90 research outputs found

    Yield and disease control in winter wheat in southern Sweden during 1977-2005

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    Fungicides are routinely used to prevent yield losses in winter wheat in southern Sweden. Yield and 1000 grain weight (TGW) data from 432 trials in farmers’ fields were evaluated to review long-term yields (1977-2005) and control of eyespot and Leaf Blotch Diseases (LBDs, including Septoria tritici blotch, Stagonospora nodorum blotch and tan spot), powdery mildew, brown rust and yellow rust. Regression analyses revealed that control of LBDs explained 74% of the yield increase achieved by fungicide treatment at GS 45-61, followed by powdery mildew (20%), brown rust (5%) and yellow rust (1%). Yield of both untreated and fungicide-treated plots increased from approx. 6000 to 12000 kg/ha over the period 1983-2005. Single eyespot treatment improved yield by ~320 kg/ha/yr during the period 1977-2002, mainly due to occasional years with severe eyespot. Single leaf disease treatment at GS 45-61 increased mean yield by 10.3% or 810 kg/ha/yr (9.9% or 660 kg/ha/yr for 1983-1994 and 10.7% or 970 kg/ha/yr for 1995-2005) due to increased TGW and grain numbers, especially in high yielding stands. Additional extra early treatment at GS 30-40 against LBDs increased yield by ~250 kg/ha/yr. Estimated variance in yield and TGW was higher between years than within years, while that in yield increase and plant diseases was lower between years than within. The results confirm potential and limits of fungicides and the need for supervised control strategies including factors affecting disease, yield and interactions

    Evaluation of Nordic heritage varieties and NILs for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries syn. T.tritici)

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    A number og wheat varieties from NordGen and Allkorn were tested fro susceptibility to common bunt. Most were susceptible to common bunt which is in line with other screening experiments of randomly selected varieties. However, a few lines not previously known to be resistant were shown to have different resistance genes. None of them however were resistant to all the virulence races tested. NILs developed by MacKey were evaluated and there seem to be a potential for using some of them as differential lines for resistance gene Bt1, Bt5, and Bt9. Purification based on resistant head rows may also develop NILs with resistance to Bt6 and Bt10 and possible also Bt7 from NGB16160. A crossing program of the remaining Bt-genes was started in 2016. The NILs may be used also to support development of genetic markers of the resistance genes

    Klimat, väderlek och växtskydd

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    Växtpatogena svampar orsakar stora skördeförluster årligen på våra grödor, både kvantitativa och kvalitativa. Normalt är konsumenten förskonad från dåliga kvalitéer i butiken eftersom omfattande åtgärder sätts in både före, under och efter odlingen

    Modelling potato yield losses caused by Phytophthora infestans: Aspects of disease growth rate, infection time and temperature under climate change

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    Modelling crop yield loss due to pathogens remains a challenge due to the complex and dynamic interactions involved. Here, we develop a parsimonious dynamic yield loss simulation model that couples a simple epidemiological model of late blight disease with a basic model of potato crop growth. The model is parameterized using 17 years of field data on disease progress of potato late blight and potato yield in southern Sweden. Simulated actual yields (yields obtained under the presence of Phytopthora infestans) correlated well (R2 = 0.66) with the actual yields observed in field trials, using a few widely accessible meteorological variables. The results also underline the impact of disease growth rate and the time of infection on yield losses, with relatively low rates and early onset of the epidemic producing large yield reductions. In addition, the importance of increasing temperature due to climate change on both potato crop and Phytophthora infestans development was simulated, suggesting that higher temperatures may be more detrimental for the pathogen than for the crop. Additional ways to expand the model are discussed, and the inclusion of other diseases and pests are encouraged, indicating the potential to improve disease management in potato production

    FutureBuilt Zero - A simplified dynamic LCA method with requirements for low carbon emissions from buildings

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    FutureBuilt is a voluntary program for ambitious low-carbon construction projects. To incentivize measures that lead to the lowest climate change impact from all aspects of buildings and according to national Paris agreement pledges, FutureBuilt Zero introduces an ambition level and a novel calculation methodology for net climate change impacts over the life of a building. The ambition level is tightened over time to help Norway achieve its climate goals. A comprehensive simplified calculation method is introduced, which considers how the timing of emissions during the building life affects the contribution to global warming. Both direct and indirect emissions throughout the lifetime are included; energy use in operation and at the construction site, material production and transport of materials to the construction site, and waste management (incineration). In addition, the climate-positive effects of biogenic carbon uptake, carbonation of cement, potential for future reusability, and exported energy are included. This paper presents the criteria, describes the method and the scientific basis as well as the principles and logic behind the choices made.publishedVersio

    Kunnskapsstatus om fruktbarhet og samliv i Norge

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    Rapporten gir en oppdatert oversikt over norske studier på områdene fruktbarhet og samliv. Til tross for nedgang de siste årene, ligger fruktbarheten i Norge fortsatt høyere enn i de fleste andre europeiske land. Kunnskapsstatusen viser at det er en nær sammenheng mellom fruktbarheten og en rekke ulike faktorer, som sosioøkonomiske ressurser. På noen områder er det gjort flere studier enn på andre. Det er blant annet blitt gjort en rekke studier av sammenhengen mellom utdanning og fruktbarhet. De senere årene har det også vært gjort flere studier av ulike sider av samliv og parforhold og fruktbarhet. Sammenhengen mellom fruktbarhet og familiepolitikk har også vært en sentral del av fruktbarhetsforskningen. De fleste nordmenn gifter seg fortsatt, men ekteskapene inngås senere i livet. Alderen ved første samlivsinngåelse har imidlertid endret seg lite. En viktig grunn til denne utviklingen er økningen i samboerskap. De fleste nyere studier av samlivsinngåelse tar hensyn til denne utviklingen ved å inkludere samboerskap, og det er i den senere tid gjort en rekke studier av forskjeller mellom samboerskap og ekteskap. Forskningen på samlivsområdet har etter hvert også inkludert personer med innvandrerbakgrunn og likekjønnede par. Men fortsatt finnes det få studier av samboeres partnervalg og brudd blant samboerpar.Prosjektet er finansiert av Barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsdepartementet