162 research outputs found

    Combined electromagnetic and photoreaction modeling of CLD-1 photobleaching in polymer microring resonators

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    By combining a solid-state photoreaction model with the modal solutions of an optical waveguide, we simulate the refractive index change due to the photobleaching of CLD-1 chromophores in an amorphous polycarbonate microring resonator. The simulation agrees well with experimental results. The photobleaching quantum efficiency of the CLD-1 chromophores is determined to be 0.65%. The combined modeling of the electromagnetic wave propagation and photoreaction precisely illustrates the spatial and temporal evolution of the optical properties of the polymer material as manifested in the refractive index and their effects on the modal and physical properties of the optical devices

    Reconfigurable Wavelength-Selective Reflector Consisting of Coupled Polymeric Microring Resonators

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    We propose and demonstrate a novel reconfigurable wavelength-selective reflector for planar lightwave technology based on coupled microring resonators. Narrow-band reflection and strong side-lobe suppression are demonstrated in an optical polymer device using the Vernier effect

    Synthesis of Diarylthiobarbituric acid Chromophores with Enhanced Second-order Optical Nonlinearities and Thermal Stability

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    In summary, the compounds reported here demonstrate that it is possible to design chromophores that simultaneously exhibit large nonlinearity and good thermal stability. Furthermore, with the synthesis of bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)thiobarbituric acid, we believe that it should be possible to covalently incorporate these and other rather nonlinear chromophores into poled polymers at high concentrations. Experiments to test this hypothesis are in progress

    Wide-range tuning of polymer microring resonators by the photobleaching of CLD-1 chromophores

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    We present a simple and effective method for the postfabrication trimming of optical microresonators. We photobleach CLD-1 chromophores to tune the resonance wavelengths of polymer microring resonator optical notch filters. A maximum wavelength shift of ~8.73 nm is observed. The resonators are fabricated with a soft-lithography molding technique and have an intrinsic Q value of 2.6 x 10^4 and a finesse of 9.3. The maximum extinction ratio of the resonator filters is ~34 dB, indicating that the critical coupling condition has been satisfied

    Synthesis of Diarylthiobarbituric acid Chromophores with Enhanced Second-order Optical Nonlinearities and Thermal Stability

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    In summary, the compounds reported here demonstrate that it is possible to design chromophores that simultaneously exhibit large nonlinearity and good thermal stability. Furthermore, with the synthesis of bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)thiobarbituric acid, we believe that it should be possible to covalently incorporate these and other rather nonlinear chromophores into poled polymers at high concentrations. Experiments to test this hypothesis are in progress