13 research outputs found

    Are female students in general and nursing students more ready for teamwork and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interprofessional Education (IPE) is now spreading worldwide and many universities are now including IPE in their curricula. The aim of this study was to investigate whether or not such student characteristics as gender, previous working experience in healthcare, educational progress and features of the learning environment, such as educational programmes and curriculum design, have an impact on their open-mindedness about co-operation with other professions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Medical and nursing students at two Swedish universities were invited to fill in the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS). Totally, 955 students were invited and 70.2% (n = 670) participated in the study. A factor analysis of the RIPLS revealed four item groupings (factors) for our empirical data, but only one had sufficient internal consistency. This factor was labelled "Team Player".</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Regardless of the educational programme, female students were more positive to teamwork than male students. Nursing students in general displayed more positive beliefs about teamwork and collaboration than medical students. Exposure to different interprofessional curricula and previous exposure to interprofessional education were only to a minor extent associated with a positive attitude towards teamwork. Educational progress did not seem to influence these beliefs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The establishment of interprofessional teamwork is a major challenge for modern healthcare. This study indicates some directions for more successful interprofessional education. Efforts should be directed at informing particularly male medical students about the need for teamwork in modern healthcare systems. The results also imply that study of other factors, such as the student's personality, is needed for fully understanding readiness for teamwork and interprofessional collaboration in healthcare. We also believe that the RIPL Scale still can be further adjusted.</p

    Optimal Linguistic Strategies for Creating and Using Password and Passphrases

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    Pētījumi par valodas lomu parolēs pārsvarā izskata tikai to drošības aspektu, jo likumsakarības lietotāju izvēlētās parolēs iespējo to efektīvu minēšanu. Šīs pētījums izskatīja paroļu lingvistiskus aspektus, to veidošanas stratēģijas, mentālus procesus, ko tās kopīgo ar parastu valodu, lietotāju zināšanu avotus, kā arī uz stratēģiju komponentu vispārējo ietekmi uz drošību. No preskriptīviem avotiem savāktas stratēģijas tika klasificētas pēc to komponentiem; lielākoties iekļaujot sevī paradigmatiskās kopas, kuru elementi var tiek manipulēti, kā arī veidot sintagmatiskās virknes. Aptauja parādīja, ka vairākums no 42 dalībniekiem izmanto neefektīvas stratēģijas, paļaujoties uz viegli paredzamām kopām, nevis uz sintagmas garumu. Lietotāju atzīti procesi (prosodija, subvokalizācija un iegaumējamo gabalu nozīme) pieļauj efektīvāku lietošanu.Research on language in passwords mostly concerns security alone, as regularities in user-chosen passwords make them easy targets for effective guessing attacks. This paper focused on linguistic aspects of passwords, strategies for their creation, mental processes they share with ordinary language, sources of users’ intuition, and on broad security impact of strategy components. Strategies gathered from prescriptive sources were classified by common components, and mostly consisted from paradigmatic sets whose elements are subject to ‘manipulations’ and may form syntagmatic products. The survey collected reflections of 42 people and showed users use suboptimal strategies, relying on predictable sets instead of syntagm length. Reported linguistic processes such as prosody, subvocalisation and meaningful ‘chunks’ allow more efficient use

    Portraits of PBL : Students' experiences of the characteristics of problem-based learning in physiotherapy, computer engineering and psychology

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    The present study is part of a comprehensive research project with the general aims of comparing how problem-based learning is realised in three different professional educational programmes. The specific aims of this study are to describe and analyse how students in the three different programmes conceive of the meaning of problem-based learning and how they experience their studies within a problem-based learning programme. The PBL programmes are a Bachelor's programme in Physiotherapy, a Master's programme in Psychology, and a Master's programme in Computer Engineering. Data were analysed qualitatively. The results reveal differences in how the students in the three programmes conceive of their autonomy as learners, co-operation with their counterparts and the authenticity of the learning task. The findings possibly also reflect the taken-for-granted perspectives of knowledge, embedded in the cultures of the professional practices and the scientific disciplines to which the programmes pertain.The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com: Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren and Lars-Ove Dahlgren, Portraits of PBL: Students' experiences of the characteristics of problem-based learning in physiotherapy, computer engineering and psychology, 2002, Instructional science, (30), 2, 111-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1014819418051 Copyright: Springer Science Business Media http://www.springerlink.com/</p

    ECTS skalan : att mäta eller mota lärande?

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     Den s k Bolognaprocessen fokuserar på att harmonisera den högre utbildningen i Europa. En del i detta är strävan att göra utbildningar jämförbara. En student ska lätt kunna röra sig mellan olika länders utbildningssystem samt konkurrera på den europeiska arbetsmarknaden. Som ett led i detta förordar departementsskriften »Högre utbildning i utveckling – Bolognaprocessen i svensk belysning», ett införande av ECTS-systemet (European Credit Transfer System) i Sverige. Bland annat förordas införandet av en sjugradig betygsskala och det är denna punkt detta bidrag uppehåller sig vid. Vi kommer att argumentera emot de, som vi anser, felaktiga premisser som läggs fram i skriften om ökad jämförbarhet mellan utbildningar genom ett gemensamt betygssystem. Ett målrelaterat betygs-system är inte jämförbart med ett relativt betygsystem. Lika betygsskala ger i sig inte heller någon jämförbarhet. Variationen mellan länder, lärosäten och utbildningar är stor. Vidare kommer vi att argumentera för att ett flergradigt betygssystem inverkar negativt på studenters lärande. Betyg flyttar studenters fokus från lärandet till bety-gen och effekten blir större om flera grader används.Original Publication:Lars-Ove Dahlgren and Andreas Fejes, ECTS skalan: att mäta eller mota lärande?, 2005, Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, (10), 1, 24-34. http://www.ped.gu.se/biorn/journal/pedfo/pdf-filer/dahlfej.pdfCopyright: Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverig

    Doctoral education as social practice for knowledge development : Conditions and demands encountered by Industry PhD students

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    This article reports on an empirical study of industry PhD students in the Swedish Graduate School for Applied IT and Software Engineering. The students were questioned in semi-structured interviews about their experiences of sharing their postgraduate studies between industrial and academic environments. The results from the first analysis indicate that there are considerable differences between companies in terms of their traditions and their propensity to take part in joint knowledge development with universities. Three types of company environment were identified in this context: (a) research-intense, (b) engineering and (c) consultancy. The focus of this study is on how the type of activity, the difference in time perspective between companies and universities, the competence of other company employees and the character of the thesis project affect the doctoral student’s situation,identity, support and participation in knowledge development.Original Publication:Lillemor Wallgren and Lars-Ove Dahlgren, Doctoral education as social practice for knowledge development: Conditions and demands encountered by Industry PhD students, 2005, Industry & Higher Education, (19), 6, 433-443.Copyright 2005 IP Publishing Ltd. Reproduced by permission.http://www.ippublishing.com

    Two-year change in morphological characteristics of russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) seedlings caused by different arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculations

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    YÖK Tez No: 652820Türkiye'nin karşı karşıya kaldığı tehditlerden biri olan iklim değişikliği ile mücadele kapsamında toprak, bitki örtüsü ve su kaynaklarının sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması konusunda çözüm yolları önerebilecek verilerin ortaya konmasına şiddetle ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Çölleşme, kuraklık ve tuzluluk gibi sorunların olduğu sahalarda gerçekleştirilen ağaçlandırma çalışmalarının başarıya ulaşmasında önemli katkısı olan mikoriza konusunda gerçekleştirilen ormancılık çalışmaları yeterli değildir. Bu çalışma ile kurak saha ağaçlandırma çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek iğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia) fidanlarının elde edilmesine katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma için karasal iklime sahip olan Ekecik, Acıpınar, İncesu, Emirgazi, Karapınar ve Meke Gölü civarındaki ağaçlandırma sahalarında bulunan iğdelerin rizosfer bölgelerinden alınan toprak örneklerinden elde edilen yerel mikorizal mantar karışımları ile ticari mantar karışımları aşılanmış ve hümik asit uygulanmış iğde fidanlarının ikinci yılındaki performansları belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada tamamen tesadüfi parseller yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Fidanların çap, boy, yaprak spesifik yüzey alanı, kök uzunluğu ve ağırlıklarına ilişkin ölçümler alınmış ve bunlardan elde edilen kuru kök yüzdesi, katlılık oranı, gürbüzlük ve Dickson kalite indisleri belirlenmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler yerel mikorizal mantarların fidanların morfolojik özellikleri üzerinde etkili olduklarını göstermiştir. Yerel mikorizal karışım fidanların kök boğazı çapı, fidan boyu, sak ve kök taze ağırlıkları, sak ve kök kuru ağırlıkları, kuru kök yüzdeleri ve Dickson kalite indeksleri üzerinde olumlu etkiler oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen yerel mikorizal karışımın orman fidanlarında kullanılma potansiyeli vardır. Yerel mikorizal karışımların kurak bölgelerdeki restorasyon çalışmalarında dikilecek fidanların yetiştirilmesinde kullanılması önerilmektedir.One of the problems that Turkey's face is climate change. In this context, it is necessary to present data that can propose solutions for the sustainability of soil, vegetation and water resources. Forestry studies on mycorrhiza, which has a significant contribution to the success of afforestation works carried out in areas with problems such as desertification, drought and salinity, are not sufficient. With this study, it is aimed to contribute to obtaining Russian olive seedlings that can be used in arid area afforestation. In the study, the local mycorrhizal fungi collected from the rhizosphere of Black Locust in Central Anatolia Region (Ekecik, Acıpınar, İncesu, Emirgazi, Karapınar and Meke Lake), humic acid and commercial mycorrhizal mixture were used. Four treatments;1-local mycorrhizal mixture, 2-humic acid, 3-local mycorrhizal mixture + humic acid, 4-commercial mycorrhizal mixture and control units were assigned in a completely randomized desing to Russian Olive species. Root collar diameter, shoot height, leaf area index, root length, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, dry root percentage, shot to root dry weight ratio, seedling height to root collar diameter ratio and dickson quality index variables were determined. Analysis of the data indicated that local mycorrhizal fungi were effective on morphological characteristics. The seedling root collar diameter, shoot height, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, dry root percentage and Dickson quality index were significantly affected by local mycorhizal infection. There is a potential to use local mycorrhizal mixture in forestry nurseries. It is recommended that local mycorrhizal mixtures be used for growing seedlings to be planted in arid regions

    Conceptions of learning among teachers and students in higher education. A Swedish-Polish comparative study

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    The article presents conceptions of learning among students and teachers at two European universities, in Linköping (Sweden) and Gdansk (Poland). The research was conducted along the principles of phenomenography by two teams working simultaneously on their respective samples. The strategy of sampling and interviewing, as well as the rules of interpretation, were discussed and kept as similar as possible by both teams. In some cases a procedure of cross-interpretation was applied, another tested i.e. the categories identified by one team as possibly applicable to their own empirical material. The analysis of the Swedish material yielded three different categories describing the conceptions of learning among teachers and students: Learning as change, as completion, and as contextualisation. There is a potential conflict between teachers’ and students’ perspectives in that the students emphasise the relevance for the coming profession, while teachers hold a more academic conception of the nature of learning and the driving forces for learning. In the Polish sample, four categories of learning were discerned: learning as an instrument, as change, as acquisition of knowledge, and as a natural (biological) disposition. In the Polish material a clear distinction between two different milieus for learning, those of institutions and of “real life situations’, has been spotted as critical to the understanding of the nature of learning. The comparative analysis of the outcome of the phenomenographic analyses aims at identifying hypothetical factors of cultural difference that could have influenced both outcome spaces. However, this part merely sketches the issue. The present report is part of a broader project aiming at analysing the conceptions of learning, knowledge, teaching and assessment, and a more complete comparative analysis will only be possible after all the parts are presented

    How to think about interprofessional competence: A metacognitive model

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    Different professions meet and work together in teams every day in health and social care. To identify and deliver the best quality of care for the patient, teamwork should be both professionally and interprofessionally competent. How can enhanced education prepare teamworkers to be both professionally and interprofessionally competent? To achieve interprofessional skills and design effective interprofessional curricula, there is a need for metacognitive frameworks focusing on the relationship between theories and the problem-solving process as well as the structure and content of professional competence. The aim of this article is to discuss the need for shared metacognitive structures/models as a tool for securing successful interprofessional learning and developing personal, professional and interprofessional competence to improve the quality of care. A metacognitive model for interprofessional education and practice is presented in this article. This model has been developed as a tool for analyzing professional competence on three levels: individual, team and organization. The model comprises seven basic components of professional competence and the way they are related and interact. Examples of how this metacognitive model can be used in the early, middle and late stages in interprofessional education are given.Funding Agencies|Faculty of Health Sciences at Linkoping University, Sweden|