1,083 research outputs found

    Flashback 1941

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    In My Lookout Cabin

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    The Forest Ranger

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    To Our Heroes of World War II

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    What The Trees Would Say

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    Out of a Forester’s Life

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    Speaking of narrow escapes,\u27\u27 said Jack as he arose, and threw an old tamarack root on the fire, causing it to blaze up and reveal three weather beaten faces, three pipes, and three pairs of heavy boots under a mass of dark spruce boughs, I think the closest call I ever had was early on fine spring morning when my partner and I hit it for the Flathead Middle Fork divide on snowshoes. The snow lay ten to fifteen feet deep, it was smooth going and we were sure making time! We had just negotiated one of them deep snow banks hanging high up under the leeward side of the crest, and seeming undecided-like whether to stay or tear loose, when there was a heck of a rumble and roar behind us. Turning around we saw\u27 trees, rocks, snow and the whole mountain side like tumbling into the canyon below. It was then we broke the snow shoe cross country records clear in two. Believe me, we lost no time making fresh tracks. Had we been a minute later in crossing that bank of snow we would have been sitting there now cool, calm, and comfortable-like waiting for somebody to dig us out this summer or next


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    Thinnings may be considered the playthings of the foresters, the essence of silviculture and the touchstone o£ economic forest practice. The abundant young forests, east and west, both in the United States and Canada, offer well-nigh unlimited opportunities for thinnings today. Records of varied and interesting stand improvements are available mainly through the pages of the Journal of Forestry

    Research for the Forester

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    In these times we cannot live one complete day without coming in contact with research in some form or other. In the brief space of twenty years the spirit of investigation has grown from a hobby to an obsession. We inquire into everything from pickles to palaces. With some it is a fad, but with most it is a serious business. The urge to discover new facts, establish new laws and compound new formulae actuates every profession and the foresters not the least

    Our Forests and the War

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