44 research outputs found

    Growth cycles: transformation and regional development

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    Departing from the renewed interest within economic history and neo-Schumpeterian perspectives on growth and economic transformation, we will suggest a theoretical framework for analyzing long term regional economic growth and transformation. Emphasis will be given to different driving forces and their various roles over time, lead-lag relations between industries and how divergence and convergence between regions shift cyclically as consequences of technological change, market integration and economic growth. We claim that systemic approaches in general have been neglected in regional science in favor of “neoregionalism” in the sense that the study of regional growth has been focusing for years on regional innovation systems and cluster theories without any regard to systemic relations at all. Using detailed time series data and applying a systemic approach we will follow Swedish regions from the structural crises in the mid 1970s to the starting point of the present financial crises. Our results suggest that there are time lags as well as systemic spatial asymmetries between industries and regions leading to changing patterns of divergence and convergence in the regional system. Furthermore, there are indications that the regional disparities between centre and periphery have increased compared to the situation in the mid 1970s.

    Regional Economies: a Threat to the Nation-State?

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    Who Needs Agglomeration? Varying Agglomeration Externalities and the Industry Life Cycle

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    In this paper, the changing roles of agglomeration externalities during different stages of the industry life cycle are investigated. A central argument is that agglomeration externalities vary with mode of competition, innovation intensity, and characteristics of learning opportunities in industries. Following the Industry Life Cycle perspective, we distinguish between young and mature industries, and investigate how these benefit from MAR, Jacobs’ and Urbanization externalities. The empirical analysis builds on a Swedish plant level dataset that covers the period of 1974-2004.The outcomes of panel data regression models show that the benefits industries derive from their local environment are strongly associated with their stage in the industry life cycle. Whereas MAR externalities increase with the maturity of industries, Jacobs’ externalities decline when industries are more mature. This is in line with the hypothesis that young industries operate in an environment dominated by rapid product innovation and low levels of standardization. Hence, it pays off when knowledge can be sourced locally from many different sources, but there is still little scope for specialization benefits. Mature industries, in contrast, are associated with lower innovation intensities and a focus on cost saving process innovations. Therefore, there are major benefits to be derived from specialization, whereas knowledge spillovers from different industries are less relevant. The distinction between the product competition in young industries and price competition in mature industries is reflected in our finding that high regional factor costs are detrimental to mature industries, but not to young industries. This can also be related to the finding that high quality living environments, attractive for highly paid employees, are important to young industries. Overall, the outcomes stress that industrial life cycles have to be taken into account in the analysis of agglomeration externalities.agglomeration externalities, industry life cycle, urbanization, Sweden

    The Dynamics of Agglomeration Externalities along the Life Cycle of Industries

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    This paper investigates the changing roles of agglomeration externalities along the industry life cycle. We argue that industries have different agglomeration needs in different stages of their life cycles because their mode of competition, innovation intensity, and characteristics of learning opportunities change over time. For 12 Swedish manufacturing industries, we determined for each year between 1974 and 2004 whether the industry was in a young, intermediate, or mature stage. Whereas MAR externalities steadily increased with the maturity of industries, the effect of local diversity (Jacobs’ externalities) was positive for young industries but declined and even became negative for more mature industries

    Growth cycles: transformation and regional development

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    Departing from the renewed interest within economic history and neo-Schumpeterian perspectives on growth and economic transformation, we will suggest a theoretical framework for analyzing long term regional economic growth and transformation. Emphasis will be given to different driving forces and their various roles over time, lead-lag relations between industries and how divergence and convergence between regions shift cyclically as consequences of technological change, market integration and economic growth. We claim that systemic approaches in general have been neglected in regional science in favor of "neoregionalism" in the sense that the study of regional growth has been focusing for years on regional innovation systems and cluster theories without any regard to systemic relations at all. Using detailed time series data and applying a systemic approach we will follow Swedish regions from the structural crises in the mid 1970s to the starting point of the present financial crises. Our results suggest that there are time lags as well as systemic spatial asymmetries between industries and regions leading to changing patterns of divergence and convergence in the regional system. Furthermore, there are indications that the regional disparities between centre and periphery have increased compared to the situation in the mid 1970s.(author's abstract)Series: SRE - Discussion Paper

    Creative destruction and economic welfare in Swedish regions: spatial dimensions of structural change, growth and employment

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    In its aim to explore some of the concrete consequences of regional renewal, this paper deals with the question to what extent dramatic structural transformation and renewal in Swedish regions is paralleled by favourable developments of household income, employment growth and value added total growth. We stud ied the period 1978 to 2004, building on previous research concerning the regional consequences of the dramatic technology-shift process that has been taking place in Sweden. Long-term changes in the relationships between Swedish regions are analysed by establishing conceptual connections between regional long-term economic transformation and welfare. It is argued that there are time- lags as well as systemic spatial asymmetries when it comes to technology- induced restructuring, overall regional economic growth, employment creation, and income growth. We used data from the DEVIL (Databases of Evolutionary Economic Geography in Lund) combined with additional data sets from Statistics Sweden. (authors' abstract)Series: SRE - Discussion Paper

    Production and Innovation Networks . A Regional Matter?

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    Teknikskiften och regional utveckling - ekonomisk omvandling i historisk - geografisk belysning

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