantum critical Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model we analyze a new type of Landau-Zener transitions where the population transfer is mediated by interaction rather than from a direct diabatic coupling. For this scenario, at a mean-field level the dynamics is greatly influenced by quantum interferences. In particular, regardless of how slow the Landau-Zener sweep is, for certain parameters almost no population transfer occurs, which is in stark contrast to the regular Landau-Zener model. For moderate system sizes, this counterintuitive mean-field behaviour is not duplicated in the quantum case. This can be attributed quantum fluctuations and the fact that multi-level Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg interferences have a `dephasing' effect on the above mentioned phenomenon. We also find a discrepancy between the quantum and mean-field models in terms of how the transfer probabilities scale with the sweep velocity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Cavity assisted generation of sustainable macroscopic entanglement of ultracold gases

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    Prospects for reaching persistent entanglement between two spatially separated atomic Bose-Einstein condensates are outlined. The system set-up comprises of two condensates loaded in an optical lattice, which, in return, is confined within a high-Q optical resonator. The system is driven by an external laser that illuminates the atoms such that photons can scatter into the cavity. In the superradiant phase a cavity field is established and we show that the emerging cavity mediated interactions between the two condensates is capable of entangling them despite photon losses. This macroscopic atomic entanglement is sustained throughout the time-evolution apart from occasions of sudden deaths/births. Using an auxiliary photon mode and coupling it to a collective quadrature of the two condensates we demonstrate that the auxiliary mode's squeezing is proportional to the atomic entanglement and as such it can serve as a probe field of the macroscopic entanglement.Comment: Invited submission to ATOMS in special edition on "Cavity QED with Ultracold Atoms

    Some remarks on 'superradiant' phase transitions in light-matter systems

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    In this paper we analyze properties of the phase transition that appears in a set of quantum optical models; Dicke, Tavis-Cummings, quantum Rabi, and finally the Jaynes-Cummings model. As the light-matter coupling is increased into the deep strong coupling regime, the ground state turns from vacuum to become a superradiant state characterized by both atomic and photonic excitations. It is pointed out that all four transitions are of the mean-field type, that quantum fluctuations are negligible, and hence these fluctuations cannot be responsible for the corresponding vacuum instability. In this respect, these are not quantum phase transitions. In the case of the Tavis-Cummings and Jaynes-Cummings models, the continuous symmetry of these models implies that quantum fluctuations are not only negligible, but strictly zero. However, all models possess a non-analyticity in the ground state in agreement with a continuous quantum phase transition. As such, it is a matter of taste whether the transitions should be termed quantum or not. In addition, we also consider the modifications of the transitions when photon losses are present. For the Dicke and Rabi models these non-equilibrium steady states remain critical, while the criticality for the open Tavis-Cummings and Jaynes-Cummings models is completely lost, i.e. in realistic settings one cannot expect a true critical behaviour for the two last models.Comment: 25 pages (single column), 6 figure