166 research outputs found

    Du non-lieu au lieu : pratique spatiale et construction identitaire dans Texaco, de Patrick Chamoiseau

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : ThĂšses et mĂ©moires - FAS - DĂ©partement de littĂ©rature comparĂ©e]Le prĂ©sent ouvrage propose une lecture spatiale du roman Texaco, de l’auteur martiniquais Patrick Chamoiseau. Texaco retrace l’histoire de la Martinique, principalement celle de sa population noire crĂ©olophone, depuis le XIXe siĂšcle – Ă©poque de la traite et de l’esclavage – jusqu’à la fin du XXe siĂšcle. ConsidĂ©rant que l’identitĂ© d’un individu (ou d’une communautĂ©) est Ă©troitement corrĂ©lĂ©e au rapport qu’entretient celui-ci avec son espace de vie, notre travail vise Ă  mettre au jour les particularitĂ©s identitaires des personnages du roman au travers d’une analyse des espaces qu’ils occupent et façonnent dans le rĂ©cit. En nous appuyant sur des concepts spatiaux empruntĂ©s Ă  Henri Lefebvre (l’espace tripartite), Ă  Michel de Certeau (le lieu, l’espace et la pratique spatiale) et Ă  Marc AugĂ© (le lieu et le non-lieu), nous souhaitons montrer de quelle maniĂšre et dans quelle mesure ces diffĂ©rentes entitĂ©s spatiales expriment, consolident ou oblitĂšrent l’identitĂ© singuliĂšre des personnages chamoisiens, c’est-Ă -dire leur « crĂ©olitĂ© ».This work presents a spatial analysis of the novel Texaco, written by the Martinican author Patrick Chamoiseau. Texaco follows the story of Martinique, mainly its black Creole population, from the 19th century – the time of slave trade and slavery – until the end of the 20th century. Considering that the identity of an individual (or a community) is closely related to the link it maintains with its living space, our work aims to unveil the particularities of identity of the characters through the analysis of the spaces they occupy and create. Basing ourselves on spatial concepts borrowed from Henri Lefebvre (the tripartite space), Michel de Certeau (the space, the place and the spatial practices) and Marc AugĂ© (the place and the non-place), we wish to show how and to what extent those different spaces express, consolidate or obliterate the distinct identity of Chamoisian characters, in other words their “creoleness”

    ToxicocinĂ©tique du mercure chez le dorĂ© et la perchaude dans les lacs de la forĂȘt borĂ©ale

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    Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d'une Ă©tude portant sur les effets sanitaires du mercure (Hg) et de son principal dĂ©rivĂ© organique, le mĂ©thylmercure (MeHg), chez le dorĂ© jaune (Sander vitreus) et la perchaude (Perca flavescens) capturĂ©s dans quatre lacs de la rĂ©gion de l'Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue (QuĂ©bec, Canada). EffectuĂ© en aoĂ»t 2005, ce projet s'insĂšre dans le cadre des travaux du RĂ©seau collaboratif de recherche sur le mercure (COMERN) subventionnĂ© par le CRSNG. Les principaux objectifs de l'Ă©tude consistaient Ă  : i) examiner la toxicocinĂ©tique du Hg total/MeHg dans les tissus musculaire et hĂ©patique du dorĂ© jaune, ainsi qu'Ă  : ii) Ă©valuer les effets physiologiques et biochimiques de l'accumulation du Hg total/MeHg chez le dorĂ© jaune et la perchaude Ă  l'aide d'une sĂ©rie de bioindicateurs. Il s'agissait plus spĂ©cifiquement de dĂ©terminer l'impact du Hg total/MeHg sur la condition gĂ©nĂ©rale et le systĂšme de dĂ©toxification du glutathion (GSH) de spĂ©cimens collectĂ©s Ă  partir de sites peu impactĂ©s par ces xĂ©nobiotiques (0,3-0,79 ppm Hg total dans la chair). À la lumiĂšre des analyses de Hg total/MeHg dans les muscles et les foies de dorĂ©s jaunes, le volet toxicocinĂ©tique rĂ©vĂšle des diffĂ©rences significatives dans le taux d'accumulation du Hg total/MeHg entre les spĂ©cimens des diffĂ©rents lacs Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. Des diffĂ©rences ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es au niveau de la cinĂ©tique du Hg total/MeHg entre les tissus musculaire et hĂ©patique. Nos rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent en outre la prĂ©sence d'un lent processus de dĂ©mĂ©thylation hĂ©patique chez les spĂ©cimens des trois lacs oĂč les teneurs en Hg total dans les chairs Ă©taient les plus faibles. Le volet physiologique et biochimique indique que les dorĂ©s du lac Malartic, soit les poissons de notre Ă©chantillonnage avec les teneurs en MeHg dans les foies les plus Ă©levĂ©es possĂšdent un indice hĂ©patosomatique (HSI) et une activitĂ© enzymatique de la glutathion S-tranfĂ©rase (GST) significativement plus faibles. Le HSI est nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ© Ă  la concentration hĂ©patique en Hg total. L'activitĂ© des enzymes GST et de la glutathion rĂ©ductase (GR) est reliĂ©e au HSI. Dans le lac Desjardins-Est, les perchaudes prĂ©sentent les plus fortes concentrations hĂ©patiques de MeHg. Chez ces spĂ©cimens, l'activitĂ© des enzymes GST et de la glutathion peroxydase dĂ©pendant du sĂ©lĂ©nium (GSH-Px SD) est nĂ©gativement corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la concentration hĂ©patique de MeHg. Cette Ă©tude dĂ©montre que le Hg et le MeHg peuvent induire des effets physiologiques et cellulaires adverses chez le dorĂ© jaune et la perchaude et ce, Ă  des concentrations environnementales significatives, mais faibles.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : toxicocinĂ©tique, mercure/mĂ©thylmercure, poissons, glutathion, lac

    Manquer de regard : enjeux intermédiatiques du texte et de l'image chez Julie Doucet et Ken Lum

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Distinguishing developmental from chronic career indecision : Self-efficacy, autonomy, and social support

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    Career indecision can be divided into two categories: developmental and chronic indecision. The former is generally viewed as a developmentally normal problem resulting from a lack of information on the self and on the world of work, whereas the latter is defined as a pervasive inability to make a decision about one’s career. The goals of the present study were to test the validity of this typology of career indecision and to explain these types of indecision as a function of self-efficacy, autonomy, and support from parents and friends. Based on a 3-year longitudinal design with college students (N = 325), results provided validity for this typology by revealing the presence of two indecision groups (chronically undecided and developmentally undecided) and a group of students who are decided. In addition, results indicated that self-efficacy and autonomy are important dimensions that make it possible to distinguish between these three groups

    Online Intervention as Strategy to Reach Men Who Have Sex With Other Men and Who Use Substances in a Sexual Context. Development of the MONBUZZ.ca Project

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    Men who have sex with men (MSM) use more psychoactive substances and a greater variety of them compared to their heterosexual peers. In this population, substance use is particularly characterized by polydrug use, binge, and sexualized substance use. MSM who use substances do not recognize themselves in public health messages targeting substance users. In addition, they recognize their problematic substance use later than heterosexuals and, as a result, they use addiction services later in their addiction trajectories. When accessing addiction services, the links between drug use and sexual life are rarely considered. Because of this profile, online interventions are a promising way to reach this hard-to-reach population. Currently available online interventions targeting MSM address the topics of substance use and sexual life separately. To deal with this situation, our team wanted to develop an online intervention platform for MSM who use substances in a sexual context. Given that online addiction interventions do not address sex and that MSM drug use is highly related to sexual activity, we first explored the literature related to online interventions targeting MSM and HIV risk behaviors, as well as online interventions targeting general population in order to: (1) identify relevant (or personalized) intervention methods; (2) describe the approaches used; and (3) describe their effects. Second, we turned to the literature to develop the MONBUZZ.ca project in collaboration with community organizations. The results of the narrative review provided a critical portrait of online interventions for MSM and guided the development process of MONBUZZ.ca. We discuss issues of co-development of a research and brief intervention tool based on promising practices as well as challenges of its implementation and evaluation

    Mercury and methylmercury concentrations in high altitude lakes and fish (Arctic charr) from the French Alps related to watershed characteristics

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    International audienceTotal mercury (THg) andmethylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were measured in the muscle of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and in the water column of 4 lakes that are located in the French Alps. Watershed characteristics were determined (6 coverage classes) for each lake in order to evaluate the influence of watershed composition on mercury and methylmercury concentrations in fish muscle and in the water column. THg and MeHg concentrations in surface water were relatively low and similar among lakes and watershed characteristics play a major role in determining water column Hg and MeHg levels. THg muscle concentrations for fish with either a standardized length of 220 mm, a standardized age of 5 years or for individualuals did not exceed the 0.5 mg kg−1 fish consumption advisory limit established for Hg by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1990). These relatively low THg concentrations can be explained by watershed characteristics, which lead to short Hg residence time in the water column, and also by the short trophic chain that is characteristic of mountain lakes. Growth rate did not seem to influence THg concentrations in fish muscles of these lakes and we observed no relationship between fish Hg concentrations and altitude. This study shows that in the French Alps, high altitude lakes have relatively low THg and MeHg concentrations in both the water column and in Arctic charr populations. Therefore, Hg does not appear to present a danger for local populations and the fishermen of these lakes

    Distinguishing developmental from chronic career indecision: Self-efficacy, autonomy, and social support

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    Career indecision can be divided into two categories: developmental and chronic indecision. The former is generally viewed as a developmentally normal problem resulting from a lack of information on the self and on the world of work, whereas the latter is defined as a pervasive inability to make a decision about one's career. The goals of the present study were to test the validity of this typology of career indecision and to explain these types of indecision as a function of self-efficacy, autonomy, and support from parents and friends. Based on a 3-year longitudinal design with college students (N = 325), results provided validity for this typology by revealing the presence of two indecision groups (chronically undecided and developmentally undecided) and a group of students who are decided. In addition, results indicated that self-efficacy and autonomy are important dimensions that make it possible to distinguish between these three groups

    Over winter microbial processes in a Svalbard snow pack:an experimental approach

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    International audienceSnow packs cover large expanses of Earth’s land surface, making them integral components of the cryosphere in terms of past climate and atmospheric proxies, surface albedo regulators, insulators for other Arctic environments and habitats for diverse microbial communities such as algae, bacteria and fungi. Yet, most of our current understanding of snow pack environments, specifically microbial activity and community interaction, is limited to the main microbial growing season during spring ablation. At present, little is known about microbial activity and its influence on nutrient cycling during the subfreezing temperatures and 24-h darkness of the polar winter. Here, we examined microbial dynamics in a simulated cold (−5°C), dark snow pack to determine polar winter season microbial activity and its dependence on critical nutrients. Snow collected from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard was incubated in the dark over a 5-week period with four different nutrient additions, including glacial mineral particles, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and a combined treatment of DIN plus DIP. Data indicate a consumption of dissolved inorganic nutrients, particularly DIN, by heterotrophic communities, suggesting a potential nitrogen limitation, contradictory to phosphorus limitations found in most aquatic environments. 16S amplicon sequencing also reveal a clear difference in microbial community composition in the particulate mineral treatment compared to dissolved nutrient treatments and controls, suggesting that certain species of heterotrophs living within the snow pack are more likely to associate with particulates. Particulate phosphorus analyses indicate a potential ability of heterotrophic communities to access particulate sources of phosphorous, possibly explaining the lack of phosphorus limitation. These findings have importance for understanding microbial activity during the polar winter season and its potential influences on the abundance and bioavailability of nutrients released to surface ice and downstream environments during the ablation season
